The Pathway of Roses/end matter

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2059089The Pathway of Roses — end matterChristian D. Larson









It is only a few years, not more than a quarter of a century, since modern psychology began to proclaim the new science of human thought and action, so that we have had but a short time to demonstrate what a more intelligent application of our energies and forces can accomplish. But already the evidence is coming in from all sources, revealing results that frequently border upon the extraordinary. Man can do far more with himself and his life than he has been doing in the past; he can call into action, and successfully apply, far more ability, energy, and worth than his forefathers ever imagined.

It is the purpose of this book not only to discuss these greater powers and possibilities in man, but also to present practical methods through which they may be applied, and to encourage as many as possible to study and apply these greater powers within them so that they may not only become greater and richer and more worthy as individuals, but may also become the forerunners of that higher and more wonderful race of which we all have so fondly dreamed.


  1. The Ruling Principle in Man.
  2. How We Govern the Forces We Possess.
  3. The Use of Mind in Practical Action.
  4. The Forces of the Subconscious.
  5. Training the Subconscious for Special Results.
  6. The Power of Subjective Thought.
  7. How Man Becomes What He Thinks.
  8. The Art of Changing for the Better.
  9. He Can Who Thinks He Can.
  10. How We Secure What we Persistently Desire.
  11. Concentration and the Power Back of Suggestion.
  12. The Development of the Will.
  13. The Building of a Great Mind.
  14. How Character Determines Constructive Action.
  15. The Art of Building Character.
  16. The Creative Forces in Man.
  17. The Building Power of Constructive Speech.
  18. Imagination and the Master Mind.
  19. The Higher Forces in Man.
  20. The Greatest Power in Man.

This book will help you to think with your whole mind; to make your thinking whole-hearted instead of half-hearted. It will teach you to make every action firm, strong, positive, and determined. It will help you to put your whole soul into everything that you say, think, or do, and to utilise and develop the will to its full capacity.

Cloth, 7¾ × 5¼. 329 pp. 6s. 6d. net; post free, 6s. 10d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

The Pathway of Roses



This book has been written especially for those awakened souls, so numerous in this rare century, who would open their minds to all that is rich, all that is lofty, all that is beautiful, and all that is inspiring in life; who would know and understand the finer things in human existence—those things which, to be in touch with, make all other things worth while; who would ofttimes arise to those greater heights of thought and vision from whence the eye may behold the vastness, the glory, and the splendour of it all, and the mind understand that life in reality is a beautiful thing; who would touch the spirit of loftier realms and array themselves with that greater strength, that more wonderful power that makes woman noble, man great, and the soul of humanity divine; who would so live that the dreams of the night shall rise with the morning, but shall not depart with the setting sun—it is to men and women such as these that we recommend THE PATHWAY OF ROSES.


  1. Paths to the Life Beautiful.
  2. The Way of Freedom.
  3. The Supreme Point of View.
  4. The True Order of Things.
  5. The Good That Is in You.
  6. Giving Your Best to the World.
  7. Giving Much and Receiving Much.
  8. And All Things Shall Be Added.
  9. When Life is Worth Living.
  10. The Way, the Truth, and the Life.
  11. To Know and Think the Truth.
  12. Finding the Lost Word.
  13. The Royal Path to Wisdom.
  14. The Golden Path to Increase.
  15. The Life More Abundant.
  16. Human Nature Becoming Divine Nature.
  17. A Sublime State of Existence.
  18. A Foretaste of Heaven.
  19. The Vision of the Soul.
  20. The Infinite Revealed.
  21. Return Ye Unto God.
  22. Prayers That Are Answered.
  23. The Faith That Moves Mountains.
  24. The Winds and the Waves Shall Obey My Will.
  25. For I Have Overcome The World.
  26. The Supreme Purpose of Life.
  27. The Psalm of Rejoicing.
  28. God's Beautiful Gift to Me.

