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The Philosophical Review/Volume 24

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The Philosophical Review

Volume XXIV

Contents of Volume XXIV.
Akeley, Lewis Ellsworth.—Bergson and Science 270
Becker, Carl.—The Dilemma of Diderot 54
Bliss, Henry E.—On Relations 34
Carr, H. Wildon.—The Metaphysical Implications of the Principle of Relativity 1
Dewey, John.The Existence of the World as a Problem 357
Johnston, G. A.—The Development of Berkeley's Ethical Theory 419
de Laguna, Grace A.—The Psychological Element 371
Laing, Bertram A.—The Metaphysics of Nietzsche's Immoralism 386
Lalande, A.—Philosophy in France, 1913-1914 245
McIver, R. M.—Personality and the Suprapersonal 501
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association 184
Rogers, A. K.—The Determination of Human Ends 583
Smith, Norman Kemp.—Kant's Relation to Hume and Leibnitz 288
Smith," Norman" Kemp."—Kant's Method of Composing The Critique of Pure Reason 526
Stewart, Herbet L.—Was Plato an Ascetic? 603
Talbet, Ellen Bliss.—The Time Process and the Value of Human Life 17
Tufts, James H.—Ethics of States 131
Urban, Wilbur M.—On Intolerables: A Study in the Logic of Valuation 477
Wilde, Norman.—The Faith Philosophy of Pierre Charron 614
Wright, Henry W.—Principles of Voluntarism 297
Wright, William K.—The Evolution of Values from Instincts. 166
Znaniecki, Florian.—The Principle of Relativity and Philosophical Absolutism 150
Calkins, Mary Whiton.Bertrand Russell on Neo-Realism 533
Moore, A. W.—Pragmatism, Science and Truth 631
Reviews of Books.
Annales de l'Institut Supérieur de Philosophie, Université de Louvain. Tome III, Année 1914 439
Baldwin, James Mark.—Genetic Theory of Reality 639
Brunschvicg, Leon.—Les Étapes de la philosophie mathématique 81
Burnet, John.—Greek Philosophy, Part I. From Thales to Plato 314
Carr, H. Wildon—The Philosophy of Change 204
Croce, Benedetto.—Philosophy of the Practical, Economic, and Ethic 321
Dewey, John.—German Philosophy and Politics 540
Fouillée, Alfred.—La Pensee et les nouvelles écoles anti-intellectualistes 72
de Laguna, Theodore.—Introduction to the Science of Ethics. 538
Lutowslawski, Wincenti.—Volonté et Liberté 661
Merz, John Theodore.—A History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century, Vol. IV 657
Picavet, Francois—Essais sur l'histoire générale et comparée des théologies et des philosophies médiévales 646
Pillon, F.—L'année philosophique 549
Riley, Woodbridge.—American Thought 450
Russell, Bertrand.—Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy 431
Sentroul, Charles.—Kant et Aristotle 94
Shaw, Charles Gray.—The Ego and Its Place in the World 213
Strich, Walter.—Prinzipien der psychologischen Erkenntnis, Prolegomena zu einer Kritik der historischen Vernunft 325
Thilly, Frank.—A History of Philosophy 329
Varisco, Bernardino.—Know Thyself 545
Watson, Johs B.—Behavior. An Introduction to Comparative Psychology 21
Notices of New Books.
