The Philosophical Review/Volume 24
The Philosophical Review
Volume XXIV
Articles. | ||
Page. | ||
Akeley, Lewis Ellsworth.—Bergson and Science | 270 | |
Becker, Carl.—The Dilemma of Diderot | 54 | |
Bliss, Henry E.—On Relations | 34 | |
Carr, H. Wildon.—The Metaphysical Implications of the Principle of Relativity | 1 | |
Dewey, John.—The Existence of the World as a Problem | 357 | |
Johnston, G. A.—The Development of Berkeley's Ethical Theory | 419 | |
de Laguna, Grace A.—The Psychological Element | 371 | |
Laing, Bertram A.—The Metaphysics of Nietzsche's Immoralism | 386 | |
Lalande, A.—Philosophy in France, 1913-1914 | 245 | |
McIver, R. M.—Personality and the Suprapersonal | 501 | |
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association | 184 | |
Rogers, A. K.—The Determination of Human Ends | 583 | |
Smith, Norman Kemp.—Kant's Relation to Hume and Leibnitz | 288 | |
Smith," Norman" Kemp."—Kant's Method of Composing The Critique of Pure Reason | 526 | |
Stewart, Herbet L.—Was Plato an Ascetic? | 603 | |
Talbet, Ellen Bliss.—The Time Process and the Value of Human Life | 17 | |
Tufts, James H.—Ethics of States | 131 | |
Urban, Wilbur M.—On Intolerables: A Study in the Logic of Valuation | 477 | |
Wilde, Norman.—The Faith Philosophy of Pierre Charron | 614 | |
Wright, Henry W.—Principles of Voluntarism | 297 | |
Wright, William K.—The Evolution of Values from Instincts. | 166 | |
Znaniecki, Florian.—The Principle of Relativity and Philosophical Absolutism | 150 | |
Discussions. | ||
Calkins, Mary Whiton.—Bertrand Russell on Neo-Realism | 533 | |
Moore, A. W.—Pragmatism, Science and Truth | 631 | |
Reviews of Books. | ||
Annales de l'Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, Université de Louvain. Tome III, Année 1914 | 439 | |
Baldwin, James Mark.—Genetic Theory of Reality | 639 | |
Brunschvicg, Leon.—Les Étapes de la philosophie mathématique | 81 | |
Burnet, John.—Greek Philosophy, Part I. From Thales to Plato | 314 | |
Carr, H. Wildon—The Philosophy of Change | 204 | |
Croce, Benedetto.—Philosophy of the Practical, Economic, and Ethic | 321 | |
Dewey, John.—German Philosophy and Politics | 540 | |
Fouillée, Alfred.—La Pensee et les nouvelles écoles anti-intellectualistes | 72 | |
de Laguna, Theodore.—Introduction to the Science of Ethics. | 538 | |
Lutowslawski, Wincenti.—Volonté et Liberté | 661 | |
Merz, John Theodore.—A History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century, Vol. IV | 657 | |
Picavet, Francois—Essais sur l'histoire générale et comparée des théologies et des philosophies médiévales | 646 | |
Pillon, F.—L'année philosophique | 549 | |
Riley, Woodbridge.—American Thought | 450 | |
Russell, Bertrand.—Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy | 431 | |
Sentroul, Charles.—Kant et Aristotle | 94 | |
Shaw, Charles Gray.—The Ego and Its Place in the World | 213 | |
Strich, Walter.—Prinzipien der psychologischen Erkenntnis, Prolegomena zu einer Kritik der historischen Vernunft | 325 | |
Thilly, Frank.—A History of Philosophy | 329 | |
Varisco, Bernardino.—Know Thyself | 545 | |
Watson, Johs B.—Behavior. An Introduction to Comparative Psychology | 21 | |
Notices of New Books. | ||
Bailey, Margaret Lewis.—Milton and Jakob Boehme | 339 | |
Baldwin, James Mark.—History of Psychology | 454 | |
Bohrmann, George.—Spinoza's Stellung zur Religion | 111 | |
Brandes, George.—Friedrich Nietzsche | 566 | |
Carrit, E. F.—The Theory of Beauty | 458 | |
Carus, Paul.—Nietzsche and Other Exponents of Individualism | 568 | |
Cassirer, Dr. Erich.—Berkeley's System | 219 | |
Coffin, Joseph Herschel.—The Socialized Conscience | 561 | |
Coker, Francis William.—Readings in Political Philosophy | 673 | |
Davies, Henry.—Art in Education and Life | 459 | |
von der Porten, M—Die Grundlagen der Kantschen Philosophie | 565 | |
Drake, Durant.—Problems of Conduct: An Introductory Survey of Ethics | 563 | |
Flemming, Siegbert.—Nietzsches Metaphysik und ihr Verhältnis zu Erkenntnistheorie und Ethik | 567 | |
