The Ring of the Niblungs (Rackham)/The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie/The Rhinegold/Act 3

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The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie
by Richard Wagner, translated by Margaret Armour
The Rhinegold: Act III
4025367The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie — The Rhinegold: Act IIIMargaret ArmourRichard Wagner


From various points in the distance ruddy lights gleam out. An increasing clamour, as of smiths at work, is heard on all sides. The clang of the anvils dies away. A vast subterranean chasm becomes visible which seems to open into narrow gorges on all sides. Alberich drags the screaming Mime out of a side cleft.

Héhé! Héhé!
Come here! Come here!
Mischievous dwarf!
Prettily pinched
Promptly thou’lt be
Hast thou not ready,
Wrought to my wish,

The dainty thing I desire!

Ohé! Ohé!
Oh! Oh!
Let me alone!
It is forged;
Heeding thy hest
I laboured hard
Till it was done!

Take but thy nails from my ear!

Then why this delay
To show thy work?
I feared that something
Might still be wanting.
Mime, howling. “Ohé! Ohé!
Oh! Oh!”
Page 38

What is there to finish?
Here—and there———
How here and there?
Hand me the thing!
[He tries to catch hold of his ear again, In his terror Mime drops a piece of metalwork which he has been clutching convulsively. Alberich picks it up hastily and examines it with care.
Rogue, observe!
See how all wrought is
Well finished and feat,
Done as desired!
The simpleton wants
Slyly to trick me
And keep by cunning
The wonderful work,
Though all his skill
Came alone from my craft,

Thou art discovered, thief.

[He puts the Tarnhelm on his head.

The helmet fits the head;
But will the spell prosper too?

[Very softly.
“Night and darkness, a
Seen of none!”
[He vanishes, and a pillar of cloud takes his place.
Brother, canst see me?
Looks rond in amaze.
Where art thou? I see no one.
Then feel me instead,
Thou lazy scamp!

Take that for thy thievish thoughts!

Writhes under the
Ohé! Ohé!
Oh! Oh! Oh!
lashes he receives, the sound of which is heard without the whip being seen.
Invisible and laughing.
Ha! ha! ha!
Ha! ha! ha!
I thank thee, blockhead;

Thy work has stood the test.

Hoho! Hoho!
Nibelungs all
Bow now to Alberich!
For he is everywhere,
Waiting and watching;
Peace and rest
Are past for ever;
Ye must all serve him
Though see him can none;
Where he cannot be spied
Look out for his coming ;

None shall escape from his thraldom!

Hoho! hoho!
Hearken, he nears:
The Nibelung’s lord f
[The pillar of cloud disappears in the background. Alberich’s scolding voice is heard more and more faintly. Mime lies huddled up in pain. Wotan and Loge come dawn through a cleft in the rock.
Nibelheim here.
Through pale mists gleaming,

How bright yonder fiery sparks glimmer!

Oh! Oh! Oh!
I hear loud groans.
Who lies on the ground?
Mime writhes under the lashes he receives
Page 40

Bends over Mime.

Why all this whimpering noise?

Ohé! Ohé!
Oh! Oh!

Hei, Mime! Merry dwarf!
Who beats and bullies thee so?

Leave me in peace, pray,
So much is certain,
And more still, Hark!

Help I promise thee, Mime!

[He raises him with difficulty.
What help for me?
To do his bidding
My brother can force me,

For I am bound as his slave.

But, Mime, how has he
Thus made thee his thrall?
By evil arts
Fashioned Alberich
A yellow ring,
From the Rhinegold forged,
At whose mighty magic
Trembling we marvel;

This spell puts in his power
The Nibelung hosts of night.

Happy we smiths
Moulded and hammered,
Making our women
Trinkets to wear——

Exquisite Nibelung toys——
And lightly laughed at our toil.

The rogue now compels us
To creep into caverns,
For him alone
To labour unthanked.
Through the golden ring
His greed can divine
Where untouched treasure
In hidden gorge gleams.
We still must keep spying,
Peering and delving:
Must melt the booty,
Which, molten, we forge
Without pause or peace,

To heap up higher his hoard.

