The Works of Thomas Carlyle/Volume 4/The French Revolution, Volume 3/Index

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The Works of Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle

New York: C. Scribner's sons, pages 341–359

3700053The Works of Thomas CarlyleTHE FRENCH REVOLUTION: a history—Vol. IIIThomas Carlyle


Table of contents A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Abbaye, massacres at, iii. 27; Jourgniac, Sicard, and Maton's account of doings there, 31–38.

Acceptation, grande, by Louis xvi., ii. 195–203.

Adam, Father: see St. Huruge, Marquis.

Agoust, Captain d', seizes two Parlementeers, i. 102.

Aiguillon, Duke d', at Quiberon, i. 2; account of, 3; in favour, 3; at death of Louis xv., 22.

Aintrigues, Count d', notice of, i. 117.

Altar of Fatherland in Champ-de-Mars, ii. 65; petition and scene at, 192; christening at, 253.

Amiral, assassin, iii. 265; guillotined, 269.

Anglas, Boissy d', President, First of Prairial, iii. 308.

Angoulême, Duchesse d', parts from her father, iii. 108.

Angremont, Collenot d', guillotined, iii. 9.

Ankarström: see Sweden.

Antoinette, Marie, splendour of, i. 32; applauded, 40; compromised by Diamond Necklace, 57; griefs of, 93, 148; her presentiments, 108; weeps, unpopular, 223; at dinner of Guards, 247; courage of, 275; Fifth October, at Versailles, 278; shows herself to mob, 283; and Louis at Tuileries, ii. 4; and the Lorrainer, 60; and Mirabeau, 123, 137; previous to flight, 156; flight from Tuileries, 159; captured, 180; and Barnave, 188; in dilemma, 224; Coblentz intrigues, 224; and Lamotte's Mémoires, 239; during Twentieth June, 261; during Tenth August, 293–297; behaviour as captive, 305; and Princess de Lamballe, iii. 29; in Temple Prison, 80; parting scene with King, 108; to the Conciergerie, 193; trial of, 194; on quitting Vienna, 196; guillotined, 197.

Applauders, hired, ii. 225, 234.

Argonne Forest, occupied by Dumouries, iii. 21; Bruswick at, 51.

Aristocrats, officers in French army, ii. 74; number of, in Paris, iii. 8; seized, 15; condition in 1794, 245.

Arles, state of, ii. 218.

Arms, smiths making, i. 179, 183; search for, 180; at Charleville, 182; at Hôtel des Invalids, 185–188; manufacture of, ii. 135, 150; in 1794, iii. 235; scarcity of, in 1792, 10; Danton's search for, 13,

Army, French, after Bastille, ii. 72–79; officered by aristocrats, 74; to be disbanded, 78; demands arrears, 80, 86: general mutiny of, 80; outbreak of, 81, 86, 87, 95; Nanci military executions, 93; Royalists leave, 106; bad state of, 234, 254; iii. 18, 53; in want, 77; recruited, 229, 230; Revolutionary, 133, 190, 192, 214; fourteen armies on foot, 240, 296.

Arras, guillotine at, iii. 222. See Lebon.

Arrests in August 1792, iii. 16.

Arsenal, attempt to burn, i. 188.

Artois, M. d', ways of, i. 33; unpopularity of, 87; memorial by, 117; fled, 202; at Coblentz, ii. 230; will not return, 238.

Assemblies, French, Primary and Secondary, i. 121.

Assembly, National, Third Estate becomes, i. 159; to be extruded, 160; stands grouped in the rain, 161; occupies Tennis-Court, 162; scene there, 162; joined by clergy, etc., 163, 167; doings on King's speech, 164, 165; ratified by King, 167; cannon pointed at, 168; regrets Necker, 184; after Bastille, 198, 200.

Assembly, Constituent, National, becomes, i. 214; pedantic, Irregular Verbs, 215; what it can do, 217; Night of Pentecost, 219 (and ii. 229); Left and Right side, 220 (and ii. 12); dull, 222; raises money, 240; on the Veto, 241; Fifth October, women, 251, 256, 262; in Paris Riding-Hall, ii. 5; on deficit, assignats, 8; on clergy, 9; and riot, 18; prepares for Louis's visit, 35; on Federation, 50; Anacharsis Clootz, 50, 51; eldest of men, 54; on Franklin's death, 66; on state of army, 82, 87; thanks Bouillé, 98; on Nanci affair, 99; on Emigrants, 131; on death of Mirabeau, 143; on escape of King, 164; after capture of King, 187, 190; completes Constitution, 195; dissolves itself, 200; what it has done, 201.

