The Story of the French Revolution/Advertisements

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3942276The Story of the French Revolution — Advertisements1922Ernest Belfort Bax

Other Labor News


Translated from the
Original German of the 33rd Edition of August Bebel
By Daniel De Leon.

The complete emancipation of woman, and her complete equality with man is the final goal of our social development, whose realization no power on earth can prevent; — and this realization is possible only by a social change that shall abolish the rule of man over man — hence also of capitalists over workingmen. Only then will the human race reach its highest development. The "Golden Age" that man has been dreaming of for thousands of years, and after which they have been longing, will have come at last. Class rule will have reached its end for all time, and along with it, the rule of man over woman.

Woman in the Past; Woman in the Present; Woman
in the Future; Internationality; Population
and Over-Population.

Cloth Bound, 400 pages, $2.00

New York Labor News Co.,
45 Rose St. New York


Translated by Deniel De Leon

"With a majestic historic settings, draped in poetic elegance, and planted upon a pedestal of golden maxims that converge upwards, and illumine the principle itself, 'Franz von Sickingen' raises in thrilling yet statuesque solemnity the principle — not merely to have a purpose firm, but also dare to make it known." — De Leon.
Beautifully decorated cloth cover, $1.00
New York Labor News Co.
45 Rose Street New York City