The Rig Veda/Mandala 6/Hymn 73

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Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith

18213The Rig VedaMandala 6, Hymn 73
1. SERVED with oblations, first-born, mountain-render, Angiras' son, Brhaspati, the Holy,
     With twice-firm path, dwelling in light, our Father, roars loudly, as a bull, to Earth and Heaven.
2. Brhaspati, who made for such a people wide room and verge when Gods were invocated,
     Slaying his enemies, breaks down their castles, quelling his foes and conquering those who hate him.
3. Brhaspati in war hath won rich treasures, hath won, this God, the great stalls filled with cattle.
     Striving to win waters and light, resistless, Brhaspati with lightning smites the foeman.