The New Student's Reference Work/Iturbide, Don Augustin

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80960The New Student's Reference Work — Iturbide, Don Augustin

Iturbide (ē′ to͞or-bē′ thā́), Don Augustin, emperor of Mexico, was the son of a Biscayan nobleman and a rich Creole.  He was born at Valladolid, Mexico, in 1783.  In May, 1822, he ascended the throne of Mexico as emperor, under the name of Augustin I, and the congress declared the crown hereditary in his family.  He was rather a despotic sovereign. His reign was full of trouble, and came to an end in less than a year by his abdication of the throne, March 20, 1823.  He was banished to Italy with a pension.  He attempted in 1824 to regain his crown, and was shot.