The Ring of the Niblungs (Rackham)/The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie/The Rhinegold/Act 1

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The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie
by Richard Wagner, translated by Margaret Armour
The Rhinegold: Act I
4023863The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie — The Rhinegold: Act IMargaret ArmourRichard Wagner


At the bottom of the Rhine

A greenish twilight, lighter above than below. The upper part is filled with undulating water, which streams restlessly from right to left. Towards the bottom the waves resolve themselves into a mist which grows finer as it descends, so that a space, as high as a man’s body from the ground, appears to be quite free from the water, which floats like a train of clouds over the gloomy stretch below. Steep rocky peaks jut up everywhere from the depths, and enclose the entire stage. The ground is a wild confusion of jagged rocks, no part of it being quite level, and on every side deeper fissures are indicated by a still denser gloom. Woglinde circles with graceful swimming movements round the central rock.

Weia! Waga!
Roll, O ye billows,
Rock ye our cradle!
Wagala weia!

Wailala, weiala, weia!

From above.
Woglinde, watchest alone?
If Wellgunde came we were two.
How keepest thou watch?
Dives down to the rock.
Wary of thee.
Swimming off; eludes her. [They playfully tease and chase one another.
From above.
Heiaha weia!
Ho! ye wild sisters!
Flosshilde, swim!
Woglinde flies:

Help me to hinder her flying.

Dives down between the two at plat
The sleeping gold
Badly ye guard;
Watch with more zeal
The slumberer’s bed,

Or dear you’ll pay for your sport!

[They swim asunder with merry cries, Flosshilde tries to catch first the one, then the other. They elude her, and then combine to chase her, darting like fish from rock to rock with jests and laughter, Meanwhile Alberich climbs out of a dark ravine on to a rack. He pauses, fill surrounded by darkness, and watches the frolic of the Rhine-Maidens with increasing pleasure.
Hey, hey! ye nixies!
Ye are a lovely,
Lovable folk!
From Nibelheim’s night
Fain would I come,

Would ye be kind to me.

[The maidens, as soon as they hear Alberich's voice, stop playing.
Hei! Who is there?
A voice! It grows dark!
Who listens below?
[They dive down and see the Nibelung.
Woglinde and Wellgunde
Fie! the loathsome one!
The frolic of the Rhine-Maidens
See p. 4

Swimming up quickly.
Look to the gold!
Father warned us
Of such a foe.
[Both the others follow her, and all three gather quickly round the central rock.
You above there!
The Three


What wouldst thou below there?
Do I spoil sport
By standing and gazing here?
Dived ye but deeper,
Fain the Niblung

Would join in your frolic and play.

He wishes to join us?
Is he in jest?
Ye gleam above me
So glad and fair!
If one would only

Glide down, how close in my arms
Fondly clasped she would be!

I laugh at my fears:
The foe is in love.
The amorous imp!
Let us approach him.
[She sinks down to the top of the rock, whose base Alberich has reached.
Lo! one of them comes!
Climb up to me here!
Climbs with gnome-like agility, though with re­peated checks, to the summit of the rock. Irritably.
Horrid rock,
So slippery, slimy!
I slide and slip!
My hands and feet vainly
Attempt to hold on
To the slithery surface!
Vapour damp
Fills up my nostrils—
Accursed sneezing!
[He has got near Woglinde.
Sneezing tells
That my suitor comes!
Be thou my love!
Adorable child!
He tries to embrace her.
Escaping from him.
Here thou must woo,
If woo me thou wilt!
[She swims up to another rock.
Scratching his head.
Alas! not yet caught?
Come but closer!
Hard I found

What so lightly thou didst.

Swims to a third rock lower down.
Deeper descend:
Thou’lt certainly seize me!
Down there it is better!
Clambers down quickly.
But better still higher!
Darts upwards to a higher rock at the side.

and Flosshilde

Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
How capture this coy,
Elusive fish ?
Wait for me, false one!

[He tries to climb after her in haste.

Heia! my friend there!
Dost thou not hear ?
Has sunk down to
a lower rock on the other side.
Turning round.
What? Didst thou call?
Be counselled by me:
Forsake Woglinde,
Climb up to me now!