Just now, then, an idler
Roused him to wrath?
Poor Mime, ah!
My lot was the hardest.
I had to work,
Forging a helmet,
With strict instructions
How to contrive it;
And well I marked
The wondrous might
Bestowed by the helm
That from steel I wrought.
Hence I had gladly
Held it as mine,
And, by its virtue

Risen at last in revolt:

Perchance, yes, perchance

The master himself I had mastered,
And, he in my power, had wrested,
The ring from him and used it

That he might serve me, the free man,


As now I must serve him, a slave!

And wherefore, wise one,
Sped not the plan?

Ah! though the helm I fashioned,
The magic that lurks therein
I foolishly failed to divine.

He who set the task
And seized the fruits——
From him I have learnt,
Alas! but too late!

All the helmet’s cunning craft.

From my sight he vanished,
But, viciously lashing,

Swung his arm through unseen.

[Howling and sobbing.
This, fool that I am,
Was all my thanks!
[He rubs his back. Wotan and Loge laugh.
To Wotan.
Confess, our task
Will call for skill.
Yet the foe will yield,
Use thou but fraud.
Observes the Gods more attentively.
Who are you, ye strangers
That ask all these questions?
Friends to thee,
Who from their straits

Will free all the Nibelung folk.

Shrinking back in
Hark! Have a care!
Alberich comes!
fear when he hears Alberich returning.[He runs to and fro in terror
We’ll wait for him here.
[He sits down calmly on a stone. Alberich, who has taken the Tarnhelm from his head and hung it on his girdle, is brandishing his scourge and driving before him a band of Nibelungs fro m the gorges below. These are laden with gold and silver treasure, which, urged on by Alberich, they pile up so as to form a large heap.
Hither! Thither!
Héhé! Hoho!
Lazy herd!
Haste and heap
Higher the hoard.
Up with thee there!
On with thee here!
Indolent dolts,
Down with the treasure!
Need ye my urging?
Here with it all!
[He suddenly perceives Wotan and Loge.
Hey! Who are they
That thus intrude?
Mime I Come here!
Rascally rogue!
Gossiping art
With the pilgriming pair?
Off, thou idler!

Back to thy bellows and beating!

[Lashing Mime , he chases him into the crowd of Nibelungs.
Hey! to your labour!
Get ye all hence now!
Swing ye down swift!

From the virgin gorges
Get me the gold!
This whip will follow,

Alberich drives in a band of Nibelungs laden with gold
and silver treasure
See p. 44

Delve ye not fast!
That labour ye shirk not
Mime be surety,
Or surely the lash
Of my whip will find him;
That where no one would guess
I watch and I wander,
None knows it better than he.
Loitering still?
Lingering there?

[He pulls the ring from his finger, kisses it and stretches it out in menace.
Fear ye and tremble,
O fallen host,
And obey
The ring’s dread lord!
[Howling and shrieking, the Nibelungs, among them Mime, scatter, and creep down into the clests in all dirictions.
What seek ye here?
Looks long and distrustfully at Wotan and Loge.

From Nibelheim’s gloomy realm
Strange tidings have travelled up,

Tales of wonders
Worked here by Alberich;
And, greedy of marvels,

Hither came we as guests.

By envy urged,
Hither ye hie.
Such doughty guests

I do not mistake.

Since I am known,
Ignorant elf,
Say then, with growling
Whom dost thou greet?
In caverns cold
Where once thou didst crouch,
Who gave thee light
And fire for thy comfort,

Had Loge not smiled on thee?

Or what hadst thou fashioned

Had not I heated thy forge?

I am thy kinsman
And once was kind:

Lukewarm, methinks, are thy thanks!

On light-born elves
Laughs now Loge,
The crafty rogue:

Art thou, false one, their friend
As my friend thou wert once,

Haha! I laugh!

No harm from such need I fear.


No cause then for thy distrust.

I can trust thy falsehood,
Not thy good faith!
[Taking up a defiant altitude.

Yet I dare you all unflinching.

’Tis thy might
That makes thee so bold;
Grimly great
Groweth thy power.
Seest thou the hoard
Yonder heaped
High by my host?
Loge A richer one never was seen.
A wretched pile
Is this to-day, though.
Boldly mounting,

’Twill be bigger henceforward.


But what is gained by the hoard
In joyless Nibelheim,
Where wealth finds nothing to buy?

Treasure to gather
And treasure to garner——

Thereto Nibelheim serves.