The thinking world of to-day is being filled with a phase of thought that has exceptional value, containing within itself the very life of that truth that is making the world free. But in the finding of this truth, and in the application of its principles, where are we to begin? What are we to do first? And after we have begun, and find ourselves in the midst of a life so large, so immense, and so marvellous that it will require eternity to live it all, what are the great essentials that we should ever remember and apply? What are the great centres of life about which we may build a greater and a greater life? These are questions that thousands are asking to-day, and the answer may be found in THE PATHWAY OF ROSES.

Cloth, 7¾ × 5¼. 360 pp. 6s. 6d. net; post free, 6s. 10d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

How the Mind Works



This book is the latest of all; and it deals with a subject that is of vital interest to all students of modern metaphysics, the new psychology and practical idealism.

Man is as he thinks; therefore he can change himself, his life, and even his circumstances, by changing his thought. But before he can change his thought he must understand those laws and processes through which thought is produced; that is, he must know how the mind works.

This book will explain. It will tell you exactly how the mind works; how you can control and apply, as you may desire, the laws of the mind; how you can think what you want to think, and thus apply, according to plan and purpose, the full power of thought. In brief, it is a book that will tell you how to use your own mind; and than this nothing can be more important.


Chapter I.— The Greatest Power in Man.
Chapter II.— The Best Use of the Mind.
Chapter III.— What Determines Mental Action.
Chapter IV.— The Leading Metaphysical Law.
Chapter V.— How the Mind Makes the Man.
Chapter VI.— How Mental Pictures Become Realities.
Chapter VII.— The Increase of Mental Power.
Chapter VIII.— The Within and the Without.
Chapter IX.— Finding Your Place in Life.
Chapter X.— When All Things Work for Good.
Chapter XI.— With What Measure Ye Mete.
Chapter XII.— Finding Material for Mind Building.
Chapter XIII.— Building the Superior Mind.
Chapter XIV.— The Secret of the Master Mind.
Chapter XV.— The Power of Mind over Body.
Chapter XVI.— The Power of Mind over Destiny.
Chapter XVII.— The X-Ray Power of the Mind.
Chapter XVIII.— When Mind is Broad and Deep.
Chapter XIX.— The Greatest Mind of All.
Chapter XX.— When Mind Is on the Heights.

Cloth, 7¾ x 5¼, 199 pp. 4s. 6d. net; post free, 4s. 10d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London E.C.

Business Psychology



A New Book For The Business Man—The Business Woman—For All Who Take Part In The World's Work—And For All Who Wish To Apply The Principles of The New Psychology To The Industrial And Commercial Worlds. And All Who Wish To Succeed Must Apply Those Principles To Their Work In This Age.

This is not a book of theory. It is a book that explains how. And of every idea or principle presented, men who have done things can say, "It Works."


Chapter I.— Laws and Methods that Insure Success.
Chapter II.— The Four Great Essentials to Business Success.
Chapter III.— General Rules in Attainment and Achievement.
Chapter IV.— The Need of a Powerful Individuality.
Chapter V.— The Science of Business Success.
Chapter VI.— The Threefold Basis of Business Success.
Chapter VII.— The Seven Factors in Business Success.
Chapter VIII.— The Use of the Mind in Practical Achievement.
Chapter IX.— Practical Rules in Business Psychology.
Chapter X.— The New Way of Doing Things.
Chapter XI.— How Great Gains Are Realised.
Chapter XII.— The Psychological Moment.
Chapter XIII.— The Power of Personal Appearance.
Chapter XIV.— The Use and Cultivation of Personal Magnetism.
Chapter XV.— How To Use the Power of Desire.
Chapter XVI.— How To Use the Power of Will.
Chapter XVII.— The New Meaning of Good Business.

Every chapter literally teems with ideas and methods of inestimable value; and every page is thoroughly alive. It is a book that will hold your attention from beginning to end—a book that will give you information, inspiration, push, power, and go. Get it now, for it deals with the biggest subject in the business world to-day.

Cloth, 7¾ × 5¼. 190 pp. 4s. 6d. net; post free, 4s. 10d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

What is Truth?