Gentile, Giovanni.—La Riforma della Diallettica Hegeliana | 340 | |
Griffen, E. H., Dunlap, K., Lovejoy, A. O.—Three Studies in Current Philosophical Questions | 102 | |
Haldane, J. S.—Mechanism, Life, and Personality | 336 | |
Hobson, J. A.—Work and Wealth | 335 | |
Höffding, Harold.—Modern Philosophers and Lectures on Bergson | 670 | |
Huan, Gabriel.—La Dieu de Spinoza | 110 | |
Janet, Paul.—Histoire de la science politique dans ses rapports avec la morale | 111 | |
Jöel, Karl.—Die philosophische Krisis der Gegenwart | 565 | |
Kallen, Horace Meyer.—William James and Henri Bergson: a Study in Contrasting Theories of Life | 666 | |
Klemm, Otto.—History of Psychology | 456 | |
Külpe, Oswald.—Die Ethik und der Krieg | 555 | |
Ladd, George Trumbull.—What Can I Know? | 217 | |
Lesparre, A. de Gramont.—Les inconnus de la biologie déterministe | 218 | |
Limentani, Ludovico—La morale della s mpatia | 222 | |
Monbrun, A. de la Valette.—Maine de Biran | 109 | |
More, Louis Trenchard.—The Limitations of Science | 668 | |
Novicow, J.—La Morale et l'Interet dans les rapports individuels et internationaux | 105 | |
Ruhe, Algot, and Paul, Nancy Margaret.—Henri Bergson | 220 | |
Sabatier, Armand.—Essai sur l'immortalité au point de vue du naturalisme évolutionniste | 223 | |
Sait, Una Bernard.—The Ethical Implications of Bergson's Philosophy | 338 | |
Shearer, Edna Aston.—Hume's Place in Ethics | 557 | |
Stebbing, L. Susan.—Pragmatism and French Voluntarism | 220 | |
Stefanescs, Marin.—La dualisme logique: essai sur l'importance de sa reálité pour le problème de la connaisance | 559 | |
Townsend, Harvey Gates.—The Principle of Individuality in the Philosophy of Thomas Hill Green | 671 | |
Troilo, Erminio.—La filosofia di Giordanno Bruno | 223 | |
Van Vloten and Land.—Benedicta de Spinoza Opera Quotquot Reperta Sunt | 224 | |
Verweyen, Dr. Johannes Maria.—Philosophie des Möglichen. Grundzüge einer Erkenntniskritik | 674 | |
Whitney, George Tapley and Fogel, Philip Howard.—An Introduction to Kant's Critical Philosophy | 108 | |
Windelband, W.—Die Philosophie des Unbewussten | 334 | |
Wundt, Wilhelm.—Ethik | 107 | |
Summaries of Articles. | ||
Adams, George P.—The Mind's Knowledge of Reality | 348 | |
Alexander, H. B.—Justice and Progress | 470 | |
Armstrong, A. C.—The Principle of International Ethics | 237 | |
Bauch, Bruno.—Idealismus und Realismus in der Sphäre des philosophischen Kritizismus | 686 | |
Bauch, Bruno.—Ueber den Begriff des Naturgesetzes | 344 | |
Beauchal, E.—L'objectivité des jugements esthétiques | 578 | |
Büchel, Dr. Hermann.—Die Handarbeit als Erziehungsmittel bei John Locke | 230 | |
Buckham, John Wright.—The Contribution of Professor Royce to Christian Thought | 473 | |
Carlile, W. W.—Intercourse as the Basis of Thought | 232 | |
Cellérier, L.—L'intérêt | 347 | |
Coe, George A.—On Having Friends | 353 | |
Cohen, Morris R.—History versus Values | 235 | |
" " "—Qualities, Relations, and Things | 228 | |
Curtis, Josephine Nash.—On Psychology as a Science of Selves | 227 | |
Dashiell, John Frederick.—Humanism and Science | 468 | |
" " " —Values and Experience | 127 | |
De Sausure, René.—Le temps en général et le temps Bergsonien en particulier | 118 | |
Dewey, John.—Nature and Reason in Law | 116 | |
" " —Psychological Doctrine and Philosophical Teaching | 120 | |
" " —The Logic of Judgments of Practise | 684 | |
" " —The Subject-matter of Metaphysical Inquiry | 680 | |
Dittmann, F.—Die Geschichtsphilosophie Comtes u. Hegels:Ein Vergleich | 119 | |
Draghicesco, D.—Essai sur l'interprétation sociologique des phénomènes conscients | 231 | |
Drake, Durant.—Practical versus Literal Truth | 465 | |
Drake," Durant."—Where do Perceived Objects Exist? | 349 | |
Duprat, G.—Les "fondements du caractere" | 580 | |
Feingold, Gustave A.—The Psyche-physical Basis of Moral Conduct | 231 | |
Fischer, Julius.—Die Religion als Problem der Philosophie | 342 | |
Fite, Warner.—The Motive of Individualism in Religion | 124 | |
Garbe, Richard.—Buddhist Influence in the Gospels | 124 | |
