The Selkirk Mountains/Index

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The Selkirk Mountains
by Arthur Oliver Wheeler
3226928The Selkirk MountainsArthur Oliver Wheeler



  • Abbott, Mt., 27, 29, 36.
  • Abbott Ridge, 36
  • Abbott Phillip, 52, 59, 85, 87, 90, 97.
  • Afton Mt., 27, 29, 37.
  • Allen, S. E. S. 53, 63.
  • Albert Canyon, 14, 37; Albert Creek, 37.
  • Albert Glacier, 38; Albert Peaks, 38.
  • Alder Creek, 39.
  • Aldritt, W. A. 38
  • Alpine Club, An, (1883), 16–19.
  • Alpine Club of Canada, 156–164.
  • Club House, 159, Constitution, 160–4.
  • Alpine Club of England, 25.
  • Alpine Club, Swiss, 25
  • Appalachian Mountain Club, 25.
  • Arrowhead, 148.
  • Arrow Lakes, 10, 148—Upper Arrow Lake, 142, 148.
  • Assiniboine, Mt., 8.
  • Asulkan Brook & Valley, 39.
  • Asulkan Glacier & Pass 30, 40,
  • Asulkan Glacier, 153.
  • Athabasca Pass, 7, 11; River, 11, 12.
  • Athalmer, 126.
  • Augustine Peak, 30, 37-8, 41–2, 44–5, 49–50.
  • Avalanche Crest, 38,42; Glacier, 43.
  • Avalanche, Mt., 20, 42.
  • Bain Brook, 43.
  • Bagheera, Mt., 29, 43.
  • Baker, S. H., 4, 35.
  • Bald, Mt., 27, 32, 43; Game on. 44.
  • Balfour, Mt., 9.
  • Ba 1, Mt., 9.
  • Baloo Pass, 44–5.
  • Banff, 6.
  • Bartleet, A. M. 30,
  • Battle Creek, 30. 47; Battle. Glaciers 30, 46; Battle Spring, 47.
  • Bear Creek, 4, 16, 47; Falls, 47 Station, 47.
  • Beaver Mt., 48; Beaver Glacier, 48; Beaver Overlook, 48.
  • Beavermouth, 121.
  • Beaver River and Valley, 4, 20, 27, 48–9.
  • Benham, Gertrude E., 29, 50, 51, 64, 68, 87, 90, 91, 99.
  • Berens, Evelyn, 28, 91.
  • Begbie, Mt., 142, 145.
  • Big Bend of Columbia, 10, 11, 12, 14, 144.
  • Birds of Selkirks, 173–6.
  • Bishop's Range, 30, 49–50. Glacier, 50; Pass 30.
  • Black Creek, 50; Glacier, 50.
  • Blackfeet Indians, 124.
  • Blaeberry Crossing, 121; Blaeberry River, 121.
  • Boat Encampment, 11.
  • Bohren, C, Guide, 29.
  • Bonney, Mt., 29, 50–1; Glacier, 51.
  • Bonney, Prof. T. G., 50.
  • Bourgeau, Mt., 9.
  • Bow River and Valley 6, 9, 14.
  • Brewer's Stopping Place, 125.
  • Brown, Mt., 7, 8.
  • Bruin's Pass, 51.
  • Bugaboo Creek, 31, 126.
  • Butters, F. K., 30, 42, 56.
  • Camels, The, 51.
  • Canal Flats, 126.
  • Canoe River, 7, 12.
  • Canyon Creek, 126, 137.
  • Canyon Creek Trail, 138, 140.
  • Canterbury Point, 124, 133.
  • Cariboo Mines, 9.
  • Caribou Creek, 51.
  • Cartier, Mt., 23, 142, 145–6.
  • Carbonate Landing, 126.
  • Cascade, The, 52; Cascade Summer House, 51.
  • Cascade, Mt., 7.
  • Castor, Mt., 27, 52.
  • Catamount Peak, 52.
  • Caves of Cheops, 55–6; 106–117.
  • Cedar Creek and Station, 53.
  • Cheops, Mt., 19, 20, 46, 53.
  • Clach-na-coodin Snowfield, 146.
  • Clarke Peak, 53–4; Glacier, 54;
  • Clarke, C, Guide, 53.
  • Clothes & Equipment for climbers, 178.
  • Coleman, Prof. A. P., 7, 154.
  • Columbia Lake, 10, 126.
  • Columbia River and Valley, 4, 8, 10, 12.3-5.
  • Columbia River, steamer rates, 134.
  • Columbia Valley, Roads and Trails, 134; Livery and Outfitters, 134.
  • Comstock, B. S., 30.