The greatest question before the mind of man always has been, and always will be, WHAT IS TRUTH? It is a theme, therefore, that is always new—a theme that ever holds the deepest of interest for all who desire to know. And every book that deals with this theme in a broad, comprehensive, original manner will be more than welcome everywhere. And we claim that this is such a book. We also claim that all who read this book will not only gain a larger, a higher, and a more interior conception of truth, but will, in addition, secure that finer vision of real truth that mankind in general has never been able to discern.


Chapter I.— The Meaning of Truth.
Chapter II.— How to Know the Truth.
Chapter III.— How to Seek the Truth.
Chapter IV.— Where to Find the Truth.
Chapter V.— Where We Get Our Ideas.
Chapter VI.— The Two Sides of Truth.
Chapter VII.— Striking Illustrations of Half-Truths.
Chapter VIII.— The Subconscious Factor.
Chapter IX.— The Real and the Unreal.
Chapter X.— In Reality Everything Is Good.
Chapter XI.— Causing the Best to Happen.
Chapter XII.— The Truth About Right and Wrong.
Chapter XIII.— The Truth About Freedom.
Chapter XIV.— The Royal Path to Freedom.
Chapter XV.— The Truth Beyond Truth.
Chapter XVI.— Decernment of Absolute Truth.

Cloth, 7¾ × 5¼. 185 pp. 4s. 6d. net; post free, 4s. 10d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

How to Stay Young


How to Stay Young


Introduction.—Conclusive Reasons Why Man Should Learn to Stay Young.
Chapter I.—According to Exact Science Man Can Do Whatever He Learns to Do, and He Can Learn Anything.
Chapter II.—When Man Learns to Be Himself He Will Stay Young Without Trying.
Chapter III.—Why Man Looks Old Though Nature Gives Him a New Body Every Year.
Chapter IV.—Growing Old Is a Race Habit That Can Be Removed.
Chapter V.—Eliminate the Consciousness of Age By Living in the Great Eternal Now.
Chapter VI.—Training the Subconscious to Produce Perpetually the Elements of Youth.
Chapter VII.— Conscious Harmony With the Law of Perpetual Renewal.
Chapter VIII.— Why Experience Produces Age When Its Real Purpose Is To Perpetuate Youth.
Chapter IX.— All Thinking Should Animate the Mind and Invigorate the Body.
Chapter X.— Mental States That Produce Conditions of Age, and How to Remove Them.
Chapter XI.— Mental States That Perpetuate Youth.
Chapter XII.— Live for the Purpose of Advancement, Attainment, and Achievement.
Chapter XIII.— Love Your Work, and Know That You Can Work As Long As You Can Love.
Chapter XIV.— Perpetual Enjoyment Goes Hand in Hand With Perpetual Youth.
Chapter XV.— Live In the Upper Story, and On the Sunny Side.
Chapter XVI.— The Ideal, The Beautiful, The Worthy, and The Great Should Be the Constant Companions of the Soul.
Chapter XVII.— To Love Always Is to Be Young Always.
Chapter XVIII.— How to Live a Life That Will Perpetuate Youth.
Chapter XIX.— Regularity In All Things; Moderation In All Things.
Chapter XX.— The Rejuvenating Power of Sleep When Properly Slept.
Chapter XXI.— The Necessity of Perfect Health, and How to Secure It.
Chapter XXII.— Live in the Absolute Conviction That It Is Natural to Stay Young.
Chapter XXIII.— What To Do With Birthdays.
Chapter XXIV.— How Long We Live Upon Earth.
Chapter XXV.— A New Picture of the Coming Years.

Cloth, 7¾ × 5¼. Over 200 pp. 4s. 6d. net; post free, 4s. 10d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

The Ideal Made Real

or Applied Metaphysics for Beginners

We can make life rich, wholesome, and ideal; the Ideal can be made Real; there is a science and an art of ideal living; there is an open door to better things; you can make your dreams come true now and live a life that is full and complete now; you can realise your heart's desire and reach the very highest goal you may have in view. How to begin is the one question that thousands are asking to-day.


