The New Student's Reference Work/Wat Tyler

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Wat Ty′ler, the leader of a rebellion in England in the reign of Richard II. A poll-tax was levied on every one over 15 years of age, which was very odious to the people. When Walter the Tiler killed a taxgatherer who had insulted his daughter, the people were ready to rally around him. The insurgents numbered 100,000 by the time they had reached London, where they took possession of the Tower and put to death the Archbishop of Canterbury and others. The first demands of the rebels were granted, but Tyler grew insolent and was killed by the mayor of London (June 15, 1381). Richard II, in his 16th year, took command of the rebels, and succeeded in leading them back to their homes, but when they were once scattered the promises made to them were not kept, and many of them were severely punished.