  • Committee's Punch Bowl, 7.
  • Copeland, Mt., 146; Copeland, R. R., 38.
  • Copperstain Peak, 56.
  • Corbin Peak and Pass, 56-58.
  • Corporal. The Little, 17, 80.
  • Cougar Brook and Valley, 4, 29, 54.
  • Cougar, Mt., 55, 107, 108.
  • Cox, Ross, 7, 12.
  • Craigellachie, Last Spike C.P.R., 21.
  • Cranbrook, 120, 125.
  • Cyprian Peak, 30, 49, 50, 56.
  • Dawson, Dr. G. M., 8, 136, 154.
  • Dawson Range, 58; Dawson, Mt. and Glacier, 58–9.
  • Delphine Creek 132.
  • Devil's Gap, 7.
  • Deville, Mt.,(see Mt. Selwyn), Deville Glacier and Névé, 30, 59.
  • Dixon, Prof. H. B., 59, 83.
  • Dogtooth Mts., 136–8.
  • Dome, The, 59.
  • Donald, 121–2.
  • Donkin, Mt., Pass and Glacier, 30, 60
  • Donkin, W. F., 60.
  • Douglas, David, 7.
  • Douglas Falls, 61; Douglas Howard, 61.
  • Douglas, Mt., 7.
  • Dutch Creek, 126, 127.
  • Eagle Peak. 25; Glacier, 62, 28, 61–2.
  • Eagle Pass, 13, 14, 144.
  • Ellis, C. D. 32, 128.
  • Elysian, Soda Springs, 132.
  • Ethelbert, Mt., 123.
  • Fairmont, 125, 127.
  • Fang Rock, 43, 62.
  • Farnham Mt., 128.
  • Fay, Prof. C. E.. 25, 28, 37, 52, 58, 59, 69, 83, 85, 90, 97.
  • Feuz, Edouard, Sr., 27, 35, 62;
  • Feuz Peak, 62.
  • Feuz, E., Jr., 29, 35.
  • Findhorn, 62, 78.
  • Findlay Creek, 127.
  • Fish Creek (Incommapleux R.), 62–3.
  • Fish Lakes, 132.
  • Fish of Selkirks, 173.
  • Flat Creek and Pass, 64.
  • Fleming Peak, 29, 64, 86.

Fleming, Sir Sandford, 14, 16, 19, 64, 156.

  • Flowers of Selkirks, 167–8; 170–2.
  • Forbes, Mt., 9.
  • Forster, W. E., 59, 67. 85, 90, 95, 97.
  • Fox. Mt.. 64–5; Fox Glacier, 65.
  • Franzelin, Edouard, 30, 62
  • Fraser, Simon, 7, 11; Fraser River 7.
  • Freeborn, F. W., 29.
  • Fritz (dog), 4, 28.
  • Fynn, V. A., 30, 178.
  • Gateway, The, 65.
  • Geikie, Creek and Glacier, 65–6.
  • Geologv of the Selkirks, 154.
  • Glacier Circle, 44, 66; Glacier Crest 41, 66.
  • Glacier House, 3, 24, 33.
  • Glacier Park, 33.
  • Glaciers of the Selkirks, 150–4.
  • Glossary, 182–6.
  • Goat Falls, 66.
  • Gold Range, 14, 142; Gold Creek, 31.
  • Golden, 119.
  • Gopher Falls, 66-7; Gopher Hole, 67.
  • Goodsir, Mt., 9.
  • Gordon, A. M., 69.
  • Government Surveyors first in Selkirks, 23.
  • Grand, Mt., and Glaciers, 67, 83.
  • Grant, Peak, 29, 68, 86.
  • Grant, G. M. 14, 19, 37, 68.
  • Gray, S. H., 69.
  • Green, Mt., and Glacier, 68.
  • Green W. S., 20, 23, 24, 39, 40, 50, 83, 151.
  • Greeley Creek, 146.
  • Grey, Earl, 32, 130; Earl Grey Camp 1, 130; Earl Grey Pass, 130;
  • Griffin Lakes, 144. Pass, 130;
  • Grizzly, Mt., 68–9; Grizzly
  • Creek, 68, 137, 138.
  • Grizzly Creek, North Branch, 140.
  • Halcyon Peak, 148; Halcyon Hot Springs, 148.
  • Haggen, R., 145.
  • Hammond, Mt., 127.
  • Harnden, E. W., 128, 130
  • Hasler, C, Guide, 27.
  • Hasler Peak, 28, 29, 69.
  • Healev Creek, 7.
  • Hector, Dr., 6, 8, 9.
  • Henry, Alexander, 12.
