The Old Guard/Volume 1/Issue 1/New England Ruling the Middle and Western States

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The Old Guard
Volume 1, Issue 1 (January, 1863): New England Ruling the Middle and Western States
113878The Old GuardVolume 1, Issue 1 (January, 1863): New England Ruling the Middle and Western States

To realize how completely the New England school of politicians has seized the Government of the United States, we have only to refer to the following list of the chairmen of all the important committees of the Senate:

Committee. Chairman. Where from.
Foreign Relations. Sumner. New England.
Finance. Fessenden. New England.
Miltary Affairs Wilson. New England.
Naval Affairs. Hale. New England.
Post Offices. Collamer. New England.
Pensions. Foster. New England.
Claims. Clark. New England.
Public Buildings. Foote. New England.
Conting’t Expenses. Dixon. New England.

Practically, the United States Senate might just about as well meet in Boston as in Washington. The same preponderance of Yankee abolitionism is found in the committees of the Lower House. The fifteen millions of people in the Middle and Western States are used as a tail to the New England abolition kite. These sharpers of New England thus control over $800,000,000 per annum of the money of the country. The great States of New York, Pennsylvania, and of the West, have comparatively no voice in the management of the finance of the country. Its monetary and political destiny are in the hands of a set of abolition colporteurs and crazy fanatics. If a contry thus used and thus abused can survive, either financially or politically, it will be a miracle indeed.

Beecher, in a late speech, boasted that "New England rules the United States." He might have said that it is determined to rule or ruin the United States, and that it has very nearly accomplished the latter. But the Middle and the Western States will some day throw off the abolition yoke. That day is at hand.