Assembly, Legislative, First French Parliament, doings of, ii. 203-219; book of law, quarrel with King, 209; Baiser de Lamourette, 210; High Court, 238; decrees vetoed, 238; scenes in, 239; reprimands King's ministers, 241; smoked out, 242; declares war, 250, 252; declares France in danger, 271, 276; reinstates Pétion, 275; brayed-glass, 281; nonplussed, Lafayette, 285, 286, 292; King and Swiss, August Tenth, 295–302; becoming defunct, 307; iii. 4; September massacres, 38; dissolved, 58.

Assignats, origin of, ii. 8; false Royalist, 231; forgers of, iii. 28; coach-fare in, 302.

Atheism and Dupont, iii. 98.

Aubriot, Sieur, after King's capture, ii. 183.

Aubry, Colonel, at Jalès, ii. 236.

Auch, M. Martin d', in Versailles Tennis-Court, i. 163.

August Tenth, 1792, ii. 293-308.

Austria, its quarrel with France, ii. 229.

Austrian Committee, at Tuileries, ii. 227.

Austrian Army, invades France, iii. 12; Unsuccessful there, 59; defeated at Jemappes, 84; Dumouriez escapes to, 147; repulsed, Watigny, 239.

Avignon, Union of, ii. 199; described, 211; state of, 213; riot in church at, 215; occupied by Jourdan, 215; massacre at, 216.

Babœuf Insurrection, iii. 321.

Bachaumont, his thirty volumes, i. 55.

Baille, involuntary epigram of, ii. 244.

Bailly, Astronomer, account of, i. 144; President of National Assembly, 159; Mayor of Paris, 201; receives Louis in Paris, 203; and Paris Parlement, ii. 9; on Petition for Deposition, 193; decline of, 243; in prison, iii. 194; at Queen's trial, 196; guillotined cruelly, 211.

Baker, hanged, ii. 17.

Baker's, French in tail at, i. 232: ii. 112; iii. 79, 117, 302.

Balloons invented, i. 51; used as spies, iii. 244.

Barbaroux and Marat, ii. 15; Marseilles Deputy, 218; and the Rolands, 219; on Map of France, 258; demand of, to Marseilles, 258; meets Marseillese, 282; in National Convention, iii. 49; against Robespierre, 74; cannot be heard, 87; the Girondins declining, 130; will not demit, 161; arrested, 162; and Charlotte Corday, 167; retreats to Bordeaux, 176, 189; farewell of, 200; shoots himself, 201.

Barber, the, at Lille, iii. 60.

Bardy, Abbé, massacred, iii. 33.

Barentin, Keeper of Seals, i. 158.

Barnave, at Grenoble, i. 104; member of Assembly, 142; one of a trio, 221; too reckless, ii. 6; Jacobin, 31; duel with Cazalès, 116; escorts the King from Varennes, 186; conciliates Queen, 188; becomes Constitutional, 189; retires to Grenoble, 249; treason, in prison, iii. 90; guillotined, 212.

Barras, Paul-François, in National Convention, iii. 50; commands in Thermidor, 282; appoints Napoleon in Vendémiaire, 318.

Barrère, Editor, i. 236; at King's trial, iii. 93; peace-maker, 129, 158; levy in mass, 190; Anacreon of Guillotine, 242; gives dinner-party, plot, 275; banished, 302.

Bartholomew massacre, iii. 43.

Bastille, Linguet's Book on, i. 56; meaning of, 131; shots fired at, 185; summoned by insurgents, 189; besieged, 191; capitulates, 195; treatment of captured, 196; Quéret-Démery, 199; demolished, key sent to Washington, 209; Heroes, 210; Electors, displaced, 234; dance on ruins of, ii. 66.

Battles, nature of, i. 251.

Bazire, of Mountain, ii. 19, 207; imprisoned, iii. 233.

Bearn, riot at, i. 105.

Beauharnais in Champ-de-Mars, ii. 58; Josephine, imprisoned, iii. 207; and Napoleon, at La Cabarus's, 293.

Beaumarchais, Caron, his lawsuit, i. 43; his Mariage de Figaro, 59; commissions arms from Holland, iii. 11; his distress, 16.

Beaumont, Archbishop, notice of, i. 16.

Beaurepaire, Governor of Verdun, shoots himself, iii. 19.

Bed of Justice, i. 82.

Belief, French, i. 149.

Bentham, Jeremy, naturalised, iii. 5.

Berline (see Fersen), towards Varennes, ii. 168-172.

Berthier, Intendant, fled, i. 203; arrested, 207; massacred, 208.

