The Truth about China and Japan/Document M

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4598301The Truth about China and Japan — Document M1919B. L. Putnam Weale




Explanatory Note.—The valuable tables and returns annexed hereto are from an official (unpublished) annuaire of the Peking Cabinet. Nothing like them has ever been issued.

They include:

(1) A return of the Chinese Debt Service—the most elaborate statement yet published;

(2) The administrative expenses of the Central Government, giving a calendar year's estimate (excluding provincial expenditure);

(3) A complete return of the number of troops under arms in China to-day—total, 1,290,657 men, costing the country $208,971,080 per annum.

The available income of China to-day is about $370,000,000. National Debt Service requires $120,000,000, and Administrative Expenses (central and provincial governments) at least $130,000,000 Thus only $120,000,000 a year can be spared for Army and Navy. But the known army expenditure is upwards of 208 million dollars: when Navy and Extraordinary Field expenses of the army (due to the internal struggle) are added, the annual deficit is about $130,000,000.

This has been the explanation of the borrowings from Japan. If the list of Japanese loans in 1918 is carefully checked it will be found to amount to the deficit in the Chinese Budget.

The main conclusions, however, to be drawn from all these figures and returns are (1) that China can be governed more cheaply than any country in the world, bearing in mind her four million square miles of territory and her population of upwards of four hundred millions; (2) that in spite of the bucket-shop methods of finance encouraged by foreign concessionaires China, in comparison with Europe, is to-day practically debt-free, her total unproductive debt (less the suspended Boxer indemnities), Internal and External, calling for only $120,000,000 (say £20,000,000) per annum in interest and sinking-fund, and amounting in capital-value to considerably less than one pound sterling per head of population.

Extract from Government Statement

1. Payment of National Debts.

On account of the payment of the Boxer indemnities being postponed, and the low rate of exchange of gold, the expenditure under this head for 1918 was less than usual, only amounting to $112,750,000. Out of this sum, $68,820,000 were paid for foreign loans and $43,930,000 for domestic loans. Judging from previous records, it is felt that the annual provision for this purpose will have to be increased, as the price of sterling at present is extraordinarily low, and its probable rise must be guarded against. The annual amount that will be required for meeting national indebtedness will therefore have to be increased to $120,000,000. The following tables give the list of domestic and foreign loans, including the payment of principal and interest and also the long-term foreign loans.

Domestic and Foreign Loans, Including Payment of Principal and Interest

(From July 1, 1918, to June 30, 1919)

