The Rite of the Consecration of a Bishop in the Catholic Church
The Consecration of a Bishop
IT is proper that the Consecrating Bishop, as well as the Bishop Elect, should fast, on the day before consecration.
The Consecration ought to be on a Sunday, or on the Feast of an Apostle: but it may be, by the special grant of the Holy See, on any other Festival.
Unless the Consecration be celebrated at Rome, it should be solemnized in the Church, or at least within the Province, to which the Elect has been promoted.
In the Church appointed for the Consecration, two Chapels are to be prepared; a larger for the Consecrator, a smaller for the Elect.
The former is to be furnished with an Altar, decorated as is usual; with a Crucifix in the middle, and at least four lights.
The Chapel of the Elect must also he furnished with an Altar, having on it a Crucifix, and two lights.
The Bishop Elect is to present himself to the Consecrator robed as a Priest, with a cope; and whatever be the colour for the day, all the vestments he wears must be white.
There must be, at least, two Assistant Bishops, robed in rochets, amices, stoles, and copes, and wearing white mitres.
All being thus prepared, at the appointed hour, the Bishops, with their attendants, assemble before the altar; and after the Consecrating Bishop has offered up a short prayer, he and the Elect proceed to their respective Chapels, and there put on their robes.
This done, the Elect, with an Assistant Bishop on each hand, places himself before the Consecrating Bishop, seated in the middle of the Altar.
The Senior Assisting Bishop then says:
REverendissime Pater, postulat Sancta Mater Ecclesia Catholica ut hunc præsentum Presbyterum ad onus Episcopatus sublevetis. |
MOST Reverend Father, our holy Mother, the Catholic Church, demands of you to promote the Priest here present, to the heavy office of a Bishop. |
The Consecrating Prelate asks,
Habetis mandatum apostolicum? |
Have you the apostolic mandate? |
Senior Assistant Prelate replies.
Habemus. |
We have. |
The Consecrating Prelate,
Legatur. |
Let it be read. |
The Apostolic mandate is read. The Bishop Elect then kneeling before the Consecrating Prelate, takes the usual oath, which being pronounced, the Consecrating Prelate says,
Deo gratias. |
Thanks be to God. |
The Bishops are then seated and mitred, and the Elect also takes his seat. The Consecrating Prelate then proceeds to the examination.
ANtiqua sanctorum Patrum institutio docet, et præcipit, ut is qui ad Episcopatus ordinem eligitur, antea diligentissime examinetur cum omni caritate, de fide sanctæ Trinitatis, et interrogetur de diversis causis, et moribus, quæ huic regimini congruunt, ac necessaria sunt retineri secundum Apostoli dictum: "Manus nemini cito imposueris." Et ut etiam is qui ordinandus est, erudiatur, qualiter sub hoc regimine constitutum oporteat conversari in Ecclesiâ Dei; et ut irreprehensibiles sint, qui ei manus Ordinationis imponunt. Eadem itaque auctoritate et præcepto, interrogamus te, dilectissime frater, caritate sincera, si omnem prudentiam tuam, quantum tua capax est natura, divinæ Scripturæ sensibus accommodare volueris? |
THE ancient ordinance of the Holy Fathers, teaches and commands, that he who is chosen for the rank of Bishop, be first most diligently examined, with all Christian charity, concerning the Faith of the Holy Trinity: and that he be interrogated, concerning the different matters and morals which are befitting such government, and necessary to be kept up; according to the saying of the Apostle: "Impose not hands lightly upon any man;" and also that he, who is about to be ordained, may be instructed how every one, elevated to this government, is bound to demean himself in the Church of God: and, finally, that they who gave the consecrating imposition of hands, may be irreprehensible. Therefore, by this same authority and precept, we now interrogate thee, most beloved Brother, in charity sincere, whether thou wilt conform to the utmost of thy ability, to the sense of the Sacred Scriptures? |
The Bishop Elect standing uncovered replies,
Ita ex toto corde volo in omnibus consentire et obedire. |
So, with all my heart, I wish in all things to consent and obey. |
In all the other answers the Elect rises and stands uncovered in the same manner.
Inter. VIS ea, quæ ex divinis Scripturis intelligis, plebem, cui Ordinandus es, et verbis docere et exemplis? |
Q. WILT thou, both by words and example, teach the Flock, for which thou art ordained, those things which thou understandest from the Holy Scriptures? |
℟. Volo. |
A. I will. |
Int. Vis Traditiones Orthodoxorum Patrum ac Decretales Sanctæ et Apostolicæ Sedis Constitutiones veneranter suscipere, docere, ac servare? |
Q. Wilt thou reverently receive, teach, and keep, the Traditions of the Orthodox Fathers, and the authoritative enactments of the Holy and Apostolic See? |
℟. Volo. |
A. I will. |
Int. Vis beato Petro Apostolo, cui a Deo data est potestas ligandi ac solvendi, ejusque Vicario Domino Nostro Domino Pio Papæ Nono suisque Successoribus, Romanis Pontificibus, fidem, subjectionem, et obedientiam, secundum canonicam auctoritatem, per omnia exhibere? |
Q. Wilt thou uniformly render to Peter, the blessed Apostle, to whom by God was given the power of binding and loosening, and to his Vicar Plus IX., and to his successors, the Bishops of Rome, fidelity, subjection, and obedience, according to the injunctions of the Canons? |
℟. Volo. |
A. I will. |
Int. Vis mores tuos ab omni malo temperare et quantum poteris, Domino adjuvante, ad omne bonum commutare? |
Q. Wilt thou restrain thy practices from all evil, and to the utmost of thy power, God helping, direct them to all goodness? |
℟. Volo. |
A. I will. |
Int. Vis castitatem et sobrietatem cum Dei auxilio custodire et docere? |
Q. Wilt thou, with God's assistance, observe thyself, and teach others to observe, chastity and sobriety? |
℟. Volo. |
A. I will. |
Int. Vis semper in divinis esso negotiis mancipatus et a terrenis negotiis vel lucris turpibus alienus, quantum te humana fragilitas consenserit posse? |
Q. Wilt thou for ever continue a bondsman in the affairs of God, and estranged from earthly affairs, and base lucre, as far as human frailty permits thee? |
℟. Volo. |
A. I will. |
Int. Vis humilitatem et patientiam in teipso custodire, et alios similiter docere? |
Q. Wilt thou, preserve humility and patience in thyself, and teach the like to others? |
℟. Volo. |
A. I will. |
Int. Vis pauperibus, et peregrinis, omnibusque indigentibus esse propter nomen Domini affabilis et misericors? |
Q. Wilt thou, for the sake of God's holy name, be affable and merciful to the poor, to the stranger, and to all in need? |
℟. Volo. |
A. I will. |
Then the Consecrating Prelate says,
HÆC omnia, et cætera bona tribuat tibi Dominus, et custodiat te, atque corroboret in omni bonitate. |
THese and all other good gifts, may the Lord confer upon thee, and may He keep thee, and strengthen thee in all goodness. |
All answer, Amen.
