The New York Times/1865/4/15/Extra

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4476943The New York Times, 1865, 4, 15 — Collision




A Nation Mourns.

Death of President Lincoln.

Official Announcement from Secretary Stanton.

Additional Details of the Fearful Tragedy.


Ten Thousand Dollars Reward Offered for the Arrest of the Assassin.

Mr. Seward's Condition Unchanged.

War Department, Washington
Saturday, April 15, 1865—4:10 A.M.

To Major-Gen. Dix:

The President continues insensible and is sinking.

Secretary Seward remains without change.

Frederick Seward's skull is fractured in two places, besides a severe cut upon the head.

The attendant is still alive, but hopeless. May. Seward's wound is not dangerous.

IT is now ascertained with reasonable certainty that two assassins were engaged in the horrible crime, Wilkes Booth being the one that shot the President, and the other a companion of his whose name is not known, but whose description is so clear that he cannot hardly escape. It appears from a letter found in Booth's trunk that the murder was planned before the 4th of March, but fell through then because the accomplice backed out until "Richmond could be heard from." Booth and his accomplice were at the livery stable at six o'clock last evening, and left there with their horses about ten o'clock, or shortly before that hour.

It would seem that they had for several days been seeking their chance, but for some unknown reason it was not carried into effect until last night.

One of them has evidently made his way to Baltimore—the other has not yet been traced.

Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War.

War Department, Washington, April 15.

Major-Gen. Dix:

Abraham Lincoln died this morning at twenty-two minutes after seven o'clock.

Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War.

Dispatch to the Associated Press.

President Lincoln died this morning at 712 o'clock.

Maj.-Gen Augur, commanding the Department of Washington, has offered a reward of ten thousand dollars to the party or parties arresting the murderer of the President, and the assassin of the Secretary of State and his son.

This morning, at six o'clock, there was no change in the condition of Secretary Seward.

The Chronicle of this morning says a letter found in J. Wilkes Booth's trunk identifies him as the murderer of the President.