(1) Foreign Loans $ 71,001,606
Anglo-German Loan contracted by the late Ching Government 7,735,616
Supplementary Anglo-German Loan contracted by the late Ching Government 6,681,856
Russo-French Loan contracted by the late Ching Government $ 6,346,426
The Crisp Loan contracted by the Central Government 2,005,000
The Reorganization Loan contracted by the Central Govenrment 10,025,000
The Banque Industrielle Loan by the Central Government 1,503,750
The British and Chinese Corporation Loan by the Central Government 180,450
Advances by Banque Industrielle de Chine to Central Government on account of Ching-pu Railway 2,023,276
The Shinya Corporation Loan by the Central Government 240,000
The Chicago Bank Loan by the Central Government 482,400
The Telegraph Loan 960,000
Advances on account of Kirin-Weining Railway 560,000
The Forest Loan 1,800,000
Advances for Manchurian and Mongolian Railway 640,000
Advances for Tsi-Shun-Kao-Hsu Railway 640,000
Advances on Second Reorganization Loan 1,280,000
The payment of indemnity to Spain 8,283
The payment of indemnity to Holland 53,497
The payment of indemnity to Sweden 34,176
The payment of indemnity to Russia $ 5,546,395
Miscellaneous expenses in connection with payment of indemnities 9,772
Debts of Ministry of Navy to Sir Armstrong Whitworth & Co. for supply of guns, secured by Government Treasury Bill 712,000
Debt of Ministry of Navy to Kawaski Shipyard for supply of guns, secured by Government Treasury Bill 206,337
Debt of Ministry of War to Mitsui Bussan Kaisha for supply of guns, secured by Government Treasury Bill 668,962
Debt of Ministry of War to Taihei Komi Co. for supply of guns and munitions, secured by Government Treasury Bill 468,732
Debt of the Ministry of War to Russo-Asiatic Bank for payment of Lung-hua Tannery, secured by Government Treasury Bill 528,941
Debt of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Syndicate de Yunnan secured by Government Treasury Bill 478,894
Debt of Ministry of Education to Russo-Asiatic Bank secured by Government Treasury Bill 135,759
Debt of Ministry of Education to Banque Industrielle de Chine 87,600
Debt of Ministry of Education to Banque Sino-Belge for advances in sterling $ 165,405
Debt of Ministry of Education to Yokohama Specie Bank 82,800
Debt of Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce to Banque Industrielle de Chine 137,323
Debt of Ministry of Education to Mitsui Bishi Kaisha 82,800
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Mitsui Bussan Kaisha for loan contracted by the Nanking Provisional Government 933,035
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Standard Oil Co. secured by Government Treasury Bill 282,726
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Banque Sino-Belge secured by Government Treasury Bill 592,651
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Sino-Japanese Industrial Company 1,667,000
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Lee, Higginson & Co 995,676
Debt of Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce to Samuel & Co 34,708
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Russo-Asiatic Bank 298,700
Debt of Ministry of Finance to the Industrial Bank of Japan and Hsien Nien Bank 4,140,000
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Mitsui Bussan Kaisha & Co. $ 64,000
Debt of Ministry of Finance to the Exchange Bank 414,000
Debt of Ministry of Finance to the Septuple Banking Group 386,600
Debt of Ministry of Finance to the Quadruple Banking Group 849,400
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Banque Industrielle de Chine on account of Ching-Yu Railway 3,304,995
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Banque Industrielle de Chine for interest on Pukow Loan secured by Government Treasury Bill 309,602
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Banque Industrielle de Chine for advance against promissory notes issued by the Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chihli 743,909
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Okura Co. for advance against promissory notes issued by the Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chihli 643,765
Debt of Ministry of Finance to the Russo-Asiatic Bank for advances against promissory notes issued by the Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chihli 412,189
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Exchange Bank 960,000
Debt of Ministry of Education to the Russo-Asiatic Bank $ 290,000
Debt of Ministry of Navy to Ansaldo Works 240,000
(2) Domestic Loans 43,939,159
Debt of Ministry of Finance to the Banks of Communications for handling the Lunghai Railway Loan 225,000
Commercial deposits and shares of the former Ta-Ching Bank 92,424
Government Treasury Bill issued to former Resident-General at Altai 37,970
Government Treasury Bill issued to the Far Eastern News Agency 84,800
Government Treasury Bill issued to the Bank of Territorial Development 120,000
Government Treasury Bill issued for construction in the President's office 80,446
Government Treasury Bill issued for advances made to the former Bureau of Merit Investigation 8,887
Debt of Ministry of War to the Transportation Bureau at military headquarters, Hankow, secured by Government Treasury Bill 20,000
Debt of Ministry of War to the First Division secured by Government Treasury Bill 100,000
Debt of Ministry of War to Chang
Tsung Chang secured by Government Treasury Bill $ 100,000
Debt of Ministry of Navy to Kiangnan Dock secured by Government Treasury Bill 300,000
Debt of Ministry of Navy to Kailun Mining & Co. secured by Government Treasury Bill 106,766
Debt of Ministry of Navy to Kailun Mining & Co. secured by Government Treasury Bill 190,430
Debt of Ministry of Navy to Kiangnan Dock secured by Government Treasury Bill 127,812
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Temples in Peking and Jehol, secured by Government Treasury Bill 34,568
Debt of Ministry of Finance to Mongolian Princes secured by Government Treasury Bill 83,787
Redemption of 8% Military Bonds 1,969,692
Redemption of Patriotic Bonds 379,308
Redemption of 1st year 6% Bonds 1,563,811
Redemption of 3rd year Domestic Bonds 4,026,637
Redemption of 4th year Domestic Bonds 9,196,783
Redemption of 5th year Domestic Bonds 5,543,838
Redemption of 7th year Domestic Bonds $ 16,848,000
Redemption of 7th year 6% Bonds 2,700,000

Total $ 114,040,765

2. Administrative Expenses.

The amount expended by the Central Government in 1918 was $79,000,000 and that by the Provinces $68,000,000. The total was $147,000,000. Based on previous records, the annual amount required, roughly, is about $140,000,000. Granting that retrenchment can be made, the minimum amount required cannot be less than $130,000,000. The following table gives the estimated administrative expenses of the Central Government (less the Provinces, which expend $68,000,000):

The Latest Estimate of Administrative Expenses of the Central Government

(From July 1, 1918, to June 30, 1919)