Int. CRedis, secundum intelligentiam et capacitatem sensus tui, sanctam Trinitatem, Patrem, et Filium, et Spiritum sanctum, unum Deum omnipotentem, totamque in sancta Trinitate Deitatem, coessentialem, consubstantialem, co-æternam, et co-omnipotentem, unius voluntatis, potestatis, et majestatis, creatorem omnium creaturarum, à quo omnia, per quem omnia, et in quo omnia, quæ sunt in cœlo et in terra, visibilia et invisibilia, corporalia et spiritualia? |
Q. DOST thou believe according to the measure of thy understanding and conception, the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to be one God Almighty; and that the whole Godhead is in the Holy Trinity, in essence, in substance, in eternity and omnipotence the same, of one will, power and majesty, the Creator of all creatures, from whom are all things, through whom are all things, and in whom are all things which are in Heaven, or in earth, visible and invisible, corporal and spiritual? |
℟. Assentio et ita credo. |
A. I assent, and so I believe. |
Int. Credis singulam quamque in sancta Trinitate personam unum Deum, verum, plenum, et perfectum? |
Q. Dost thou believe that, in the Holy Trinity, each Person is the one true, full, and perfect God? |
℟. Credo. |
A. I do believe. |
Int. Credis ipsum Filium Dei, verbum Dei æternaliter natum de Patre, consubstantialem, co-omnipotentem, et co-æqualem per omnia Patri in divinitate, temporaliter natum de spiritu sancto ex Maria semper virgine cum anima rationali, duas habentem nativitates, unam ex Patre æternam, alteram ex matre temporalem, Deum verum et hominem verum, proprium in utraque natura atque perfectum, non adoptivum nec phantasmaticum, sed unicum et unum Filium Dei in duabus et ex duabus naturis, sed in unius personæ singularitate, impassibilem et immortalem divinitate, sed in humanitate pro nobis et pro salute nostra passum vera carnis passione et sepultum, ac tertia die resurgentem a mortuis vera carnis resurrectione; die quadragesimo post resurrectionem cum carne, qua resurrexit, et anima ascendisse ad cœlum, et sedere ad dexteram Patris; inde venturum judicare vivos et mortuos; et redditurum unicuique secundum opera sua, sive bona fuerint sive mala? |
Q. Dost thou believe, that the very Son of God, the Word of God, born of the Father from all eternity, consubstantial, of the same power, and in all things co-equal with the Father in Deity, was born in time of the Holy Ghost from Mary ever virgin; having two births, one before all ages from the Father, the other in time from a Mother; that He is true God and true Man, proper and perfect in both natures; not an adopted nor ideal son, but the only and the one Son of God; in two natures and of two natures, but in the singleness of one Person, impassible and immortal in His Godhead; and yet, that in His human nature, He suffered for us, by a true suffering of the flesh, and was buried; and, with a true resurrection of the flesh, rose again on the third day; and that on the fortieth day after His resurrection, with the flesh in which He rose, and with His soul, He ascended into Heaven; and that He sitteth on the right hand of the Father, and thence will come to judge the living and the dead; and will render to every one according to his works, whether they be good, or whether they be evil? |
℟. Assentio, et ita per omnia credo. |
A. I assent, and so in every point I do believe. |
Int. Credis etiam Spiritum sanctum, plenum, et perfectum, verumque Deum, a Patre et Filio procedentem, co-æqualem, et co-essentialem, co-omnipotentem, et co-æternum per omnia Patri et Filio. |
Q. Dost thou likewise believe, that the Holy Ghost is full, and perfect, and true God, proceeding from the Father and the Son, co-equal and co-essential, co-omnipotent, and co-eternal, in all things, with the Father and the Son? |
℟. Credo. |
A. I believe. |
Int. Credis hanc sanctam Trinitatem, non tres Deos, sed unum Deum omnipotentem, æternum, invisibilem, et incommutabilem? |
Q. Dost thou believe this Holy Trinity to be, not three Gods, but One God Almighty, eternal, invisible, unchangeable? |
℟. Credo. |
A. I believe. |
Int. Credis sanctam, Catholicam et Apostolicam, unam esse veram Ecclesiam, in qua unum datur verum Baptisma, et vera omnium remissio peccatorum? |
Q. Dost thou believe, that the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is the one true Church, in which the one true baptism is given, and the true remission of all sins? |
℟. Credo. |
A. I believe. |
Int. Anathematizas etiam omnem hæresim, extollentem se adversus hanc sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam? |
Q. Dost thou also anathematize every Heresy, which lifteth itself up against this holy Catholic Church? |
℟. Anathematizo. |
A. I do anathematize them. |
Int. Credis etiam veram resurrectionem ejusdem carnis, quam nunc gestas, et vitam æternam? |
Q. Dost thou also believe in a true resurrection of the same flesh which thou now bearest, and a life everlasting? |
℟. Credo. |
A. I believe. |
Int. Credis etiam Novi et Veteris Testamenti, Legis, et Prophetarum, et Apostolorum unum esse Auctorem Deum ac Dominum omnipotentem? |
Q. Dost thou also believe that of the New and the Old Testament, of the Law, and of the Prophets, and of the Apostles, there is but one and the same author, God the Lord Almighty? |
℟. Credo. |
A. I believe. |
Then the Consecrator says,
HÆC tibi fides augeatur a Domino, ad veram et æternam beatitudinem, dilectissime Frater in Christo. |
MAY this faith be increased for thee by the Lord, unto thy true and eternal bliss, most beloved brother in Christ. |
All answer, Amen.
