The Unfortunate shepherdess/The unfortunate shepherdess

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The Unfortunate shepherdess (1820–1830)
The Unfortunate Shepherdess

Dated from the Scottish Book Trade Index.

3231554The Unfortunate shepherdess — The Unfortunate Shepherdess1820-1830


IN the county of Exeter there lived a squire,
And he had a daughter most beautiful and fair,
And she lov'd a shepherd below her degree,
Which caused her ruin and sad misery.

When her father came to know it, his passion got hot,
And with a loaded pistol the young shepherd he shot
And as he lay bleeding this young lady came by
Which caused her to weep and to cry bitterly.

O cursed be the gold my true love now slain,
My joys they are transported to sorrow and pain
O yes says the shepherd none can my life save,
But a wonder you'll see when I'm laid in the grave

The flocks that I feed my own share is but small
They are fifteen in number, they feed on yon hill
My dear they'll attend you wherever you go,
They'll be companions thro' the hail, wind and snow

She has ta'en up his crook, his cloak and his plaid
Like a faithful young shepherd to the valley she stray'd,
When she came to the hill all the sheep to her came,
All bleating aad treating her love to obtain.

The old ram she call'd Andrew and Sally his dame
Both Johnny and Charlotte knew their own name
When she wanted to stay upon any green plain,
She says you'll stay he e till I come again.

With a humble submission they always do so,
And when she long tarries they all mourning do go,
With a hnmble submission they bleat in her face,
Sure there not such a token in the whole human race.

She wander'd thro' England, to Scotland she came,
You true lover's controllers you see what's their doom,
The shepherd's no more and her father soon dy'd,
For the loss of his daughter and the murder beside.

If I would return to my father's bright hall,
I might live in splendour but that I ne'er will,
She says I will wander till death end the strife,
Lamenting for my shepherd all the days of my life.