Ordinary Expenditure
I. The President's Office $ 3,385,336
II. The Cabinet 1,341,818
III. The Manchu Imperial Household 13,585,239
IV. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs $ 3,755,509
1. The Ministry 671,076
2. Legations and Consulates 1,863,210
3. All offices under its direct control 1,221,223
V. The Ministry of Interior 8,287,567
1. The Ministry 773,943
2. Parliament 3,638,800
3. The Metropolitan Gendarmerie 1,156,044
4. The Office of Manchu Imperial Body-Guard 118,952
5. All offices under the direct control of the Ministry 2,595,154
6. Public Sacrifices 4,674
VI. The Ministry of Finance 31,503,064
1. The Ministry 711,936
2. All offices under its direct control 287,548
3. All other offices attached to the Ministry 769,508
4. Direct Revenue Collection Expenses 4,270,734
5. Salt Administration 10,976,662
6. Customs Administration 14,486,676
VII. The Ministry of Justice 1,620,835
1. The Ministry 324,000
2. The Supreme Court $ 221,911
3. All offices under the direct control of the Ministry 1,074,924
VIII. The Ministry of Education 2,761,960
1. The Ministry 480,000
2. All schools under its direct control 1,547,364
3. All Branch Offices 176,195
4. Government Scholarships in foreign lands 179,200
5. Subsidies 376,200
IX. The Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce 1,463,964
1. The Ministry 703,340
2. National Waterways Conservancy Bureau 110,400
3. All offices under the direct control of the Ministry 650,224
X. The Ministry of Communications 1,129,495
1. The Ministry 713,692
2. Educational Expenses 415,804
XI. The Department of Mongolia and Tibet 1,087,927
1. The Department 263,824
2. All offices under its direct control 41,478
3. Sub-offices $ 782,625
XII. All offices and bureaus in Peking 966,802

Total $70,889,517

Extraordinary Expenditure

I. The Cabinet $ 93,480
II. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2,006,016
1. The Ministry 392,636
2. Legations and Consulates 484,430
3. All offices under its direct control 1,128,950
III. The Ministry of Interior 831,727
1. The Ministry 239,479
2. Parliament 172,000
3. The Metropolitan Gendarmerie 12,000
4. All offices under its direct control 399,476
5. Public sacrifices 8,772
IV. The Ministry of Finance 4,448,985
1. The Ministry 191,600
2. Sub-offices 729,028
3. Direct Revenue Collection Expenses 2,313,458
4. Salt Administration 1,163,224
5. Customs Administration $ 51,675
V. The Ministry of Education 382,853
1. The Ministry 8,000
2. All schools under its direct control 314,853
3. All Branch offices 48,000
4. Subsidies 12,000
VI. The Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce 336,527
1. The Ministry 148,000
2. All offices under its direct control 108,527
3. Sub-offices 80,000
VII. The Ministry of Communications 103,743
1. The Ministry 87,382
2. Educational Expenses 16,361
VIII. The Department of Mongolia and Tibet 50,000
IX. All offices and Bureaus in Peking 4,451

Total $8,257,782

Grand total $79,147,299

(3) In the preceding paragraphs, it is to be noted that the payment of national debts and administrative expenses annually amounts to some $250,000,000. If this amount is deducted from the annual income of $370,000,000, only a residue of $120,000,000 will be available for the support of the army and the navy. At the present time, not counting the $7,150,000, expended on the navy, the army costs the country the enormous sum of $210,000,000. It must be added that even in this amount, neither the extraordinary and additional expenses required by the army, nor the extraordinary expenditure incurred by the Southwest campaign recently, are included. As it is our object to live within our means, it is essential that we should regulate the expenditure according to the income.

The Present Number of Troops in the Country and Their Cost of Maintenance

(For the 7th Fiscal Year of the Republic)

Districts Number of Troops Cost of Maintenance
Central Gov't 540,344 $90,358,245
Chihli 24,528 4,343,202
Fentien 58,820 11,240,959
Kirin 45,056 7,639,557
Heilungkiang 17,112 2,810,476
Shantung 76,292 1,618,968
Honan 28,876 5,036,722
Kiangsu 30,876 5,297,108
Anhui 21,528 3,747,295
Kiangsi 19,112 3,341,976
Hunan 20,028 3,200,634
Hupen 21,528 $3,812,144
Fukien 35,538 4,129,582
Chekiang 22,508 3,978,666
Kwangtung 49,732 8,120,824
Kwangsi 35,443 5,094,399
Shansi 28,976 5,056,533
Shensi 39,276 7,301,291
Szechuen 35,662 6,146,104
Yunnan 48,488 6,683,478
Kweichow 23,841 3,606,815
Kansu 17,514 3,165,976
Sinkiang 20,220 3,497,792
Jehol 6,196 1,000,014
Szechuen Border 12,777 1,200,000
Suiyuan 5,696 905,312
Charhar 2,150 206,871
Altai 1,674 298,951
Talbahartai 822 126,062
Thibet 40 5,124

Total number of troops 1,290,657 $208,971,080