The examination being ended, the Elect is conducted, by the Assisting Bishops, to the Consecrating Bishop, and kneeling before him, reverently kisses his hand.
The Consecrating Bishop's Mitre is taken off, and turning to the Altar with his Assistants, he begins the Confiteor in the usual manner; the Elect remaining at his left hand. The Assistant Bishops, with their Chaplains, say the Confiteor, at their seats.[1]
This being said, the Consecrating Bishop goes up to the Altar, which he incenses, as usual, and then continues the prayers of Mass, to the end of the Epistle and Tract.
The Elect is conducted by the Assisting Bishops to his Chapel. There the cope is taken off, and he is vested with sandals, pectoral cross, flowing stole, tunic, dalmatic, chasuble, and maniple. He then proceeds to the Altar, and recites the service of the Mass, to the end of the Epistle and Tract. But at the Dominus vobiscum, he does not turn to the people.
Besides the Collects of the Day, one is said, the last in order, for the Bishop Elect, and is as follows:
Oremus. ADesto supplicationibus nostris omnipotens Deus, ut quod humilitatis nostræ gerendum est ministerio, tuæ virtutis impleatur effectu. Per Dominum, &c. |
Let us pray. BE propitious in Thy mercy, to our humble petitions, O Almighty God! that what is to be conducted by our lowly ministy, may have its completion from Thy effectual power, through Jesus Christ our Lord, &c. |
The Epistle and Tract being finished, the consecrating Bishop sits down.
The Bishop Elect stands before him.
The Consecreting Bishop thus addresses the Elect:
EPiscopum oportet judicare, interpretari, consecrare, ordinare, offerre, baptizare, et confirmare. |
IT is the duty of a Bishop to judge, to interpret the Scriptures, to consecrate, to ordain, to make oblation, to baptize, and to confirm. |
All rise, and the Consecrating Bishop standing mitred, says to the Congregation:
ORemus, fratres charissimi, ut huic Electo, utilitati Ecclesiæ providens benignitas ommipotentis Dei, gratiæ suæ tribuat largitatem. Per Christum Dominum Nostrum. ℟. Amen. |
LET us pray, my dearest brethren, that Almighty God, providing, in His beneficence, for the utility of His Church, may bestow a plenteousness of grace on this Elect through Christ our Lord. Amen. |
KYrie eleison. |
LOrd, have mercy on us. |
Sancte Andrea, ora. |
Saint Andrew, |
Omnes sancti Pontifices et Confessores, orate. |
All ye holy Bishops and Confessors, |
A spiritu fornicationis, libera. |
From the spirit of fornication, |
Ut domnum Apostolicum, et omnes Ecclesiasticos ordines in sancta religione conservare digneris, Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou vouchsafe to preserve our apostolic prelate, and all ecclesiastical orders in holy religion, We beseech Thee hear us. |
Ut inimicos sanctæ Ecclesiæ humiliare digneris, Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou vouchsafe to humble the enemies of Thy holy Church, We beseech Thee hear us. |
Ut Regibus, et Principibus Christianis pacem et veram concordiam donare digneris, Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou vouchsafe to give peace and true concord to christian kings and princes, We beseech Thee hear us. |
Ut cuncto populo Christiano pacem et unitatem largiri digneris, Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou vouchsafe to grant peace and unity to all christian people, We beseech Thee hear us. |
Ut nosmetipsos in Tuo sancto servitio confortare, et conservare digneris, Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou vouchsafe to confirm and preserve us in Thy holy service, We beseech Thee hear us. |
Ut mentes nostras ad cœlestia desideria erigas, Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou lift up our minds to heavenly desires, We beseech Thee hear us. |
Ut omnibus benefactoribus nostris sempiterna bona retribuas, Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou render eternal good things to all our benefactors, We beseech Thee hear us. |
Ut animas nostras, fratrum, propinquorum, et benefactorum nostrorum ab æterna damnatione eripias, Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou deliver our souls, and those of our brethren, kinsfolk, and benefactors, from eternal damnation, We beseech Thee hear us. |
Ut fructus terræ dare et conservare digneris, Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou vouchsafe to give and preserve the fruits of the earth, We beseech Thee hear us. |
Ut omnibus fidelibus defunctis requiem æternam donare digneris, Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou vouchsafe to grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed, We beseech Thee hear us. |
Here the Consecrating Bishop, rising, and holding the crosier in his left hand, turns to the Elect, and says as follows, making at the words, "Bless, Sanctify, Consecrate," the sign of the Cross over the Elect: ?hc Assistant Bishops say and do the same, kneeling in their places:
UT hunc præsentem Electum bene✠dicere digneris. Te rogamus audi nos. |
THat Thou vouchsafe to bless ✠ this Elect here present. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut hunc præsentem Electum bene✠dicere et sancti✠ficare digneris. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou vouchsafe to bless ✠ and to sanctify ✠ this Elect here present. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
Ut hunc præsentem Electum bene✠dicere et sancti✠ficare et conse✠crare digneris. Te rogamus audi nos. |
That Thou vouchsafe to bless ✠ and to sanctify ✠ and to consecrate ✠ this Elect here present. We beseech Thee, hear us. |
The Consecrating Bishop again kneels, and the Litany is continued.
UT nos exaudire digneris. Te rogamus. |
THat Thou vouchsafe to hear us. We beseech Thee to hear us. |
Fili Dei. Te rogamus. |
O Son of God, We beseech Thee to hear us. |
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi. Parce nobis Domine. |
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord. |
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Exaudi nos Domine. |
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord. |
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Miserere nobis. |
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us. |
Christe audi now. |
Christ hear us. |
Christe exaudi now. |
Christ, graciously hear us. |
Kyrie eleison. |
Lord, have mercy on us. |
Christe eleison. |
Christ, have mercy on us. |
Kyrie eleison. |
Lord, have mercy on us. |
At the end of the Litany all rise. The Consecrating Bishop stands before his seat mitred, and the Elect kneels before him. The Consecrating Bishop takes the book of the Gospels, and with the assistance of the other Bishops, in silence, places it open, over the neck and shoulders of the Elect; and in this position it is held by one of the Clergy, until the tradition of the Gospels, to the Elect, as hereinafter mentioned.