  • Herdman, J. C, 28, 69, 77, 145.
  • Hermit, The, 71.
  • Hermit Range, Glacier and Crest. 69-71.
  • Hickson, Prof. J. W. A., 29, 31, 79, 101.
  • Hieroglyphics, Indian, 124.
  • Holway, W. D., 30, 42, 56, 67, 74.
  • Hooker, Mt., 7, 8.
  • Horse Thief Creek, 32, 126, 128.
  • Howse Pass, 9, 11, 121.
  • Huber, Emil, 25, 59, 67, 85, 91, 95.
  • Hudson's Bay Company, 11, 12.
  • Ichthyosaurus, 71.
  • Illecillewaet Glacier, 20, 22, 71–2. 151–3.
  • Illecillewaet Gorge, 146.
  • Illecillewaet River and Valley, 13, 16, 73.
  • Illecillewaet Station, 73.
  • Invermere, 124, 133.
  • Incommapleux River (Fish Creek), 73.
  • Isabel House Boat, 126.
  • Jackson, W. S., 29, 43.
  • Jeopardy Slide, 73.
  • Jordan River and Valley, 142.
  • Jove, Mt., 73, 83.
  • Jubilee, Mt., 123.
  • Kananaskis, 6.
  • Kane, Paul, 8, 12, 13.
  • Kicking Horse River, 8, 9; Pass, 14, 16.
  • Kilpatrick, Mt., 30, 73-4, 83.
  • Klotz, O. J., 23.
  • Klahowy Steamer, 134.
  • Koehler, W., 29, 96.
  • Kootenae House, 124; Kootenay Lakes, 126.
  • Kootenay Central Railway (Columbia), 125.
  • Kootenay River, 10, 11.
  • Lakes in the Selkirks, 129.
  • Laurie Station and Mining Camp, 76.
  • Laut, A. C, 11.
  • Leda Peak, 74.
  • Lefroy, Mt., 9.
  • Leprince-Ringuet, M., 28, 91.
  • Lily Col, 74; Lily Glacier and Névé, 74–6.
  • Little, T. G., 87, 9.
  • Longstaff, T. G. 31, 139.
  • Lookout, Mt., 76.
  • Lookout Point, 108, 115.
  • Loop, The, 76; Loop Brook, 76.
  • Lvman, W. D., 148.
  • MacDonald, Mt., 19, 23, 68, 77; Macdonald Creek, 128.
  • MacKenzie, Alexander, 6, 7, 11.
  • MacKenzie River, 11.
  • MacKenzie, Mt., 23, 142, 146.
  • Macoun, Prof. J., 20, 41, 77, 167, 173.
  • Macoun, Mt., 28, 74.
  • Mammals of Selkirk, 173–4.
  • Marion Lake, 78.
  • Marmots, 40, 107.
  • Manitoba, Mt., 123.
  • Menotah Falls (See Asulkan Falls.)
  • McArthur, J. J., 23, 156.
  • McArthur, Mt., 140.
  • McBean, Mt., 78–9.
  • McCoubrey, A. A., 68.
  • McGill, Mt., 79.
  • McMurdo Creek, 126.
  • McNicoll, Mt., 79.
  • Meeting of the Waters, 79.
  • Michel Peak, 79; Michel F. (guide) 79.
  • Mitre Creek, 80; Mitre Creek Valley, 42.
  • Moberly, Walter, 13, 14.
  • Mountain Creek, 71, 80; Mountain Valley Ranch, 128–9.
  • Mountstephen, Lord, 14.
  • Moraines, 150.
  • Motor Road from Windermere to Banff, 129.
  • Mud Lake, 126.
  • Nakimu Caves (Caves of Cheops), 55–6; 106–117.
  • Napoleon, Mt., 80.
  • Nelson River, 12.
  • North Fork Illecillewaet River, 80.
  • North West Fur Company, 10, 11, 12.
  • N. W. M. P., 125, 128.
  • No. 2 Creek, 126.
  • No. 3 Creek, 126, 129.
  • Noyes, C. L., 59, 83.
  • Observation Point, 82.
  • Oliver's Peak, 82.
  • Overlook, The, 82.
  • Outram, J., 28
  • Palliser, 6, 8, 9; Palliser's Map, 136.
  • Palmer, H., 30, 42, 74.
  • Paradise Mine, 130.
  • Parker, Prof. H. C, 25, 28, 52, 58, 60, 67, 110, 128.
  • Parker, J., 29, 30, 99.
  • Pat, Father, 122.
  • Peace River, 12.
  • Pearce, Mt., 82.
  • Peechee, Mt., 7.
  • Perley Rock, 82.
  • Pharaohs, The, 130.
