The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton/The Widow's Wile

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Have you not seen (to state the case)
Two wasps lie struggling in a glass?
By the rich flavour of Tokay
Allur'd, about the brim they play;
They light, they murmur, then begin 10
To lick, and so at length slip in:
Embracing close the couple lies,
Together dip, together rise;
You 'd swear they love, and yet they strive
Which shall be sunk, and which survive. 10
Such feign'd amours and real hate
Attend the matrimonial state,
When sacred vows are bought and sold,
And hearts are ty'd with threads of gold.
A nymph there was, who (’tis averr'd 15
By Fame) was born without a beard;
A certain sign, the learn'd declare,
That (guarded with uncommon care)
Her virtue might remain at ten
Impregnable to boys or men. 20
But from that era we'll proceed
To find her in a widow's weed,
Which all Love's chronicles agree
She wore just turn'd of twenty-three:
For an old sot she call'd her mate, 25
For jewels, pin-money, and plate.
The dame, possess'd of wealth and ease,
Had no more appetites to please:
That which provokes wild girls to wed,
Fie!—it ne'er enter'd in her head. 30
Yet some prolific planet smil'd,
And gave the pair a chopping child,
Entitled by the law to claim.
Her husband's chattels and his name;
But was so like his mother! she 35
The queen of Love, her Cupid he.
This matron fair for spouse deceas'd
Had sorrow'd sore a week at least,
And seem'd to grudge the worms that prey
Which had lain dead full many a day. 40
From plays and balls she now refrain'd,
To a dark room by custom chain'd,
And not a male for love or gold,
But the dear hopes of two years old.
The maids, so long in prison pent, 45
Ask leave to air; she gives consent;
(For health is riches to the poor)
But Tom must stay to guard the door.
In reading Sherlock she'd employ
Her solitude, and tend the boy. 50
When Madam sees the coast is clear,
Her spirits mantle and career;
Diffusing ardour thro' her mien,
Pity they should condense to spleen!
But now by honour she 's confin'd, 55
Who flutter'd once as free as wind,
And on a masquerading morn
By six securely could return;
Having to seal him safe till nine
With opium drugg'd her spouse's wine. 60
This the gay world no worse would hold
Than had she only chang'd his gold:
The species answer'd all demands,
And only pass'd thro' other hands.
But honour now prescribes the law, 65
The tyrant keeps her will in awe;
And not a chitterling at home.
For charity forbid to roam
What! a large stomach and no meat!
In pity, Love! provide a treat. 70
Can widows feed on dreams and wishes,
Like hags on visionary dishes?
Impossible! thro' walls of stone
Hunger will break to suck a bone.
Want, oft' in times of old, we read, 75
Made mothers on their infants feed,
And now constrain'd this matron mild
To grow hard-hearted to her child.
Her darling child she pinch'd; he squall'd;
In haste the fav'rite footman 's call'd 80
To pacify the peevish chit,

For who but he could do the feat?
He, smarting sore, refus'd to play,
But bade man Thomas beat Mamma!
She, laughing, soon avow'd her flame 85
By various signs that want a name.
The lacky saw, with trembling joy,
Gay humour dancing in her eye,
And straight, with equal fury fir'd,
Began th' attack. The dame retir'd; 90
And haply falling as she fled,
He beat her till she lay for dead;
But (with new vigour for the strife)
Soon, with a sigh, return'd to life.
Think ye she 'd e'er forgive her son 95
For what the naughty man had done?
She did; yet, spited with his pain,
He sounds th' alarm to charge again.
But, 'squire, consult your potent ally
Whether he's yet prepar'd to rally—100
Yes; blood is hot on either side;
Another combat must be try'd.
She knew the foe could do no more
Than at the first attack she bore;
So at his little malice smil'd,
And cry'd, "Come on!—to please the child." 106