Then the Consecrating Bishop, and the assisting Bishops, each touching with both hands, the head of the Elect, say,
Accipe Spiritum Sanctum. |
Receive thou the Holy Ghost. |
The Consecrating Bishop, standing uncovered, then prays:
PRopitiare Domine supplicationibus nostris, et inclinato super hunc famulum tuum cornu gratiæ Sacerdotalis, bene✠dictionis tuæ in eum effunde virtutem. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus. |
BE propitious, O Lord, to our supplications, and, opening upon this Thy servant, the fountain of Sacerdotal grace, pour forth upon him, Thy efficacious benediction: Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who, together with Thee, liveth and reigneth, in the unity of the Holy Ghost. |
The Consecrating Bishop, standing with his hands extended, then commences the Consecration Preface.
℣. Per omnia sæculasæculorum. |
℣. World without end. |
℟. Amen. |
℟. Amen. |
℣. Dominus vobiscum. |
℣. The Lord be with you. |
℟. Et cum spiritu tuo. |
℟. And with thy spirit. |
℣. Sursum corda. |
℣. Lift up your hearts. |
℟. Habemus ad Dominum. |
℟. We have lifted them up to the Lord. |
℣. Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro. |
℣. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. |
℟. Dignum et justum est. |
℟. It is right and just. |
VERE dignum et justum est, æquum et salutare, nos tibi semper, et ubique gratias agere: Domine, Sancte Pater, omnipotens, æterne Deus, honor omnium dignitatum, quæ Gloriæ tuæ sacris famulantur Ordinibus. Deus, qui Moysen famulum tuum secreti familiaris affatu, inter cætera cœlestis documenta culturæ, de habitu quoque indumenti sacerdotalis instituens, electum Aaron mystico amictu vestiri inter sacra jussisti; ut intelligentiæ sensum de exemplis priorum caperet secutura posteritas, ne eruditio doctrinæ tuæ ulli deesset ætati: cùm et apud veteres reverentiam ipsa significationum species obtineret, et apud nos certiora essent experimenta rerum quàm ænigmata figurarum. Illius namque sacerdotii anterioris habitûs, nostræ mentis ornatus est, et pontificalem gloriam non jam nobis honor commendat vestium, sed splendor animarum: quia et ilia, quæ tunc carnalibus blandiebantur obtutibus, ea potius, quæ in ipsis erant, intelligenda poscebant. Et idcirco huic famulo tuo, quem ad summi Sacerdotii ministerium elegisti, hanc, quæsumus, Domine, gratiam largiaris, ut quidquid illa velamina in fulgore auri, in nitore gemmarum, et in multimodi operis varietate signabant, hoc in ejus moribus actibusque clarescat. Comple in Sacerdote tuo miniterii tui summam, et ornamentis totius glorificationis instructum, cœlestis unguenti rore sanctifica. |
IT is truly meet and just, right and wholesome, that we always, and in all places, should give thanks to Thee, O holy Lord, Almighty Father, Everlasting God, the source of all honour to those, who, invested with dignity, minister each in his sacred rank to Thy glory: O God, who, when instructing, in secret and familiar converse, Thy servant Moses, wast pleased, amongst oher lessons of divine worship, to prescribe to him also the forms of Priestly attire, and didst command that Aaron, thy Elect, should be robed, during the performance of sacrifice, in mysterious garments, to the end that posterity might derive sacred knowledge from the example of their forefathers, and no age be destitute of Thy instruction: since with them of old, the beauty of symbols commanded reverence; and with us, the experience of the realities supersedes the darkness of figures. For the attire of that former priesthood notifies to us the ornaments of the mind; and sacerdotal glory is not now recommended by the grandeur of robes, but by the beauty of souls. For even those things which then gratified the carnal sight, claimed attention rather to the things they signified. Wherefore, O Lord, we beseech Thee to bestow upon this Thy servant, whom Thou hast chosen to minister to Thee in the dignity of High Priest, that whatsoever in those mystical garments was implied by the glitter of gold, the sparkling of diamonds, and the varied richness of embroidery, may shine in his morals and deeds. Achieve in Thy priest the completion of Thy ministry; and after clothing him with the brightness of all glory, sanctify him with the dew of celestial ointment. |
The Consecrating Bishop discontinues the Preface.
The head of the Elect, preparatory to his being anointed, is wrapt round with linen. The Consecrating Bishop kneels before the altar, and commences the hymn below; which is continued to the end, by the assistants and choir. But the consecrating Bishop, at the end of the first verse, rises from his knees, is seated and mitred; he takes off his gloves and ring, but replaces the ring on his finger. An apron is laid on his knees, and he then anoints the head of the Elect, kneeling before him, first round, and then on the crown; and whilst he does so, the Hymn continues to be repeated or sung.
THE HYMN Veni Creator Spiritus.
