The Philosophical Review/Volume 1/Summary: Juvalta - Di alcune cause della aversione presente per la filosofia in Italia

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The Philosophical Review Volume 1 (1892)
edited by Jacob Gould Schurman
Summary: Juvalta - Di alcune cause della aversione presente per la filosofia in Italia by Anonymous

R. I. d. Fil. = Rivista Italiana di Filosofia

2658210The Philosophical Review Volume 1 — Summary: Juvalta - Di alcune cause della aversione presente per la filosofia in Italia1892Anonymous
Di alcune cause della avversione presente per la Filosofia in Italia. E. Juvalta. R. I. d. Fil., VII, 1, pp. 3-28.

The causes of the present aversion to philosophy in Italy are (1) false conception of the object and worth of philosophy, and (2) certain prejudices due to the recent conditions of philosophy in Italy. To these must be added more serious and fundamental obstacles: (3) the dogmatical and sceptical spirit of the Italians, due in great part to their Catholic inheritance, which prevents them taking a free and untrammelled view for the sake of truth alone; and (4) the specialization of knowledge and science, which, though it may ultimately lead to a quest for unity, at present serves only to obscure that unity. Again (5) the present tendency of the Italian mind is historico-critical; and the interest in the history of philosophy, which after all is not very profound, is for the present at any rate unfavorable to original systematic philosophy. Lastly, (6) the endeavor to conciliate the practical and the scientific demands of the age in the reorganization of secondary education, has crowded out the studies which might have favored the development of philosophy.