The New Student's Reference Work/Annam

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Anam′, a country, forming part of the peninsula of Indo-China, bordering on the China Sea, and lying between the Gulf of Siam and the Gulf of Tonquin. It is flanked on the west by Siam and on the north by China. Today, it forms, with Cambodia, Tonquin and Cochin-China, the chief Asiatic possession of France. It has an estimated population of 6,124,000, and an area of 52,100 square miles. It was acquired by France in 1884, and the affairs of the protectorate are under the control of the French government. Three of its ports are open to European and American commerce. Its exports include, besides rice and raw silk, sugar, cinnamon and medicinal plants. Hué is the capital with a population of 50,000. See Cochin-China.