  1. The Ideal Made Real.
  2. How to Begin. The Prime Essential.
  3. The First Steps in Ideal Living.
  4. The Ideal and the Real Made One.
  5. The First Steps Towards Emancipation.
  6. Paths to Perpetual Increase.
  7. Consider the Lilies.
  8. Count It All Joy.
  9. The True Use of Kindness and Sympathy.
  10. Talk Health, Happiness, and Prosperity.
  11. What Determines the Destiny of Man.
  12. To Him That Hath Shall Be Given.
  13. The Life That Is Worth Living.
  14. When All Things Become Possible.
  15. The Art of Getting What Is Wanted.
  16. Paths to Happiness.
  17. Creating Ideal Surroundings.
  18. Changing Your Own Fate.
  19. Building Your Own Ideal World.

"The Ideal Made Real" is a large book of over two hundred and sixty pages, and contains the very cream of all that is known on applied metaphysics. It is clear, simple, forceful, scientific, and practical in every form and manner, and is thoroughly alive with the rich, the high, the beautiful, the ideal, the sublime. It is a great inspiration from beginning to end; and, above all, contains the answer to the great question, how to begin to make real the ideal, now.

Cloth, 7¾ × 5¼. 270 pp. 4s. 6d. net; post free, 4s. 10d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

How To Stay Well



We no longer believe it is necessary for any one to have poor health; we now know that everybody can get well, and stay well all through life. The secret is to know how to use the greater powers of our own mind and soul—those powers which, when awakened and applied, can positively remove any ailment that may exist in the human system. This new book, HOW TO STAY WELL, explains exactly what those powers are, and gives practical methods on how to use them—methods that anyone can understand.


Chapter I.— The New Way to Perfect Health.
Chapter II.— The Metaphysical Process of Cure.
Chapter III.— The Curative Power of Thought.
Chapter IV.— The Inner Force of Thought.
Chapter V.— Renew Your Mind and Be Well.
Chapter VI.— How the Mind Can Produce Health.
Chapter VII.— How to Maintain Perfect Health.
Chapter VIII.— The Real Man Is Always Well.
Chapter IX.— Realising The Perfect Health Within.
Chapter X.— Purity of Mind and Body.
Chapter XI.— The Happiness Cure.
Chapter XII.— How to Rest and Recuperate.
Chapter XIII.— Letting Go of Your Ailments.
Chapter XIV.— How the Subconscious Creates Health.
Chapter XV.— The Power of Mind Over Body.
Chapter XVI.— The Relation of Mind and Matter.
Chapter XVII.— The Greater Powers in Man.
Chapter XVIII.— The Higher Curative Forces.
Chapter XIX.— The Use of Spiritual Power.
Chapter XX.— How to Enter the Silence.
Chapter XXI.— The Use of Positive Affirmations.
Chapter XXII.— Statements of Truth and Selected Affirmations.
Chapter XXIII.— Chief Essentials in Prevention and Cure.
Chapter XXIV.— Practical Helps to Good Health.

Remember there is nothing mysterious in this book. It deals with the greatest power in man, but makes everything perfectly plain, and contains a mine of most important information.

Cloth, 7¾ × 5¼. 335 pp. 4s. 6d. net; post free, 4s. 10d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

Thinking for Results



A Book That Every Ambitious Man and Woman Will Want―A Book That All Will Want Who Want Results

THIS IS THE PRINCIPLE—You are constantly thinking. To think is to place energy in action. All active energy tends to produce certain results. Then the question is what those results are to be. Are they to be favourable or detrimental, superior or inferior, for you or against you? This you can determine by thinking according to design—by thinking for a definite purpose—by placing in action energies that will act for your advantage—by training all the powers of your mind to work for your purpose, to build you up and promote your advancement—by thinking for results—for the results that you are determined to secure.

Every thought you think is a power. It may be great or small in its power; but it is a power; and that power will either be for you or against you. To think for results is to cause more and more of that power to be for you—to work with you in producing the results you desire.