VENI, Creator Spiritus, |
COME, Holy Ghost, Creator, come |
Mentes tuorum visita, |
From Thy bright heavenly throne; |
Imple supernâ gratiâ, |
Come, take possession of our souls, |
Quæ tu creasti, pectora. |
And make them all Thy own. |
Qui diceris Paraclitus, |
Thou who art called the Paraclete, |
Altissimi donum Dei, |
Best gift of God above; |
Fons vivus, ignis, charitas, |
The living Spring, the living Fire, |
Et spiritalis unctio. |
Sweet Unction, and true Love. |
Tu septiformis munere, |
Thou who art sev'nfold in Thy grace, |
Digitus paternæ dexteræ, |
Finger of God's right hand; |
Tu rite promissum Patris, |
His promise, teaching little ones |
Sermone ditans guttura. |
To speak and understand. |
Accende lumen sensibus, |
O! guide our minds with Thy blest light, |
Infunde amorem cordibus, |
With love our hearts inflame; |
Infirma nostri corporis |
And with Thy strength, which ne'er decays, |
Virtute firmans perpeti |
Confirm our mortal frame |
Infirma nostri corporis |
And with Thy strength, which ne'er decays, |
Hostem repellas longius, |
Far from us drive our hellish foe, |
Pacemque dones protinus |
True peace unto us bring; |
Ductore sic te prævio, |
And through all perils lead us safe, |
Vitemus omne noxium. |
Beneath Thy sacred wing. |
Per te sciamus da Patrem, |
Thro' Thee may we the Father know, |
Noscamus atque Filium, |
Thro' Thee th' eternal Son, |
Teque utriusque Spiritum, |
And Thee, the Spirit of them both, |
Credamus omni tempore. |
Thrice blessed Three in One. |
Deo Patri sit gloria, |
All Glory to the Father be, |
Et Filio qui a mortuis, |
With His co-equal Son, |
Surrexit, ac Paraclito, |
The like to Thee great Paraclete, |
In sæculorum sæcula. Amen. |
Til time itself is done. Amen. |
Whilst the Consecrating Bishop anoints the Elect, he says:
UNgatur et consecretur caput tuum, cœlesti benedictione, in ordine Pontificali. |
BE thy head anointed and consecrated, in the order of High Priest, by Heavenly benediction. |
In nomine Pa✠tris, et Fi✠lii, et Spiritus✠Sancti. ℟. Amen. |
In the name of the Father ✠, and of the Son ✠, and of the Holy ✠ Ghost. ℟. Amen. |
℣. Pax tibi. ℟. Et cum spirituo tuo. |
℣. Peace be with thee. ℟. And with thy spirit. |
After the anointing, the Consecrating Bishop washes his hands; and continues the Preface, in the same tone as before.
HOC Domine copiose in caput ejus influat; hoc in oris subjecta decurrat; hoc in totius corporis extrema descendat: ut tui Spiritus virtus et interiota ejus repleat, et exteriora circumtegat. Abundet in eo constantia fidei, puritas dilectionis, sinceritas pacis. Sit speciosi nıunere tuo pedes ejus ad evangelizandum pacem, ad evangelizandum bona tua. Da ei, Domine, ministerium reconciliationis in verbo, et in factis, in virtute signorurn, et prodigiorum. Sit sermo ejus, et prædicatio, non in persuasibilibus humanæ sapientiæ verbis, sed in ostensione spiritus, et virtutis. Da ei, Domine, claves regni cœlorum, ut utatur, non glorietur, potestate, quam tribuis in ædificationem, non in destructionem. Quodcumque ligaverit super terram, sit ligatum et in cœlis, et quodcumque solverit super terram, sit solutum et in cœlis. Quorum retinuerit peccata, retenta sint, et quorum remiserit, tu remittas, Qui maledixerit ei, sit ille maledictus, et qui benedixerit ei, benedictionibus repleatur. Sit fidelis servus, et prudens, quem constituas tu, Domine, super familiam tuam, ut det illis cibum in tempore opportuno, et exhibeat omnem hominem perfectum. Sit solicitudine impiger, sit spiritu fervens: oderit superbiam, humilitatem ac veritatem diligat, neque eam umquam deserat, aut laudibus, aut timore superatus. Non ponat lucem tenebras, nec tenebras lucem, non dicat malum bonum, nec bonum malum. Sit sapientibus et insipientibus debitor, ut fructum de profectu omniam consequatur. Tribuas ei, Domine, cathedram Episcopalem, ad regendum Ecclesiam tuam, et plebem sibi commissam. Sis ei auctoritas, sis ei potestas, sis ei firmitas. Multiplica super eum bene✠dicrionem, et gratiam tuam, ut ad exorandam semper misericordiam tuam tuo munere idoneus, et tua gratia possit esse devotus. |
MAY this, O Lord, flow abundantly on his head; may it reach his lips; may it descend to the extreme parts of his body: so that the power of Thy Spirit may replenish him interiorly; and cover him all around exteriorly. May the constancy of faith, the purity of divine love, and the sincerity of peace, abound in him. May his feet, by Thy gift, be beautiful to preach peace, and to carry glad tidings of good things. Give to him, O Lord, the ministry of reconciliation, in words, and in deeds, in the power of signs and prodigies. Let his speech and preaching be, not in the persuasive words of human wisdom, but in the showing of the Spirit and power. Give to him, O Lord, the keys of the kingdom of heaven, that he may employ, without ostentation, the power which Thou dost impart, for edification, and not for destruction. Whatsoever he shall bind on earth, be it bound also in heaven; and whatsoever he shall loosen on earth, be it loosened also in heaven: whose sins he shall retain, be they retained, and whose sins he shall remit, may they be by Thee remitted. Whosoever shall curse him, be himself accursed; and whosoever shall bless him, be himself replenished with benedictions. May he be the faithful and wise servant, whom Thou, O Lord, appointest over Thy family, to give them meat in season, and to render every man perfect. May he be in watchfulness diligent, in spirit fervent; may he detest pride; may he love humility and truth, and be never led, by praises or fear, abandon them. May he never put light for darkness, nor darkness for light; may he never call evil good, nor good evil; may he be, to the wise and to the unwise, a debtor, that from the profit of all, he may gather fruit. Promote him, O Lord, to the Episcopal chair, to rule Thy Church, and the Flock committed to him. Be Thou unto him authority: be Thou his power, be Thou his strength. Multiply upon him Thy benedictions and grace: that by Thy gift he may be worthy to obtain mercy through his prayers: and be, by Thy grace, devoted to Thy love. |
In a lower tone, but so as to be heard by those around him, he thus concludes:
PER Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia sæcula sæculorum. ℟. Amen. |
THrough our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who, together with Thee, liveth and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. ℟. Amen. |
The Preface being ended, the Consecrating Bishop begins the Anthem.
