The Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilised by Insects/List of Papers and Books bearing on the Fertilisation of the Orchideæ

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List of Papers and Books bearing on the Fertilisation of the Orchideæ, which have been published since the appearance of the First Edition of this Work in 1862, arranged in Chronological Order.

Bronn, H. G.—'Charles Darwin, über die Einrichtungen zur Befruchtung britischer und ausländischer Orchideen.' With an Appendix by the Translator on Stanhopea devoniensis. Stuttgart, 1862.

Gray, Asa.—On Platanthera (Habenaria) and Gymnadenia in 'Enumeration of Plants of the Rocky Mountains.'—American Journal of Science and Arts, Second Series, vol. xxxiv., No. 101, Sept. 1862, p. 33.

Gray, Asa.—On Platanthera hookeri, in a review of the first edition of the present work.—American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. xxxiv. July 1862, p. 143.

Anderson, J.—'Fertilisation of Orchids.'—Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener, April 21, 1863, p. 287.

Gosse, P. H.—'Microscopic Observation on some Seeds of Orchids.'—Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener, April 21, 1863, p. 287.

Gray, Asa.—On Platanthera (Habernaria) flava and Gymnadenia tridentata.—American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. xxxvi. Sept. 1863, p. 292.

Journal of Horticulture and Cottage Gardener.—March 17, 1863, p. 206. 'On Orchid Cultivation, Cross-breeding, and Hybridising.'

Scudder, J. H.—On Pogonia ophioglossoides. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. ix. April, 1863.

Treviranus.—'Ueber Dichogamie nach C. C. Sprengel und Ch. Darwin. § 3. Orchideen.'—Botanische Zeitung, No. 2, 1863, p. 9.

Treviranus.—'Nachträgliche Bemerkungen über die Befruohtung einiger Orchideen.'—Botanische Zeitung, No. 32, 1863, p. 241.

Trimen, R.—'On the Fertilisation of Disa grandiflora, Linn.'—Journal of Linnean Society, Botany, vol. vii. 1863, p. 144.

West of Scotland Horticultural Magazine.—'Fertilisation of Orchids,' Sept. 1863, p. 65.

Ceüger.—'A few Notes on the Fecundation of Orchids, and their Morphology.'—Journal of Linnean Society, Botany, vol. viii. No. 31, 1864, p. 127.

Scott, J.—'On the Individual Sterility and Cross-impregnation of certain Species of Oncidium.'—Journal of Linnean Society, vol. viii. No. 31, 1864, p. 162.

Moggridge, J. Traherne.—'Observations on some Orchids of the South of France.'—Journal of Linnean Society, Botany, vol. viii. No. 32, 1865, p. 256.

Trimen, E.—'On the Structure of Bonatea speciosa, Linn., with reference to its Fertilisation.'—Journal of Linnean Society, vol. ix. 1865, p. 156.

Rohrrach, P.—'Ueber Epipogium gmelini.'—Gekrönte Preisschrift, Göttingen, 1866.

Delpino.—'Sugli Apparecchi della Fecondazione nelle Piante antocarpee.' Florence, 1867.

Hildebrand, F.—'Die Geschlechter-Vertheilung bei den Pflanzen,' &c. Leipzig, 1867, p. 51, et seq.

Hildebrand, F.—'Frederigo Delpino's Beobachtungen über die Bestäubungsvorrichtungen bei den Phanerogamen.'—Botanische Zeitung, No. 34, 1867, p. 265.

Moggridge, J. Traherne, on Ophrys.—'Flora of Mentone,' 1867 (?). Plates 43, 44, 45.

Weale, J. P. Mansel.—'Notes on the Structure and Fertilisation of the Genus Bonatea, with a special description of a Species found at Bedford, South Africa.'—Journal of Linnean Society, Botany, vol. x. 1867, p. 470.

Hildebrand.—'Notizen über die Geschlechtsverhältnisse brasilianischer Pflanzen. Aus einem Briefe von Fritz Müller.' Botanische Zeitung, No. 8, 1868, p. 113.

Müller, Fritz.—'Ueber Befruchtungserscheinungen bei Orchideen.'—Botanische Zeitung, No. 39, 1868, p. 629.

Müller, Hermann.—'Beobachtungen an westfälishen Orchideen.'—Verhandlungen des nat. Vereins für Pr. Rheinl. u. Westf. 1868 and 1869.

Darwin, Charles.—'Notes on the Fertilisation of Orchids.'—Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Sept. 1869.

Delpino.—'Ulteriori Osservazioni sulla Dicogamia nel Regno vegetale.' Parte prima. Milan, 1868–69, pp. 175–78.

Moggridge, J. Traherne.—'Ueber Ophrys insectifera, L. (part).'—Verhandlungen der Kaiserl. Leop. Carol. Akad. (Nova Acta), tom. xxxv. 1869.

Müller, Fritz.—'Ueber einige Befruchtungserscheinungen.'—Botanische Zeitung, No. 14, 1869, p. 224.

Müller, Fritz.—'Umwandlung von Staubgefässen in Stempel bei Begonia. Uebergang von Zwitterblüthigkeit in Getrenntblüthigkeit bei Chamissoa. Triandrische Varietät eines monandrischen Epidendrum.'—Botanische Zeitung, No. 10, 1870, p. 149.

Weale, J. P. Mansel.—'Note on a Species of Disperis found on the Kageberg, South Africa.'—Journal of Linnean Society, Botany, vol. xiii. 1871, p. 42.

Weale, J. P. Mansel.—'Some Observations on the Fertilisation of Disa macrantha.'—Journal of Linnean Society, vol. xiii. 1871, p. 45.

Weale, J. P. Mansel.—' Notes on some Species of Habenaria found in South Africa.'—Journal of Linnean Society, vol. xiii. 1871, p. 47.

Cheeseman, T. F.—'On the Fertilisation of the New Zealand Species of Pterostylis.'—Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, vol. v. 1873, p. 352.

Müller, Hermann.—'Die Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten,' &c. Leipzig, 1873, pp. 74–86.

Cheeseman, T. F.—'On the Fertilisation of Acianthus cyrtostilis.'—Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, vol. vii. 1874 (issued 1875), p. 349.

Müller, Hermann.—'Alpine Orchids adapted to Cross-fertilisation by Butterflies.'—Nature, Dec. 31, 1874.

Delpino.—'Ulteriori Osservazioni sulla Dicogamia nel Regno vegetale.' Parte seconda, fasc. ii. Milan, 1875, pp. 149, 150.

Lubbock, Sir J.—'British Wild Flowers.' London, 1875, pp. 162–175.

Fitzgerald, E. D.—'Australian Orchids.' Part I. 1875, Part II. 1876. Sydney, New South Wales.