The following are a few of the subjects given thorough attention in this book:—What it Means to Think for Results. How to Think for Results. Directing All Your Thoughts to Work For You and With You. How to Apply the Whole Power of Your Mind Upon Your Work and Your Ambitions. How to Think to Your Advantage. Thoughts that Build. A System of Thinking that Will Push Your Work. Turning on the Full Current. Preventing Waste of Mental Energy. Preventing the Misdirection of Mental Energy. How to Apply Constructively the Full Power of Mind and Thought. Designed Thinking. Making Full and Successful Use of All That is in You. A System of Thinking that Will Lead to Prosperity and Personal Power. The Causes of Failure and Misfortune and How to Avoid Them. The Key to Mental Growth. What Produces a Great Mind, a Strong Mind, a Successful Mind. How Designed Thinking Can Determine the Future. How Thinking for Results Will Build You Up, Make You Stronger, Make Your Mind Larger, Clearer, More Brilliant, and More Powerful, and Make Your Personality More Magnetic, More Attractive and More Virile; and a Number of Other Subjects of Personal Importance to All Who Wish to Think for Results.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼. 115 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

Poise and Power


A very practical book with many definite and specific instructions on how to prevent the energy of the system from being wasted. Filled with practical methods that will enable anyone to increase remarkably the power of mind and body. The fact that the average person wastes fully three-fourths of the energy generated in his system, and the fact that all this waste can be prevented through poise, makes it a work of incomparable value.

Partial Contents.—The Human Personality, a Living Dynamo. The Average Person Loses nearly Nine-Tenths of the Energy Generated in His System. How This Loss Can Be Prevented. Sickness Impossible While the System Is Full of Energy. What Man Could Do If He Saved and Used All His Power. Where Energy Leaks Out, and How to Close Up the Leaks. Controlling the Circulation. A Scientific Remedy for Nervousness. The Powerful Mind Thinks With Every Nerve. Saving Creative Energy, In Marriage, In Single Life. The Remarkable Power of Real Virtue. How to Work. You Need Not Become Tired. How Work Should Develop Mind and Body. The Art of Resting, How to Recuperate. Concentration, How Developed. Transmutation of Energy.

Cloth, 6×4¼. 88 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.

Perfect Health



This book is based upon three widely recognised principles: first, that there is a higher something in man that is always well; second, that the more closely we live to the conscious touch of this higher something, the more life and health we shall feel and realise in mind; and third, that whatever we actually realise in mind we invariably express in every atom of the body.

Contents.—Perfect Health Is Naturally Inherent in Man. No Sickness In the World of Truth. The Perfect Way to Health. Entering the Wholeness of Truth. Consciousness of True Being. The Real Man is Well. Cause of Ill Health. Removing the Cause. Thinking the Whole Truth. Mastery of the Physical Life. Consciousness of Absolute Health. Real Being and Perfect Health Are Inseparable. Instantaneous Healing. The Path to Complete Emancipation. The Greatest Physician in the World.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼. 78 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

Mastery of Fate


What will your future be? Make it yourself as you want it to be. You can. here is a book that will tell you how.


There Is No Chance. Every Effect Has a Definite Cause.
The Cause of Circumstances and Environment.
The Law Through Which Man May Control His Circumstances and Change His Environment.
The Cause of Good Luck and How Every Person May Use That Cause.
The Cause of Adversity and Misfortune, and How to Remove It.
Why Environment Controls the Negative Man But Not the Positive Man.
How Any Person May Become a Positive Force.
How Man May Build His Own Future.
The Way to Higher Attainment and Greater Achievements.
The Inside Secret of Success.
Why Things Are As They Are In Personal Life.
The Cause of Present Personal Conditions.
How Conditions Can Be Changed and Things Made As We Wish Them To Be.
Making Real the Ideal. Growing Out of the Present Into a Greater Future.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼. 95 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.