Unguentum in capite, quod descendit, in barbam, barbara Aaron. |
The precious ointment on the head, that ran down upon the beard, the beard of Aaron. |
Quod descendit in oram vestimenti ejus: mandavit dominus benedictionem in sæculum. |
Which ran down to the skirt of his garment, as the dew of Hermon, which descendeth on Mount Sion. |
Psalmus cxxxii. |
Psalm cxxxii. |
ECCE quàm bonum, et quàm jucundum* habitàre fratres in unum. |
BEHOLD how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity; |
Sicut unguentum in capite:* quod descéndit in barbam, barbam Aaron. |
Like the precious ointment on the head, that ran down upon the beard, the beard of Aaron. |
Quod descendit in oram vestimenti ejus* sicut ros Hermon, qui descendit in montem Sion. |
Which ran down to the skirt of his garment, as the dew of Hermon, which descendeth upon mount Sion. |
Quoniam illic mandavit Dominus benedictionem* et vitam usque in sæculum. |
For there the Lord hath commanded blessing, and life for evermore. |
Gloria Patri, et Filio:* et Spiritui sancto. |
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. |
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper,* et in sæcula sæculorum. Amen. |
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. |
At the commencement of the Anthem, the Consecrating Bishop takes his seat, and mitre; the Elect kneeling before him. with joined hands, which the Consecrating Bishop anoints, first crossing them, in the form of a cross, and then anointing the entire palms, saying:
UNgantur manus istæ de oleo sanctificato et Chrismate sanctificationis, sicut unxit Samuel David Regem, et Prophetam, ita ungantur, et consecrentur. |
BE these hands anointed with sacred oil, and the chrism of sanctification, as Samuel anointed David, to be King and Prophet, so be they anointed and consecrated. |
In nomine Dei Pa✠tris, et Fi✠lii, et Spiritus ✠ sancti, facientes, imaginem sanctæ crucis Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi, qui nos à morte redemit, et ad regna cœlorum perduxit. Exaudi nos pie Pater omnipotens, æterne Deus; et præsta, ut, quod te rogamus, exoremus. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. ℟. Amen. |
In the name of God the Father✠, and of the Son ✠, and of the Holy Ghost, ✠, bearing on them the likeness of the holy Cross of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, who redeemed us from death, and obtained for us the kingdom of Heaven. Hear us, O Pious Almighty Father, Eternal God, and grant that what we ask in prayer, we may obtain: Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. |
Sitting, he continues,
DEus et Pater Domini nostri Jesu Christi qui te ad Pontificatus sublimari voluit dignitatem, ipse te Chrismate, et mysticæ delibutionis liquòre perfúndat, et sp?iritualis bene✠dictionis ubertate fæcundet; quidquid bene✠dixeris, benedicatur; et quidquid sanctificaveris sanctificetur; et consecratæ manus istius, vel pollicis impositio cunctis proficiat ad salutere. ℟. Amen. |
MAY God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom it hath pleased to exalt thee to the dignity of the High Priesthood, Himself abundantly shed on thee the sacred chrism and mysterious ointment, and plentifully enrich thee with His spiritual benediction ✠: whatever thou shall bless✠, be it blessed; and whatever thou shalt sanctify, be it sanctified; and may the laying on of these sacred hands profit all, unto salvation. Amen. |
The anointed hands of the Elect are bound with linen, and the Consecrating Bishop, standing, without mitre, blesses the Crosier, saying:
Oremus. |
Let us pray. |
SUstentator imbecilitàtis humanæ Deus, bene✠dic baculum istum, et quod in eo exterius designatur, interius in moribus hujus famuli tui, tuæ propitiationis clementia operetur. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. ℟. Amen. |
O God, the support of human imbecility, bless✠ this staff; and that which it externally represents, do Thou internally effect, by the clemency of Thy goodness, in the morals of this Thy servant. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. |
He sprinkles the Crosier with holy water; and, being seated and mitred, places it between the fingers of the Elect, saying:
ACcipe báculum pastoralis officii, ut sis in corrigendis vitiis pie sæviens, judicium sine ira tenens, in fovèndis virtùtibus auditorum animos , in tranquillitate severitatis censuram non deserens. ℟. Amen. |
REceive this staff of the pastoral office, that in the correction of vice, thou mayest employ severity with kindness, and exercise judgment without anger: and that in cherishing virtue, thou mayest sooth the minds of thy hearers, without neglecting, in thy peacefulness, the severity of reproof. Amen. |
The Consecrating Bishop stands up, without mitre, to bless the ring:
Oremus. |
Let us pray. |
CReator, et Conservator humani generis, dator gratiæ spirituális, largitor æternæ salutis, Tu, Domine, emitte bene✠dictionem tuam super hunc annulum; ut quicumque hoc sacrosanctæ fidei signo insignitus incesserit, in virtute cœlestis defensionis ad æternam vitam sibi proficiat. Per eumdum Christum Dominum nostrum. ℟. Amen. |
O Creator and Preserver of mankind, the Fountain of spiritual grace, and the Author of salvation, do Thou impart Thy Bless✠ing to this ring, that whoever shall walk distinguished by this sacred emblem of fidelity, may come, under the power of heavenly protection, unto life everlasting: Through Christ our Lord. Amen. |
He sprinkles the ring with holy water, and being seated and mitred, puts it on the finger of the Elect, saying:
ACcipe annulum fidei, scilicet signaculum; quatenus sponsam Dei, sanctam videlicet Ecclesiam, intemerata fide ornatus, illibate custodias. ℟. Amen. |
REceive this ring, the pledge of affiance, that, being adorned with the token of untainted fidelity; thou mayest guard with honour incorrupt, the spouse of God, His holy Church. Amen. |
ACcipe Evangelium, et vade, prædica populo tibi commisso; potens est euim Deus, ut augeat tibi gratiam suam, qui vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculorum. ℟. Amen. |
REceive the Gospel, and go forth, and preach it to the people committed to thee: for God is powerful to augment His grace to thee, who liveth and reigneth, world without end. Amen. |
The Consecrating Bishop, and the other Bishops, now receive the newly Consecrated to the Kiss of Peace, each saying to him:
Pax tibi. |
Peace be to thee. |
To which he replies:
Et cum spiritu tuo. |
And with thy spirit. |
The newly Consecrated, accompanied by the Assisting Bishops, returns to his Chapel, and having his head and hands wiped from the chrism, with crumbs of bread and linen, washes his hands, as does also the consecrator; and both, in their respective Chapels go on with Mass, to the end of the Offertory.
(For this part, see the Missal.)
At the end of the Offertory, the Consecrator seats himself with his mitre on, before the middle of the Altar; and the newly Consecrated, coming from his Chapel, attended by the Assisting Bishops, reverences on his knees the Consecrator, and makes his offering to him, of two loaves, two vessels of wine, and two wax torches, kissing his hand as he receives them.
