The Poetical Works of the Right Hon. George Granville, Lord Lansdowne/72

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The Poetical Works of the Right Hon. George Granville, Lord Lansdowne
by George Granville
3191367The Poetical Works of the Right Hon. George Granville, Lord LansdowneGeorge Granville



Thoughtful nights and reſtleſs waking,
Oh the pains that we endure!
Broken faith, unkind forſaking,
Ever doubting, never ſure.


Hopes deceiving, vain endeavours,5
What a race has Love to run!
Falſe proteſting, fleeting favours,
Ev’ry, ev’ry way undone.


Still complaining and defending,
Both to love, yet not agree,10
Fears tormenting, paſſion rending,
Oh the pangs of jealouſy!


From ſuch painful ways of living,
Ah! how ſweet! could love be free;
Still preſenting, ſtill receiving,
Fierce immortal ecſtasy.16