The New Student's Reference Work/Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hop′kins University at Baltimore, Md., was founded, by Johns Hopkins (q. v.), a wealthy citizen of the Maryland town. In viewing the institution, Johns Hopkins Hospital, with its world-famed medical school, must be included, for the separate organizations founded by Johns Hopkins are under the same general management. For founding the hospital and university, Johns Hopkins gave the sum of $7,000,000. The university was incorporated in 1867 and opened in 1876; the hospital was opened in 1889; and students were received at the medical school in 1893. Johns Hopkins University is preeminently a graduate-school, providing facilities for advanced work in philosophical and scientific studies. For its advanced work it ranks with the leading universities of Europe. There, however, is maintained an adequate undergraduate department. The professors and instructors number 200 and the students 800. In 1902 the university was presented with a magnificent park lying on the outskirts of the city which is to become the future home of all the departments but that of medicine, which is established in connection with the extensive hospital-buildings on Broadway.