Bailey, Margaret Lewis.—Milton and Jakob Boehme 339
Baldwin, James Mark.—History of Psychology 454
Bohrmann, George.—Spinoza's Stellung zur Religion 111
Brandes, George.—Friedrich Nietzsche 566
Carrit, E. F.—The Theory of Beauty 458
Carus, Paul.—Nietzsche and Other Exponents of Individualism 568
Cassirer, Dr. Erich.—Berkeley's System 219
Coffin, Joseph Herschel.—The Socialized Conscience 561
Coker, Francis William.—Readings in Political Philosophy 673
Davies, Henry.—Art in Education and Life 459
von der Porten, M—Die Grundlagen der Kantschen Philosophie 565
Drake, Durant.—Problems of Conduct: An Introductory Survey of Ethics 563
Flemming, Siegbert.—Nietzsches Metaphysik und ihr Verhältnis zu Erkenntnistheorie und Ethik 567
Gentile, Giovanni.—La Riforma della Diallettica Hegeliana 340
Griffen, E. H., Dunlap, K., Lovejoy, A. O.—Three Studies in Current Philosophical Questions 102
Haldane, J. S.—Mechanism, Life, and Personality 336
Hobson, J. A.—Work and Wealth 335
Höffding, Harold.—Modern Philosophers and Lectures on Bergson 670
Huan, Gabriel.—La Dieu de Spinoza 110
Janet, Paul.—Histoire de la science politique dans ses rapports avec la morale 111
Jöel, Karl.—Die philosophische Krisis der Gegenwart 565
Kallen, Horace Meyer.—William James and Henri Bergson: a Study in Contrasting Theories of Life 666
Klemm, Otto.—History of Psychology 456
Külpe, Oswald.—Die Ethik und der Krieg 555
Ladd, George Trumbull.—What Can I Know? 217
Lesparre, A. de Gramont.—Les inconnus de la biologie déterministe 218
Limentani, Ludovico—La morale della s mpatia 222
Monbrun, A. de la Valette.—Maine de Biran 109
More, Louis Trenchard.—The Limitations of Science 668
Novicow, J.—La Morale et l'Interet dans les rapports individuels et internationaux 105
Ruhe, Algot, and Paul, Nancy Margaret.—Henri Bergson 220
Sabatier, Armand.—Essai sur l'immortalité au point de vue du naturalisme évolutionniste 223
Sait, Una Bernard.—The Ethical Implications of Bergson's Philosophy 338
Shearer, Edna Aston.—Hume's Place in Ethics 557
Stebbing, L. Susan.—Pragmatism and French Voluntarism 220
Stefanescs, Marin.—La dualisme logique: essai sur l'importance de sa reálité pour le problème de la connaisance 559
Townsend, Harvey Gates.—The Principle of Individuality in the Philosophy of Thomas Hill Green 671
Troilo, Erminio.—La filosofia di Giordanno Bruno 223
Van Vloten and Land.—Benedicta de Spinoza Opera Quotquot Reperta Sunt 224
Verweyen, Dr. Johannes Maria.—Philosophie des Möglichen. Grundzüge einer Erkenntniskritik 674
Whitney, George Tapley and Fogel, Philip Howard.—An Introduction to Kant's Critical Philosophy 108
Windelband, W.—Die Philosophie des Unbewussten 334
Wundt, Wilhelm.—Ethik 107
Summaries of Articles.
Adams, George P.—The Mind's Knowledge of Reality 348
Alexander, H. B.—Justice and Progress 470
Armstrong, A. C.—The Principle of International Ethics 237
Bauch, Bruno.—Idealismus und Realismus in der Sphäre des philosophischen Kritizismus 686
Bauch, Bruno.—Ueber den Begriff des Naturgesetzes 344
Beauchal, E.—L'objectivité des jugements esthétiques 578
Büchel, Dr. Hermann.—Die Handarbeit als Erziehungsmittel bei John Locke 230
Buckham, John Wright.—The Contribution of Professor Royce to Christian Thought 473
Carlile, W. W.—Intercourse as the Basis of Thought 232
Cellérier, L.—L'intérêt 347
Coe, George A.—On Having Friends 353
Cohen, Morris R.—History versus Values 235
" " "—Qualities, Relations, and Things 228
Curtis, Josephine Nash.—On Psychology as a Science of Selves 227
Dashiell, John Frederick.—Humanism and Science 468
" " " —Values and Experience 127
De Sausure, René.—Le temps en général et le temps Bergsonien en particulier 118
Dewey, John.—Nature and Reason in Law 116
" " —Psychological Doctrine and Philosophical Teaching 120
" " —The Logic of Judgments of Practise 684
" " —The Subject-matter of Metaphysical Inquiry 680
Dittmann, F.—Die Geschichtsphilosophie Comtes u. Hegels:Ein Vergleich 119
Draghicesco, D.—Essai sur l'interprétation sociologique des phénomènes conscients 231