Climbs hastily over the river- bottom towards

Thou art more comely
Far than that coy one;
Her sheen is duller,
Her skin too smooth.
But thou must deeper
Dive to delight me!
Well, now am I near?
Sinking down till foe is a little nearer him.
Not near enough.
Thine arms around me
Tenderly throw,
That I may fondle
Thy neck with my fingers,
And closely may cling

To thy bosom with love and with longing.

Art thou in love?
For love art thou pining?
Approach and show me
Thy face and thy form.
Fie! thou horrible
Hunchback, for shame!
Swarthy, horny-skinned
Rogue of a dwarf!
Find thou a sweetheart
Fonder than I!
Tries to detain her by force.
I may not be fair,
But fast I can hold!
Hold firm, or I will escape!
Swimming up quickly to the middle rock.

and Flosshilde

Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
Angrily calling after Wellgunde.
Fickle maid!

Bony, cold-blooded fish!

Fair if I seem not,
Pretty and playful,
Smooth and sleek—

Hei! if I am so loathsome Give thy love to the eels!

What ails thee, dwarf?
Daunted so soon?
Though two have been wooed,
Still a third waits thee,
Solace sweet

Fain at a word to grant!

Soothing song
Sounds in my ear!
’Twas well I found
Three and not one!

The chance is I charm one of many,
Whilst, single, no one would choose me!

Hither come gliding,
And I will believe!
Dives down to Alberich.
How senseless are ye,
Silly sisters,

Not to see he is fair!

Hastening towards her.
I well may deem them
Dull and ill-favoured,

Seeing how lovely thou art!

Sing on! Thy song,
So soft and sweet,

Entrancing sounds in my ear!


her with

My heart burns
And flutters and fails,

Flattered by praises so sweet!



Thy grace and beauty
Make glad my eye;
And thy smile refreshes
My soul like balm !
[She draws him tenderly towards her.
Dearest of men!
Sweetest of maids!
Wert thou but mine!
Wert mine for ever!
To be pierced by thy glance,
To be pricked by thy beard,

To see and to feel them for aye!

Might thy hair hard as bristles
Flow ever more

Enraptured Flosshilde wreathing!

And thy form like a frog’s,
And the croak of thy voice—
O could I, dumb with amaze,
Marvel forever on these!

and Wellgunde

Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
Dive down close to them and laugh.
Starting in alarm.
Wretches, dare ye thus scoff?
A suitable end to the song.
Suddenly darting away from him. [She swims up quickly with her sisters.

and Wellgunde

Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
In a waning voice.
Woe’s me! Ah, woe’s me!
Alas! Alas!
The third one, so dear,
Does she too betray?

O sly and shameful Worthless and dissolute wantons!

Live ye on lies

Alone, O ye false nixie brood?

The Three


Wallala! Wallala!

Lalalelai leialalei!
Heia! Heia! ha! ha!

Shame on thee goblin,
Scolding down yonder!

Cease, and do as we bid thee!

Faint-hearted wooer,
Why couldst not hold

The maid, when won, more fast?

True are we.
And troth we keep

With lovers when once caught.

Grasp then and hold;
Away with all fear!!

In the waves we scarce can escape.


The Rhine-Maidens teasing Alberich

Lalaleia! Leialalei!
Heia! Heia! Ha hei!

[They swim apart hither and thither, now lower, now higher, to provoke Alberich to give chase.
Fiercely within me
Passionate fires
Consume and flame!
Love and fury,
Wild, resistless,
Lash me to frenzy!

So laugh and lie your fill

One of you I desire,
And one must yield to my yearning!
[He starts chasing them with desperate energy. He climbs with terrible agility, and, springing from rock to rock, tries to catch one maiden after another. They keep eluding him with mocking laughter. He stumbles and falls into the abyss, and clambers up quickly again and resumes the chase. They sink down a little towards him; he almost reaches them, but falls back again, and once more tries to catch them. At last he pauses out of breath, and, foaming with rage, stretches his clenched fist up towards the maidens.
If but this fist had one!
[He remains speechless with rage gazing up­wards, when he is suddenly attracted and arrested by the following spectacle. Through the water a light of continually increasing brilliance breaks from above, and at a point near the top of the middle rock, kindles to a radiant and dazzling golden gleam. A magical light streams from this through the waves.
Look, sisters!
The wakener laughs to the deep.
Through the billows green
The blissful slumberer greets.
He kisses the eyelid,
Making it open;
Bathed in splendour,
Behold it smiles,
Sending, like a star,

Gleaming light through the waves.

