The New Student's Reference Work/Toronto, Can.

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36194The New Student's Reference Work — Toronto, Can.

Toron′to, Can., capital of Ontario is on the northern shore of Lake Ontario.  The harbor at its front is formed by an island lying south of it.  We first hear of it as a trading-fort built by the French in 1749 and named Fort Rouille.  Later it was known as York.  It was incorporated as a city in 1834 with the name of Toronto.  It is the legal, educational and legislative center of the province.  Osgoode Hall with its court-rooms and law-library, named after Chief Justice Osgoode and centrally located in spacious grounds, is a center of attraction for visitors.  The parliament-buildings, stately and handsome brown-stone structures in the park, and the group of buildings near by, devoted to the growing work of the University of Toronto, deservedly are objects of local pride.  The main building of the university is, architecturally, one of the most imposing on the continent.  Near these are Wycliffe, McMaster, Victoria and St. Michael’s Colleges and, at no great distance, Knox and Trinity Colleges.  The educational institutions attract 10,000 students.  Only a few universities in the world have a larger roll-call than Toronto University.  The city rises gradually from the lake northwards, and a number of streets in its northern portion, the residential part, are noticeably beautiful.  Industrially Toronto is making great progress.  The value of the annual output is near $100,000,000.  One department-store alone (T. Eaton Company) employs 4,000 hands.  In 1906 electric power was brought to the city from Niagara Falls, and cheap power unlimited in quantity so easily obtained will attract capital and further build up industries.  The city is well-provided with hospitals, libraries, churches and parks.  Its electric railway has nearly 100 miles of track, and each year carries nearly as many millions of passengers.  The leading railways, the Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunk and Canadian Northern, contribute to its growth.  Steamers, passengers and freight cross to Niagara (Lake Erie) and to Kingston and points east, including Montreal and Quebec, across Lake Ontario.  Americans in great numbers visit Toronto each summer.  The island, stretching along the front of the city, dotted with summer residences and hotels and overlooking the great lake, is attractive to citizens and visitors alike.  Its ready accessibility (within a few minutes of the heart of the city) makes it a most valuable asset.  Population (1910), 342,000.  See Canada and Ontario.