Drake, Durant.—Practical versus Literal Truth 465
Drake," Durant."—Where do Perceived Objects Exist? 349
Duprat, G.—Les "fondements du caractere" 580
Feingold, Gustave A.—The Psyche-physical Basis of Moral Conduct 231
Fischer, Julius.—Die Religion als Problem der Philosophie 342
Fite, Warner.—The Motive of Individualism in Religion 124
Garbe, Richard.—Buddhist Influence in the Gospels 124
Gault, Robert H.—On the Meaning of Social Psychology 470
Grasset, Dr.—Les sciences morales et sociales et la biologie humaine 468
Hardin, Edwin Dodge.—Nietzsche's Service to Christianity 230
Hartmann, H. G.—A Definition of Causation 238
Hartmann," H. G."—Are Realism and Relativity Incompatible? 228
Hartmann, N.—Logische und ontologische Wirklichkeit 685
Holt, Edwin B.—Response and Cognition. I and II 681
Ingenieros, José.—Las Ciencias Nuevas Y Las Leyes Viejas 572
Jones, Rufus M.—Mysticism in Present Day Religion 472
Joussain, A.—L'Originalité et L'Universalité dans L'Art 465
Ladd, George Trumbull.—A Defence of Idealism 116
de Laguna, Theodore.—The Logical-Analytic Method in Philosophy 682
de Laguna, Theodore.—The Postulates of Deductive Logic 463
Le Dantec, F.—La Conscience épiphenomène 116
Lisle, John.—The Justification of Punishment 471
Lloyd, Alfred H.—The Power Behind the Throne 239
Loeb, Jacques.—Mechanistic Science and Metaphysical Romance 570
MacDougall, Robert.—The Distribution of Consciousness and its Criteria 122
McTaggart, J. Ellis.—The Meaning of Causality 679
Mead, George H.—Natural Rights and the Theory of the Political Institution 352
Meredith, H. O.—Class Distinctions 233
Negri, Luigi.—L'evoluzione sociale secondo Guglielmo De Greef 578
Overstreet, Henry Allen.—The Changing Conception of Property 234
Overstreet, Henry Allen.—The Function and Scope of Social Philosophy 126
Overstreet, Harry Allen.—Philosophy and the New Justice 471
Paulhan, F.—Qu'est-ce que l'association? 574
Perry, Ralph Barton.—Religious Values 350
Pound, Roscoe.—A Feudal Principle in Modern Law 115
Prichard, H. A.—Mr. Russell on Our Knowledge of the External World 676
Read, Carveth.—The Psychology of Magic 114
Ribot, Th.—La pensée symbolique 575
Russell, Bertrand.—Definitions and Methodological Principles in Theory of Knowledge 121
Russell, Bertrand.—On the Experience of Time 462
Russell," Bertrand."—Sensation and Imagination 226
Russell," Bertrand."—The Ethics of War 237
Russell," Bertrand."—The Ultimate Constituents of Matter 678
Sabine, George H.—The Social Origin of Absolute Idealism 463
Santayana, George.—The Coming Philosophy 117
Salter, William Mackintire.—Nietzsche's Moral Aim and Will to Power 467
Schwartz, Dr. Michael.—Nietzsche and Schopenhauer 346
Second, J.—La Dialectique du Coeur 472
Shaw, Charles Gray.—Emerson the Nihilist 125
Sheldon, W. H.—The Vice of Modern Philosophy 233
Siegel, Carl.—Goethe und die Spekulative Naturphilosophie 345
Singer, Edgar A., JR.—The Pulse of Life 351
Strange, E. H.—Objectives, Truth and Error 121
Teitaro, Daisetz.—The Development of Mahayana Buddhism 125
Törnudd, Allen.—Types of Pragmatist Theory of Truth 683
Tsanoff, Radoslav A.—On the Psychology of Poetic Construction 126
Turner, John Pickett.—Philosophical and Social Attitudes. . 352
Tufts, James H.—Why Should Law and Philosophy Get Together? 236
Von Ludwig, Dr. Bernhard.—Philosophischer Realismus 123
Wiener, Norbet.—Relativism 229
Woodworth, R. S.—A Revision of Imageless Thought 464
Zini, Zino.—La riforma politica e sociale nel pensiero di un grand belga 571
Zöckler, Carl.—Der Entwicklungsgedanke in Schelling's Naturphilosophie 576
Alexander, S. 474
American Philosophical Association 474
Bowman, A. A. 688
Eraser, Campbell 240
De Wulf, Maurice 354688
Dolson, Grace Neal 474
Drake, Durant 474
Ewer, Bernard C. 354
Fifth International Congress of Philosophy 128240
Fite, Warner 474
MacIver, R. M. 688
Moore, Vida F. 581
Pound, Roscoe 128
Slonimsky, Henry 581
Thorne, Alma R. 474
Western Philosophical Association 474
Wilm, E. C. 688
Witasok, Stefan 581