Berthier, Commandant, at Versailles, ii. 127.

Besenval, Baron, Commandant of Paris, on French Finance, i. 64; in riot of Rue St. Antoine, 139; on corruption of Guards, 170, 171; at Champ-de-Mars, 184; apparition to, 187; decamps, 199; and Louis xvi., 223.

Béthune, riot at, i. 171.

Beurnonville, with Dumouriez, imprisoned, iii. 146.

Bill-stickers, Paris, ii. 28, 107.

Billaud-Varennes, Jacobin, ii. 243, 246; cruel, iii. 25; at massacres, Sept. 1792, 39; in Salut Committee, 231; and Robespierre's Être Suprême, 268; accuses Robespierre, 279; accused, 301; banished, 302; at Surinam, 310.

Birmingham riot, ii. 229.

Blanc, Le, landlord at Varennes, ii. 180; family take to the woods, iii. 20.

Blood, baths of, i. 12.

Bonchamps, in La Vendée War, iii. 12,

Bonnemère, Aubin, at Siege of Bastille, i. 191, 192.

Bouillé at Metz, ii. 93, 124; account of, 71; character of, 97; his troops mutinous, 79; and Salm regiment, 80; intrepidity of, 81, 85; marches on Nanci, 92; quells Nanci mutineers, 93–97; at Mirabeau'a funeral, 144; expects fugitive King, 170; would liberate King, 184; emigrates, 185.

Bouillé Junior, asleep at Varennes, ii. 179; flies to father, 183.

Bordeaux, priests hanged at, ii. 268; for Girondism, iii. 152, 177.

Boyer, duellist, ii. 119.

Boyer-Fonfrède, notice of, ii. 44.

Brennus, reminiscence of, iii. 72.

Brest, sailors revolt, ii. 101; state of, in 1791, 222; Fédérés in Paris, 281; in 1793, iii. 214.

Bréteuil, Home-Secretary, i. 98.

Breton Club, germ of Jacobins, i. 104,

Bretons, deputations of, i. 104; Girondins, iii. 176.

Brézé, Marquis de, his mode of ushering, i. 131; and National Assembly, 160, 165; extraordinary etiquette, 165.

Brienne, Loménie, anti-protestant, i. 37; in Notables, 73; Controller of Finance, 76; incapacity of, 78; edicts by, 80; failure of, 83; arrests Paris Parlement, 84; exasperated, sick, 95; secret scheme, 97; scheme discovered, 98; arrests two Parlementeers, 101; bewildered, 106; desperate shifts by, 107; wishes for Necker, 108; dismissed, and provided for, 109; his effigy burnt, 111.

Brigands, the, origin of, i. 126; in Paris, 127, 204; ii. 237; of Avignon, 212.

Brissac, Duke de, commands Constitutional Guard, ii. 196; disbanded, 240.

Brissot, edits Moniteur, i. 135; friend of Blacks, ii. 11; in First Parliament, 206; plans in 1792, 235; active in Assembly, 242; in Jacobins, 246; at Roland's, 248; pelted in Assembly, 275; arrested, iii. 162, 178; trial of, 197; guillotined, 199.

Brittany, commotions in, i. 13, 104, 123.

Broglie, Marshal, against Plenary Court, i. 105; in command, 156, 170; in office, 176; dismissed, 202.

Brunout, M., among Menads, i. 266.

Brunswick, Duke, marches on France, ii. 254 (iii. 10); advances, Proclamation, 277; at Verdun, iii. 88; at Argonne, 51; at Valmy, 56; retreats, 59.

Buffon, Mme. de, and Duke d'Orléans, i. 92; at D'Orléans' execution, iii. 209.

Burke on French Revolution, ii. 228.

Buttafuoco, Napoleon's letter to, ii. 77.

Buzot, in National Convention, iii. 49, 152; arrested, 162; retreats to Bordeaux, 177, 189; end of, 201.

Ça-ira, origin of, ii. 34.

Cabanis, Physician to Mirabeau, ii. 141.

Cabarus, Mlle., and Tallien, iii. 216; imprisoned, urgent, 274; her soirées, 292–295.

Caen, Girondins at, iii. 164, 178.

Calendar, Romme's new, iii. 183–186; comparative ground-scheme of, 186.

Colonne, M. de, Financier, character of, i. 66; suavity and genius of, 67; his difficulties, 70, 71; at bay, 73; dismissed, 75; marriage and after-course, 75.

Calvados, for Girondism, iii. 152.

Cambon, notice of, ii. 207.

Campan, Mme., Memoirs by, i. 24 n.