The Hidden Secret


A book that every aspiring soul will want; first, because it deals with that remarkable something in man that transcends every limitation, that opens the mind to the inexhaustible power of the soul, and reveals the nature of that force in the divine nature of man that makes all things possible. And second, because it clearly explains how this remarkable power may be applied in every part or problem in human life. We all know that there is a hidden secret in man—something that unlocks every door existing in the universe—something that removes the veil of mystery, and reveals to the mind that wonderful world, that limitless world, that divinely beautiful world that exists in the spiritual within. It is this something that gives the prophet his wisdom, and the sons of glory their genius. It is this something that emancipates the person, and that unfolds the unbounded greatness of the soul. It is this something that eliminates the wrong, that makes every crooked path straight, and that satisfies the dearest wish of every human heart. It is the hidden path to that inner world from which all good things proceed. And it is this something that constitutes the theme of THE HIDDEN SECRET. It is a book, therefore, that everybody will want. It has helped thousands. It will surely help you.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼. 101 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

How Great Men Succeed



Things do not happen by chance. Good fortune is not the result of good luck; and great achievements do not appear of themselves. There is a law back of and underneath all exceptional accomplishments, and great men are successful largely because they know how to apply that law. In this book that important law is fully explained, and in language that all can understand. Get it to-day. It will not only prove a living inspiration to you every day of your life, but will also give you invaluable information on a subject with which every man must be familiar to be true to himself.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼. 82 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.

Mastery of Self



There can be no greater achievement than the complete control of self. It is self-control that makes man noble, strong, masterful, and superior. And it is self-control that gives man the ability to use the greater powers and talents in his possession. Before man can control his faculties, his forces, his circumstances, and his destiny, he must control himself. And he who can control himself has it in his power to gain every victory that his future advancement may work for or desire. But in order to gain self-control we must build upon the real principle of self-mastery, and understand how that principle may be applied in all the workings of everyday life. This book will explain the principle, and tell you exactly how to apply that principle under every circumstance.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼ 91 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

On the Heights



This is one of those rare spiritual gems that you will appreciate and enjoy without measure. It not only reveals the sublime beauty of that life that is found on the luminous spiritual heights, but also opens the way to the sweetness and glory of those lofty realms. "There is another and a better world," and this is found on the heights. Read this beautiful book and you will learn to live there while still in personal form.

To the body proper of this rare book is added a full and clear description of the twelve great steps to the heights. And this is indeed something that every soul, with a higher life in view, will want to understand, and understand thoroughly.

And at the close is added "The Soul's Prayer," a spiritual prose poem filled with strong and emancipating statements of divine truth. Read this prayer every day and you will realise a freedom and a spiritual power such as you never knew before. And above all you will find the way to the heights.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼. 74 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.

The Great Within


This is a rare book of a hundred pages, containing a mine of valuable information on the subconscious mind, the greatest marvel known to Modern Science.


The Nature, Location, and Functions of the Subconscious Mind.
The Powers and Possibilities of the Subconscious.
Where the Subconscious Gains the Power to Do Whatever It May Desire to Do.
How to Train the Subconscious to Remake Your Mentality, Your Personality, Your Disposition, and Your Nature.
How to Direct the Subconscious to Correct the Flaws, Defects, and Imperfections in Your Nature.
How to Direct the Subconscious to Eliminate Disease, Bad Habits, and Adverse Physical or Mental Conditions.
How to Gain Greater Power—Physical and Mental—from the Subconscious.
How to Train the Subconscious to Work Out Your Problems When You Are Asleep.
How to Direct the Subconscious to Inspire Your Mind With New Ideas, Better Plans, and Superior Methods for the Promotion of Any Enterprise You Have in Mind.

Practical, scientific, condensed, directly to the point—for the busy man. A book that tells you how.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼ 102 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

Just Be Glad



A new book with a great message. A song of victory and triumph—the song of a soul that has resolved to be greater than fate, stronger than adversity, and superior to every circumstance or condition in life.