After this, the Consecrating Bishop washes his hands, and goes up to the Altar; and the newly consecrated goes to the Epistle side of the same Altar, and having there a Missal placed for him, he accompanies the Consecrating Bishop through the remaining part of the Mass.
At the Communion, they both partake of the same Host and Chalice. To the regular service of the day is added a Secreta prayer for the Consecrated. In the Canon, too, the prayer, infra actionem, has a few additional words. They are as follows:
Suscipe, Domine, munera, quæ tibi offerimus pro hoc famulo tuo, et propitius in eo tua dona custodias. Per Dominum, &c. |
ACcept, O Lord, the gifts which we offer Thee, for this Thy servant, and mayest Thou mercifully preserve in him Thy grace: Through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c. |
Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis nostræ, sed et cunctæ familiæ tuæ, quam tibi offerimus, etiam pro hoc famulo tuo, quem ad Episcopatus ordinem promovere dignitatus es, quæsumus, Domine, ut placatus accipias, et propitius in eo tua dona custodias; ut, quod divine munere consecutus est, divinis effectibus exequatur; diesque nostros in tua pace disponas; atque ab æterna damnatione nos eripi, et in electorum tuorum jubeas grege numerari. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. ℟. Amen. |
WE therefore beseech Thee, O Lord, graciously to accept this oblation of our servitude, as also of Thy whole family: for this Thy servant, likewise, whom Thou hast vouchsafed to promote to the rank of Bishop, mayest Thou mercifully preserve in him Thy grace, that what, through divine bounty, he hath received, he may, through divine assistance, make perfect. Dispose our days in peace: preserve us from eternal damnation, and rank us in the number of Thy elect: Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. |
The Consecrated says,
Pro me famulo tuo. |
For me Thy servant, &c. |
After the Agnus Dei, the Pax, in the usual way, is given by the Consecrator to the Consecrated, and by him to the Assistant Bishops, in these words:
Pax tecum. |
Peace be to thee. |
Et cum spiritu tuo. |
And with thy spirit. |
After the communion, the Consecrated, with the Assisting Bishops, goes to the Gospel side of the Altar, and there he continues the Mass, with the Consecrating Bishop, who is on the Epistle side.
An additional Post-Communion is said, for the Consecrated.
PLenum quæsumus Domine, in nobis remedium tuæ miserationis operare; ac tales nos esse perfice propitius, et sic foveri, ut tibi in omnibus placere valeamus. Per Dominum, &c. |
OPerate in us, O Lord, the full benefits of Thy mercy, and in Thy divine goodness, so perfect and so cherish us, that we may in all things be enabled to please Thee. Through our Lord, &c. |
After the Ite, Missa est, is said, the Consecrating Bishop blesses the congregation in the usual manner; the form of blessing is hereafter mentioned. He then sits down mitred before the Altar, the Consecrated kneeling before him; and after a short pause, he rises and blesses the Mitre, saying:
Oremus. |
Let us pray. |
DOmine Deus, Pater Omnipotens, cujus præclara bonitas est, et virtus immensa, à qua omne donum optimum, et omne donum perfectum, totiusquo decoris ornamentum: bene✠dicere et sancti✠ficare dignare hanc mitram hujus famuli tui Antistitis capiti imponendam. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. ℟. Amen. |
O Lord God, Almighty Father, whose goodness is ever glorious, and whose power is boundless; from which every best gift, and every perfect gift, and every ornament of beauty descends; bless ✠ Thou and sanctify ✠ this mitre, about to be placed on the head of this Thy prelate: Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. |
After sprinkling it with holy water, he places it on the head of the Consecrated, saying:
IMponimus, Domine, capiti hujus Antistitis et Agonistæ tui galeam munitionis et salutis, quatenus decorata facie et armato capite, cornibus utriusque Testamenti terribilis appareat adversariis veritatis: et te ei largiente gratiam, impugnator eorum robustus existat: qui Moysi famuli tui faciem, ex tui sermonis consortio decoratam, lucidissimis tuæ claritatis ac veritatis cornibus insignisti, et capiti Aaron Pontificis tui tiaram imponi jussisti. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. ℟. Amen. |
WE place, O Lord, on the head of this Thy Prelate and Combatant, the helmet of defence and salvation, that, having his forehead adorned, and his head guarded, by the power of both Testaments, he may appear terrible to the adversaries of the truth, and stand forward as a valiant champion against them, through the abundant grace bestowed on him by Thee; who didst adorn the countenance of Thy servant Moses, made beauteous, in a colloquy with Thee, with the most brilliant rays of Thy brightness and truth; and who didst command a diadem to be placed on the head of Aaron, Thy High Priest: Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. |
The Consecrating Bishop, standing, blesses the Gloves, saying:
Oremus. |
Let us pray. |
OMnipotens Creator, qui homini ad imaginem tuam condito manus discretionis insignitas, tamquam organum intelligentiæ, ad rectè operandum, dedisti, quas servari mundas præcepisti; ut in els anima dignè portaretur, et tua in eis dignê consecrarentur mysteria: bene✠dicere et sancti✠ficare dignare manuum hæc tegumenta; ut quicumque ministrorum tuorum sacrorum Pontificum his velare manus suas cum humilitate voluerit, tam cordis quàm operis, ei munditiam tua misericordia subministret. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. ℟. Amen. |
O Almighty Creator, who didst give unto man, made to Thine own image, hands endowed with joints, as organs of intelligence, that he might work aright, and didst command them to be kept clean, that the soul might be by them aptly represented, and that Thy mysteries might be by them worthily performed, vouchsafe to bless ✠ and to consecrate✠ these coverings of the hands, that whosoever of Thy sacred Ministers, the Bishops, shall with humility clothe his hands in them, may, through Thy mercy, be signalized by cleanliness both of heart and work: Through Christ our Lord. Amen. |
The Consecrating Bishop sprinkles them with holy water, and draws them on the hands of the New Bishop, saying:
Oremus. |
Let us pray. |
CIrcumda, Domine, manus hujus ministri tui munditia novi hominis, qui de cœlo descendit: ut quemadmodum Jacob dilectus tuns, pelliculis hœdorum opertis manibus, paternam benedictionem, oblato patri cibo potuque gratissimo, impetravit; sic et iste, oblata per manus suas hostia salutari, gratiæ tuæ benedictionem impetrare mereatur. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum: Qui in similitudinem carnis peccati tibi pro nobis obtulit semetipsum. ℟. Amen. |
ENcompass, O Lord, the hands of this Thy Minister, with the cleanness of the New Man who came down from heaven; that, in like manner as Jacob, having his hands covered with the skins of kids, received his father's blessing, for presenting to him the food and drink he most desired, so this Thy servant may be found worthy, by offering, in his hands, the Holy Sacrifice, to obtain the blessing of Thy grace: Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who, in the likeness of the sinful flesh, for our sakes offered himself to Thee. Amen. |
The Consecrating Bishop now rises and puts the New Bishop in his seat, placing in his hands the Crosier; and then, bowing to the Altar, he gives out the Te Deum.