Gault, Robert H.—On the Meaning of Social Psychology | 470 | |
Grasset, Dr.—Les sciences morales et sociales et la biologie humaine | 468 | |
Hardin, Edwin Dodge.—Nietzsche's Service to Christianity | 230 | |
Hartmann, H. G.—A Definition of Causation | 238 | |
Hartmann," H. G."—Are Realism and Relativity Incompatible? | 228 | |
Hartmann, N.—Logische und ontologische Wirklichkeit | 685 | |
Holt, Edwin B.—Response and Cognition. I and II | 681 | |
Ingenieros, José.—Las Ciencias Nuevas Y Las Leyes Viejas | 572 | |
Jones, Rufus M.—Mysticism in Present Day Religion | 472 | |
Joussain, A.—L'Originalité et L'Universalité dans L'Art | 465 | |
Ladd, George Trumbull.—A Defence of Idealism | 116 | |
de Laguna, Theodore.—The Logical-Analytic Method in Philosophy | 682 | |
de Laguna, Theodore.—The Postulates of Deductive Logic | 463 | |
Le Dantec, F.—La Conscience épiphenomène | 116 | |
Lisle, John.—The Justification of Punishment | 471 | |
Lloyd, Alfred H.—The Power Behind the Throne | 239 | |
Loeb, Jacques.—Mechanistic Science and Metaphysical Romance | 570 | |
MacDougall, Robert.—The Distribution of Consciousness and its Criteria | 122 | |
McTaggart, J. Ellis.—The Meaning of Causality | 679 | |
Mead, George H.—Natural Rights and the Theory of the Political Institution | 352 | |
Meredith, H. O.—Class Distinctions | 233 | |
Negri, Luigi.—L'evoluzione sociale secondo Guglielmo De Greef | 578 | |
Overstreet, Henry Allen.—The Changing Conception of Property | 234 | |
Overstreet, Henry Allen.—The Function and Scope of Social Philosophy | 126 | |
Overstreet, Harry Allen.—Philosophy and the New Justice | 471 | |
Paulhan, F.—Qu'est-ce que l'association? | 574 | |
Perry, Ralph Barton.—Religious Values | 350 | |
Pound, Roscoe.—A Feudal Principle in Modern Law | 115 | |
Prichard, H. A.—Mr. Russell on Our Knowledge of the External World | 676 | |
Read, Carveth.—The Psychology of Magic | 114 | |
Ribot, Th.—La pensée symbolique | 575 | |
Russell, Bertrand.—Definitions and Methodological Principles in Theory of Knowledge | 121 | |
Russell, Bertrand.—On the Experience of Time | 462 | |
Russell," Bertrand."—Sensation and Imagination | 226 | |
Russell," Bertrand."—The Ethics of War | 237 | |
Russell," Bertrand."—The Ultimate Constituents of Matter | 678 | |
Sabine, George H.—The Social Origin of Absolute Idealism | 463 | |
Santayana, George.—The Coming Philosophy | 117 | |
Salter, William Mackintire.—Nietzsche's Moral Aim and Will to Power | 467 | |
Schwartz, Dr. Michael.—Nietzsche and Schopenhauer | 346 | |
Second, J.—La Dialectique du Coeur | 472 | |
Shaw, Charles Gray.—Emerson the Nihilist | 125 | |
Sheldon, W. H.—The Vice of Modern Philosophy | 233 | |
Siegel, Carl.—Goethe und die Spekulative Naturphilosophie | 345 | |
Singer, Edgar A., JR.—The Pulse of Life | 351 | |
Strange, E. H.—Objectives, Truth and Error | 121 | |
Teitaro, Daisetz.—The Development of Mahayana Buddhism | 125 | |
Törnudd, Allen.—Types of Pragmatist Theory of Truth | 683 | |
Tsanoff, Radoslav A.—On the Psychology of Poetic Construction | 126 | |
Turner, John Pickett.—Philosophical and Social Attitudes. . | 352 | |
Tufts, James H.—Why Should Law and Philosophy Get Together? | 236 | |
Von Ludwig, Dr. Bernhard.—Philosophischer Realismus | 123 | |
Wiener, Norbet.—Relativism | 229 | |
Woodworth, R. S.—A Revision of Imageless Thought | 464 | |
Zini, Zino.—La riforma politica e sociale nel pensiero di un grand belga | 571 | |
Zöckler, Carl.—Der Entwicklungsgedanke in Schelling's Naturphilosophie | 576 | |
Notes. | ||
Alexander, S. | 474 | |
American Philosophical Association | 474 | |
Bowman, A. A. | 688 | |
Eraser, Campbell | 240 | |
De Wulf, Maurice | 354, 688 | |
Dolson, Grace Neal | 474 | |
Drake, Durant | 474 | |
Ewer, Bernard C. | 354 | |
Fifth International Congress of Philosophy | 128, 240 | |
Fite, Warner | 474 | |
MacIver, R. M. | 688 | |
Moore, Vida F. | 581 | |
Pound, Roscoe | 128 | |
Slonimsky, Henry | 581 | |
Thorne, Alma R. | 474 | |
Western Philosophical Association | 474 | |
Wilm, E. C. | 688 | |
Witasok, Stefan | 581 |