The New Student's Reference Work/Diocletian, Valerius Diocletianus

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2437180The New Student's Reference Work — Diocletian, Valerius Diocletianus

Diocletian (dī′ō̇-klē′shan), Valerius Diocletianus, a Roman emperor, was born in Dalmatia in 245, and reigned from 284 to 305. He entered the army and held important commands under the Emperors Probus and Aurelian. After the death of Numerianus he was chosen to succeed him by the troops at Chalcedon. With his reign began a new form of government in Rome. He appointed Maximian as his companion in authority, styling him Augustus, and soon after he appointed Constantius Chlorus and Galerius as subordinate rulers, each with the title of Caesar. Each of the four rulers had a different capital and governed a different region. In 305 Diocletian, being worn out by work, resigned his position as emperor and went to Salona, in Dalmatia, where he died eight years later. His reign has become memorable for the persecution of the Christians.