The Poetical Works of Jonathan E. Hoag/To My Sister Hannah on Her Eighty-ninth Birthday

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4283725The Poetical Works of Jonathan E. HoagTo My Sister Hannah on Her Eighty-ninth BirthdayJonathan E. Hoag

To My Sister Hannah on Her Eighty-Ninth Birthday

Another year, another year!
An added natal day is here.
We greet thee in thy home so bright,
Nor heed the years of rapid flight.

Though feebler footsteps mark thine age,
The mind supreme "yet holds the stage."
Thy form is bowed with burdens borne;
Yet from thy spirit cares are shorn.

We blithely hail thine added years,
Whilst friendships bring their meed of cheers;
Thy pathway strewn with fragrant flowers,
Thy garden filled with nestling bowers.

Again we greet thy natal day;
And at thy feet our love we lay.
With flowers, the signs of words unsaid,
May these fond lines of love be read!

July 3, 1922