Whilst this Hymn is sung, the Assistant Bishops in their mitres conduct the New Bishop round the Church, who every where, as he passes, gives his blessing to the people. The Consecrating Bishop remains uncovered in his place.
TE Deum laudamus; te Dominum confitemur.
WE praise Thee, O God; we confess Thee our Lord.
Te æternum Patrem; omnis terra veneratur.
Thee, the Father everlasting, all the earth doth worship.
Tibi omnes Angeli, tibi cœli, et universæ potestates;
To Thee, the Angels, to Thee the heavens, and all the powers;
Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim, incessabili voce proclamant;
To Thee the Cherubims and Seraphims cry out without ceasing;
Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt cœli et terra, majestatis gloriæ tuæ:
Full are the heavens and earth of the majesty of Thy glory:
Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus;
Thee the glorious choir of the Apostles;
Te Prophetarum laudabilis numerus;
Thee the laudable number of the Prophets;
Te Martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus.
Thee the white-robed army of Martyrs, doth praise.
Te per orbem terrarum, sancta confitetur Ecclesia.
Thee the holy Church throughout the world doth confess
Patrem immensæ majestatis,
The Father of incomprehensible majesty,
Venerandum tuum verum, et unicum Filium,
The venerable, true, and only Son,
Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum.
And the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete.
Tu Rex Gloriæ, Christe.
Thou art the King of Glory, O Christ.
Tu Patris sempiternus es Filius.
Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father.
Tu ad liberandum suscepturus hominem, non horruisti Virginis uterum.
Thou, being to take upon Thee to deliver man, didst not abhor the Virgin's womb.
Tu devicto mortis aculeo, aperuisti credentibus regna cœlorum.
Thou, having overcome the sting of death, hast opened to believers the kingdom of heaven.
Tu ad dexteram Dei sedes, in gloria Patris.
Thou sittest at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father.
Judex crederis esse venturus.
Thee we believe to be the judge to come.
Te ergo quæsumus, tuis famulis subveni, quos pretioso sanguine redemisti.
We therefore pray Thee help Thy servants, whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy precious blood.
Æterna fac cum sanctis tuis, in gloria numerari.
Make them to be numbered with Thy saints in eternal glory.
Salvum fac populum tuum Domine
O Lord save Thy people, and bless Thy inheritance,
Et rege eos, et extolle illos usque in æternum.
And govern them; and exalt them for ever.
Per singulos dies, benedicimus te,
Every day we bless Thee,
Et laudamus nomen tuum un sæculum, et in sæculum sæculi.
And we praise Thy name for ever and ever.
Dignare Domine die isto, sine peccato nos custodire.
Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this day without sin.
Miserere nostri, Domine, miserere nostri.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.
Fiat misericordia tua Domine super nos, quemadmodum speravimus in te.
Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us; as we have put our trust in Thee.
In te Domine speravi; non confundar in æternum.
In Thee, O Lord, have I put my trust; let me not be confounded for ever.
At the end of the Hymn is sung the Anthem.
FIrmetur manus tua, et exaltetur dextera tua: justutua et judicium præparatio sedis tuæ.
LET Thy hand be strengthened, and Thy right hand be exalted: justice and judgment are the preparation of Thy throne.
Gloria Patri, &c. |
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, &c.
The New Bishop having returned to his seat, remains until the Hymn and Anthem are concluded. The Assistant Bishops stand uncovered with the Consecrator.
At the end of the Hymn and Anthem, the Consecrator says:
℣. Domine exaudi orationem meam. |
℣. O Lord, hear my prayer. |
℟. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. |
℟. And let my cry come unto Thee. |
℣. Dominus vobiscum. |
℣. The Lord be with you. |
℟. Et cum spiritu tuo. |
℟. And with Thy spirit. |
Oremus. |
Let us pray. |
DEUS omnium Fidelium pastor et rector hunc Famulum tuum quem Ecclesiæ tuæ præesse voluisti, propitius respice: da ei, quæsumus, verbo et exemplo, quibus præest, proficere, ut ad vitam una cum grege sibi credito, perveniat sempiternam. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. ℟. Amen. |
O God, the Pastor and Ruler of all the faithful, mercifully regard this Thy servant, whom Thou hast chosen to preside over Thy Church: grant that he may, both by word and example, benefit those over whom he presides; that, together with the flock committed to his care, he may come to everlasting life: through Christ our Lord. Amen. |
℣. Sit nomen Domini benedictum. ℟. Ex hoc nunc et usque in sæculum. ℣. Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini. ℟. Qui fecit cœlum et terram. Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pa✠ter, et Fi✠lius, et Spiritus ✠ Sanctus. ℟. Amen. |
℣. Blessed be the name of the Lord; ℟. Henceforth now and forever. ℣. Our help is in the name of the Lord; ℟. Who made heaven and earth. May the Almighty God, the Father ✠, and the Son ✠, and the Holy ✠ Ghost, bless you. Amen. |
The Consecrating and Assistant Bishops remain as before, standing on the Gospel side, in their mitres, looking towards the New Bishop, who proceeds from the Epistle side towards them, making in the way, three reverences, and at each reverence, saying to them:
Ad multos annos. |
Many years of health. |
He is then received to the Kiss of Peace by the other Bishops, who conduct him away, after saying the last Gospel of the Mass.
In omnibus glorificetur Deus.—Amen.
- ↑ For this part of the service, see the Ordinary of the Mass in the Missal.