A book of sunshine and gladness—of freedom and power. A book that will lift you out completely from darkness, failure, or despair, and place you on the mountain top of victory and joy.

Read this book and you will ever remain undaunted and undismayed, regardless of what may come or go in the world. You will be above it all, and you will gain far more richness and joy from life than you ever dreamed you could gain before.

It is an inspiration from beginning to end—a bugle blast of life made joyous, triumphant, and free—a call to the soul to arise and be glad now. And this is the keynote: For all things respond to the call of rejoicing; all things gather where life is a song.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼. 44 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.

The Scientific Training of Children


A new book that every parent and teacher in the world should possess.

Give your children a fair chance. This book will tell you how. It will tell you how your child may bring out the best that is in him—how he may secure the right to become and accomplish all that is in him to become and accomplish.

Few children have enjoyed this right. But you will want your children to have it. And if you are a teacher you will want your pupils to become as brilliant as exact scientific training can make them.

Order this book to-day; it should be read by everybody.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼. 65 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

The Mind Cure



If you want a strong mind, a healthy mind, a wholesome mind, a vigorous mind, a well-balanced mind, this is the book that will tell you how.

This book contains "The Cure of Nervousness," "The Cure of Insomnia," "Good Health For the Mind," "The Prevention and Cure of Despondency," and "How to Remove Fear."

All the methods and remedies presented are metaphysical; and they are methods that will do the work.

Get rid of nervousness. You can. Learn to sleep well, and thus double your capacity for work. Build up a strong, clear, vigorous mind. Remove all depressing mental states. And get rid of fear, the greatest enemy of man. Thus book will tell you how to do it. Order your copy now.

This book should be in every household.

Cloth, 6 × 4¼. 80 pp. 2s. net; post free, 2s. 2d.



7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.

Within The Holy of Holies


Attitudes of Attainment


A new and original contribution to the Higher Thought—Something different.

The Suggestions contained in "Within the Holy of Holies, or Attitudes of Attainment," are classified as follows:

‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
The Spoken Word
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
"I Am"
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
Song, "God is Love"
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
In Touch with the Universe
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
"My Prayer." C.S.
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
A Prayer
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
Song, "Open my Eyes"
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
Song, "Infinite Love and Wisdom"
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
Song, "Stillness"
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
The Noon Hour
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
The Evening Hour
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
Psychic Development
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥
A Great Truth
‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥     ‥

NB.—Students of the Science of Numbers will be interested in the numbers in the book. The number of chapters—27, the number of pages—95, the page and number of each chapter with reference to the subject of the chapter, are all unique and constructed in harmony with this Ancient Science.

Cloth, 7½ × 5. 95 pp. 2s. 6d. net; post free, 2s. 9d.


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Book of Meditations

For Every Day in the Year

JAMES ALLEN may truly be called the Prophet of Meditation. In an age of strife, hurry, religious controversy, heated arguments, ritual and ceremony, he came with his Message of Meditation, calling men away from the din and strife of tongues into the peaceful paths of stillness within their own souls, where "the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world" ever burns steadily and surely for all who will turn their weary eyes from the strife without to the quiet within. Many of the Meditations were written as he came down from the Cairn in the early morning, where—like One he loved—he spent those precious hours alone with God while the world slept on. Others are gleaned from his many writings, published and unpublished, and are arranged for daily reading at his request, and, we believe, under his spiritual guidance. The book must ever be a strong-hold of Spiritual Truth and blessing to all who read it, especially to those who use it for daily devotion and meditation. Its great power lies in that it is the heart of a good man who lived every word he wrote. Every reader of James Allen's books should possess a copy of his Meditations. The beautiful half-tone portrait is a speaking likeness of the Author. It was taken only six weeks before his translation, and has not been published before.

Beautifully Bound in Purple Pegamoid, padded covers, silk sewn, round corners, edges all gilt, and purple ribbon marker. A handsome book, beautiful both inside and out.

Price, 5s. net; post free, 5s. 4d.


7 Imperial Arcade, Ludgate Circus, London, E.C.