  • Piedmont, Glaciers, 46, 51.
  • Pinehurst, 130.
  • Pollux Peak, 83.
  • Prarie Hills, 27, 83.
  • Purity Range, 30, 83; Purity Mt., 83, 85.
  • Purity Glacier, 27, 30, 74, 85; Purity Pass 30, 85.
  • Purcell Trench, 136.
  • Purcell Range, 136.
  • Quartz Creek, 121, 137, 138.
  • Rampart, The, 27, 85.
  • Raymond, M., 28.
  • Redgrave, Sheriff, 122.
  • Revelstroke, Mt., Revelstoke Park, 144, 146, 147.
  • Red Snow, 41, 43.
  • Robertson, J., 124, 145.
  • Rogers Glacier, 86–7.
  • Rogers Hut, 86.
  • Rogers, Major, 13, 14, 87.
  • Rogers, Mt., 86.
  • Rogers Peak, 86–7.
  • Rope, Rules for, 179–180.
  • Salmon River, 126.
  • Sandwich Islands, 90.
  • Sapphire Col, 90.
  • Selkirk, Lord, 11.
  • Selwyn, Mt., 90.
  • Seven Falls (See Asulkan Falls)
  • Siegfried, H., 38.
  • Sifton, Mt., 91.
  • Silver Creek, 147.
  • Silver Tip Falls, 147.
  • Simpson, Sir George, 6, 12.
  • Sinclair Creek, 126; Pass, 129; Hot Springs, 129.
  • Sir Donald, Mt., 19, 25, 28, 29, 31, 91–4; Glacier, 94.
  • Sir Sanford, Mt., 27, 30, 31, 94–5.
  • Six Mile Creek and Station, 95.
  • Suck Creek, 95.
  • Smart, Mt., 95.
  • Smet de, Father, 8, 12.
  • Snowfields, 150.
  • Snowsheds, 155.
  • Southesk, Lord, 9.
  • Spilhmacheen Mts., 31, 139.
  • Spillimacheen River, 33, 126, 129; North Fork, 121.
  • Spilhmacheen Landing, 140; Trail, 138, 140.
  • Spring Creek, 130, 132.
  • Starbird Glacier, 110, 128; Starbird Thomas, 129.
  • Steele, Fort, 120.
  • Stony Creek, 95.
  • Strathcona, Lord, 14, 19, 21, 91.
  • Stutfield, H. E. M., 28.
  • Sugar Loaf, Mt., 95.
  • Sulzer, K., 25, 91, 97, 101, 102.
  • Sunbeam Lake, 96.
  • Surprise Creek, 96.
  • Swansea, Mt., 133.
  • Swanzy, H., 21, 24, 72, 98.
  • Swanzy, Mt., and Glacier, 96, 97.
  • Terminal Peak, 98.
  • Thompson, C. S., 52, 59, 85, 87, 89, 90, 97.
  • Tewes, E., 29, 91.
  • Thompson David, 7, 10, 11 12, 125.
  • Tilbury Glacier, 128. 132.
  • Toby Creek, 32, 124, 129–130.
  • Toby Glacier. 130.
  • Tomatin Peak, 78, 98.
  • Tonkawatla Valley, 142; River, 1444.
  • Topham, H. W., 25, 59, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 85, 90, 98, 151.
  • Trees of Selkirks, 166.
  • Tapper Mt., 16, 23, 29, 99.
  • Tupper Crest, 101; Glacier, 101.
  • Tuzo, H. L., 28, 29, 48, 51, 54.
  • Truda Peaks, 86, 99.
  • Twelve Mile Creek, 138.
  • Twin Creeks, 38, 148.
  • Twisted Rock, 101.
  • Ursus Major, Mt., 102.
  • Ursus Minor, Mt., 102.
  • Uto Peak, 102; Uto Glacier, 103.
  • Van Horne Brook and Glacier, 103.
  • Van Horne, Sir William, 14.
  • Vaux, Messrs. and Miss, 21, 23, 25, 28, 51, 151.
  • Vaux Glacier, 103.
  • Vaux Mt., 9.
  • Vermillion Pass, 8.
  • Verendrye, De la, 6.
  • Wheeler, A. O., 28, 31, 38, 136, 156.
  • Wheeler, E. O., 31, 82, 99–101.
  • Wheeler, Mt., 83, 104.
  • Whistler Falls, 104.
  • White Man's Pass, 8, 12.
  • Wilmer, 120, 132.
  • Windermere, 11, 124, 132-3.
  • Worsfold, H., 30, 99.
  • Yellowhead Pass, 14.
  • Yoho Valley, 3.
  • Young, Mrs., 33.