The Sundhya, or, the Daily Prayers of the Brahmins/Plate 20

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The image of the sun, engraved on a silver plate, is placed in a Sumput (a wide copper vessel); raw rice, coloured with red sandal, some sandal, and red flowers, dhoop ghas, betel-leaves, areca-nut, red silk, the junes, dyed red, and all the brass vessels, images, &c., as daily used at their religious ceremonies. The Devotee stands upon one leg, the right foot against the left thigh, the heel turned outwards, and holding in his hands a brass cuttora (cup), containing a smaller one made of meal-dough, filled with ghee (melted butter), with a lighted wick placed in the middle. The sign worn in this Pooja is this . The lines are drawn with sandal, and the spot in the middle with vermillion. A crystal necklace is also worn in this Poojah.

Translation of the Pooja of Soorya.

original version from the bhavishyottara pooran.

[Presenting the Urgha, and joining his hands.]

1st verse. "O thou of a thousand rays! O thou great, thou powerful luminary, supporter of the universe! I bow before thee, and worship thee with the Urgha: receive my offering, O god of light!
2d verse. O Bhanu! thou who art immortal! the heavens, the earth, water, and fire, all proclaim and own thy power and greatness! Behold, I prostrate myself before thee, and present the offering of the Urgha! May it be acceptable to thee!
3d verse. "All that offer up thanksgiving to thee shall possess wealth and greatness, were his birth renewed a thousand times over!
4th verse. "Thou shinest upon the earth (in all the twelve months of the year) under the names of—
5th verse. "Aditya[1], Divakara[2], Bhaskar[3], Prabhakar[4], Huridaswa[5], Trailokya-lochana[6].
6th verse. "Mihira[7], Ravi[8], Dwijakara[9], Dwadsatmaka[10], Trimoortee[11], Soorya[12].

Sun presiding over

  1. March.
  2. April.
  3. May.
  4. June.
  5. July.
  6. August.
  7. September.
  8. October.
  9. November.
  10. December.
  11. January.
  12. February.



Day & Son, lithrs. to the Queen.