The Whole Prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France & Denmark/Chapter 19

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A very ancient Prophecy called Truswell's Prophecy, becauſe when it was firſt found it was put into the hands of Mr. Truswell, recorder of Lincoln.

THE Lilly (by which France is ſignified) ſhall remain the better part, and he ſhall be moved againſt the ſeed of the Lyon, and he ſhall ſtand on one part amongſt the thorns of his kingdom, whoſe kingdom is the land of the Moon; and there ſhall come the Son of Man bearing the wild beaſts in his arms; with a multitude of people he ſhall paſs many waters, and ſhall come to the land of the Lyon, looking for help from the beaſts of his own country; then shall there come an Eagle out of the Eaſt with his wings ſpread with the beams of the ſun, and in that year shall be deſtroyed caſtles, or rather ships upon the Thames; and there shall be great fear over all the world, and eſpecially in one part of the land there shall be a great battle amongſt many kings; and in that day shall be the bloody field, wherein the Lilly shall loſe his Crown, where with the Son of Man shall be crowned; and in the 14 year many battles shall be fought for the faith. The head of the world shall be brought down to the duſt, (viz. the Pope) and the Son of Man with the Eagle, shall be exalted, and there ſhall be a univerſal peace over all the world, and the Son of Man receive a wonderful ſign, and there ſhall be great plenty of all fruits of the earth; and he shall go into the land of the croſs, viz. the Holy Land. This prophecy when firſt found, and many times ſince, has put ſundry learned perſons to conſider when it would come to paſs, and who ſhould be meant by the Son of Man; however, happily after all, this age may more plainly manifeſt.