The New York Times/1918/11/11/For War Fund Supervision

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Union Declares Large Sums Went to Pockets of Collectors.

As part of its campaign for the passage of the bill for the Federal supervision of war charities the American Victory Union yesterday sent out a statement asserting that large sums collected for war charities had been put into the pockets of the collectors. The statement included also indorsement of the campaign now being conducted by the United War Work Committee to raise $250,000,000 for the work of the Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., the Knights of Columbus, the Jewish Welfare Board, the War Camp Community Service, the American Library Association, and the Salvation Army.

The statement alleges that the total gathered by dishonest committees is about $25,000,000, and it says the bill introduced by Senator Ashurst will prevent illegal collecting of funds for all charities, even after the end of the war. Many of these committees are still operating, the Union says.