But with the hoard
In the caverns upheaped

Wonders all wonder surpassing

Will I perform

And win the whole world and its fairness.


But, my friend, how compass that goal?


Ye who live above and breathe

The balmy, sweet airs,
Love and laugh:
A hand of gold

Ere long, O ye Gods, will have gripped you!
As I forswore love, even so

No one alive
But shall forswear it;
By golden songs wooed,

For gold alone will his greed be.

On hills of delight
Your home is, where gladness
Softly lulls;
The dark elves

Ye despise, O deathless carousers!

For first your men
Shall bow to my might;
Then your women fair
Who my wooing spurned

The dwarf will force to his will,
Though frowned on by love.

[Laughing savagely.
Ha! ha! ha! ha!
Mark ye my word?

Beware of the hosts of the night,
When rise shall the Nibelung hoard
From silent depths to the day!


Avaunt, impious fool!

What says he?
Stepping between them.
Cease from thy folly!
[To Alberich.

Who would gaze not in wonder,
Beholding Alberich’s work?
If only thy skill can achieve
Everything hope has promised,
Almighty I needs must acclaim thee!

For moon and stars
And the sun in his glory,

Forced to do thee obeisance,
Even they must bow down.
But what would seem of most moment

Is that they who serve thee,
The Nibelung hosts,

Bow and bear no hate.
When thy hand held forth a ring
Thy folk were stricken with fear.

But in thy sleep
A thief might slip up

And steal slyly the ring.
Say, how wouldst thou save thyself then?


Most shrewd to himself seems Loge;

Others always
Figure as fools.
If I had to ask for
Advice or aid
On bitter terms,

How happy the thief would be!

This helmet that hides
I schemed for myself,
And chose for its smith

Mime, finest of forgers.

I am now able
Swift to assume
Any form that I fancy,
Through the helm.
No one sees me,
Search as he will;
Though everywhere hidden,
I always am there.
So, fearing nothing,

Even from thee I am safe,
Most kind, careful of friends!

I have met
Full many a marvel,
But one so wondrous
Have never known.
Achievement so matchless
Scarce can I credit.

Were this possible, truly
Thy might indeed were eternal.

Dost thou believe
I lie, as would Loge?
Till it is proved

I must suspect thy word.

Puffed up with wisdom,
The fool will explode soon:
Of envy then die!

Decide to what I shall change;
In that form I shall stand.

Nay, choose for thyself,

But strike me dumb with amaze.

Puts the Tarnhelm on his head.
“Dragon dread,
Wreathe thou and wriggle!”
[He immediately disappears. An enormous serpent writhes on the floor in his place. It rears and threatens Wotan and Loge with its open jaws.
Pretends to be terrified.

Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

Ohé! Ohé!
Horrible dragon,
O swallow me not!

Spare the life of poor Loge!

Good, Alberich!
Well done, rascal!
How swiftly grew

The dwarf to the dragon immense!

[The dragon disappears and, in its stead, Alberich is again seen in his own shape.
He he! Ye scoffers,
Are ye convinced?
“Ohé! Ohé!
Horrible dragon,
O swallow me not!
Spare the life of poor Loge!”
See p. 50

In a trembling voice.

My trembling tells thee how truly.

A giant snake
Thou wert in a trice.
Having beheld,

I must credit the wonder.

Couldest thou turn
To something quite tiny
As well as bigger?

Methinks that way were best
For slyly slipping from foes;
That, though, I fear were too hard!

For thee, yes;
Thou art so dull!
How small shall I be?

The most cramped of crannies must hold thee
That hides the timorous toad.

Nothing simpler!
Look at me now!
[He puts the Tarnhelm on his head again.
“Crooked toad,
Creep and crawl there!”
[He vanishes. The Gods see a toad on the rocks creeping towards them.
To Wotan.
Quick and catch it!
Capture the toad!
[Wotan sets his foot on the toad. Loge makes a dash at its head and holds the Tarnhelm in his hand.
Is suddenly seen
Ohé! I’m caught!
My curse upon them!
in his own shape writhing under Wotan’s foot.
Hold him fast
Till he is bound.
[Loge binds his hands and feet with a rope.
Now swiftly up!
Then he is ours.
[Both seize hold of the prisoner, who struggles violently, and drag him towards the shaft by which they descended. They disappear mounting upwards.