The Three



gracefully round the

cliff together.
Heia jaheia!
Heia jaheia!

Wallala la la la leia jahei!

Radiant delight,

How glorious and glad thy smile,

Over the water

Shooting effulgence afar!

Heia jaheia!
Heia jaheia!
Waken, friend!
Wake in joy!
That we may please thee,
Merry we’ll play,
Waters afire,
Billows aflame,
As, blissfully bathing,
Dancing and singing,

We dive and encircle thy bed!

Heia jaheia!
Heia jaheia!

Wallala la la la heia jahei!

[With increasing mirthful abandonment the maidens swim round the rock. The water is filled with a glimmering golden light.
Whose eyes,
What is it, sleek ones,

That yonder gleams and shines

strongly attracted by the radiance, slare fixedly at the gold.
The Three


Where dost thou hail from, O churl,
Of the Rhinegold not to have heard?

Knows not the elf
Of the famed eye golden

That wakes and sleeps in turn?

Of the star resplendent
Down in the depths

Whose light illumines the waves?

The Three


See how gaily
We glide in the glory!
Wouldst thou also
Be bathed in brightness,

Come, float and frolic with us!
Wallala la la leia lalei!
Wallala la la leia jahei!

Has the gold no value
Apart from your games?
It were not worth getting!
He would not scoff,
Scorning the gold,

Did he but know all its wonders!

That man surely
The earth would inherit
Who from the Rhinegold
Fashioned the ring

Which measureless power imparts.

Our father told us,
And strictly bade us
Guard with prudence
The precious hoard

That no thief from the water might steal it.
Be still, then, chattering fools.

O prudent sister,
Why chide and reproach?
Hast thou not heard
That one alone

Can hope to fashion the gold?

Only the man
Who love defies,
Only the man
From love who flies

Can learn and master the magic
That makes a ring of the gold.

Secure then are we
And free from care:

For love is part of living;
No one would live without loving.

And least of all he,
The languishing elf,
With pangs of love
Pining away.
I fear him not
Who should surely know,
By his savage lust
Almost inflamed.
“Mock away! Mock!
The Niblung makes for your toy!”
See p. 15

A brimstone brand
In the surging waves,
In lovesick frenzy
Hissing loud.
The Three


Wallala! Wallaleia la la!
Join in our laughter,
Lovable elf!
In the golden glory
How gallant thy sheen!

O come, lovely one, laugh as we laugh!

Heia jaheia!
Heia jaheia!

Wallala la la la leia jahei!

[They swim, laughing, backwards and for­wards in the light.
His eyes fixed

on the gold, has listened attentively to the sisters’ rapid

Could I truly

The whole earth inherit through thee?

If love be beyond me

My cunning could compass delight?

[In a terribly loud voice.
Mock away! Mock!

The Niblung makes for your toy!

[Raging he springs on to the middle rock, and clambers to the top. The maidens scatter, screaming, and swim upwards on different sides.
The Three


Heia! Heia! heia jahei!
Save yourselves!
The elf is distraught!
Swirling waters splash
At every leap:

The creature’s crazy with love!
Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Reaching the top with a last spring.
Still undismayed?
Go, wanton in darkness,
Water-born brood!
[He stretches his hand out towards the gold.

My hand quenches your light;
I tear the gold from the rock;
Forged be the ring for revenge!

Bear witness, ye floods—

I forswear love and curse it!

[He tears the gold from the rock with terrific force, and immediately plunges with it into the depths, where he quickly disappears. Sudden darkness envelops the scene. The maidens dive down after the robber.
The Three


Seize the despoiler!
Rescue the gold!
Help us! Help us!
Woe! Woe!
[The water sinks with them. From the lowest depth Alberich's shrill, mocking laughter rings up. The rocks are hidden by im­penetrable darkness. The whole stage from top to bottom is filled with black waves, which for some time appear to sink even lower.
“Seize the despoiler
Rescue the gold!
Help us! Help us
Woe! Woe!”
See p. 16