Camus, Archivist, ii. 209; in National Convention, iii. 58; with Dumouriez, imprisoned, 146.

Candeille, Mlle., Goddess of Reason, iii. 227.

Cannon, Siamese, i. 180; wooden, iii. 11; fever, Goethe on, 55.

Cant defined, i. 55.

Carmagnole, costume, what, iii. 214; dances in Convention, 226.

Carnot, Hippolyte, notice of, ii. 306; plan for Toulon, iii. 219; busy, 231; discovery in Robespierre's pocket, 375.

Carpentras, against Avignon, ii. 213.

Carra, on plots for King's flight, ii. 125; in National Convention, iii. 49.

Carrier, a Revolutionist, ii. 19; in National Assembly, iii. 49; Nantes noyades, 214, 221, 222; guillotined, 304.

Cartaux, General, fights Girondins, iii. 173; at Toulon, 218.

Castries, Duke de, duel with Lameth, ii. 117.

Cathelineau, of La Vendée, ii. 220, 235.

Cavaignac, Convention Representative, iii. 237.

Cazalès, Royalist, i. 142; in Constituent Assembly, 220; pathetic, ii. 6; duel with Barnave, 116; in danger, 166; emigrant, 230.

Cazotte, author of Diable Amoureux, ii. 249; seized, iii. 15; saved for a time by his daughter, 30.

Cercle Social, of Fauchet, ii. 111.

Cerutti, his funeral oration on Mirabeau, ii. 144.

Cevennes, revolt of, ii. 236.

Chabot, of Mountain, ii. 207; against Kings, iii. 4; imprisoned, 233.

Chabray, Louison, at Versailles, October Fifth, i. 265, 271.

Chalier, Jacobin, Lyons, iii. 125; executed, 173; body raised, 216.

Chambon, Dr., Mayor of Paris, iii. 78; retires, 99.

Chamfort, Cynic, i. 117; arrested, suicide, iii. 263.

Champ-de-Mars, Federation, ii. 48; preparations for, 49, 55; accelerated by patriots, 66, 69; anecdotes of, 68; Federation-scene at, 61–69; funeral-service, Nanci, 98; riot, Patriot petition, 1791, 192; new Federation, 1792, 247; enlisting in, iii. 23.

Champs Élysées, Menads at, i. 255; festivities in, ii. 67.

Chantilly Palace, a prison, iii. 213.

Chappe's Telegraph, iii. 243.

Chapt-Rastignac, Abbé de, massacred, iii. 32.

Charenton, Marseillese at, ii. 282.

Charles, Chemist, improves balloons, i. 51.

Charles i., Trial of, sold in Paris, iii. 82.

Charleville Artillery, i. 182.

Chartres, grain-riot at, iii. 79.

Châteaubriands in French Revolution, iii. 262.

Châtelet, Achille de, advises Republic, ii. 166.

Châtillon-sur-Sèvre, insurrection at, iii. 11.

Chaumette, notice of, ii. 18 (iii. 232); signs petition, 192; in governing committee, iii. 7; at King's trial, 92; his grandmother, 94; daily demands constitution, 174; on Feast of Reason, 224, 227; arrested, jeered, 250; guillotined, 260.

Chanvelin, Marquis de, in London, ii. 202; dismissed, iii. 113.

Chemists, French, inventions of, iii. 235.

Chenaye, Baudin de la, massacred, iii. 33.

Chénier, Poet, and Mlle. Théroigne, ii. 245.

Chepy, at La Force in September, iii. 34.

Chesterfield, Lord, predicts French Revolution, i. 15.

Choiseul, Duke, why dismissed, i. 3.

Choiseul, Colonel Duke, assists Louis's flight, ii. 159, 169, 170, 178; too late at Varennes, 182.

Choisi, General, at Avignon, ii. 216.

Church, spiritual guidance, i. 8; of Rome, decay of, 11; and philosophy, 37; lands sold, ii. 8; of Rome, dead in France, 151, 156.

Citizens, French, active and passive, ii. 26.

Clairfait, Commander of Austrians, iii. 12.

Clavière, edits Moniteur, i. 136; account of, ii. 20; Finance Minister, 247, 306; arrested, iii. 162; suicide of, 213.

Clemence, adopts a Swiss, ii. 301.

Clergy, French, in States-General, i. 146; conciliators of orders, 154, 158; joins Third Estate, 156, 158, 160, 163; lands, national? ii. 8, 9; power of, 10; constitution for, 10.

Clermont, flight of King through, ii. 176, 182; Prussians near, iii. 20.

Cléry, valet, on Louis's last scene, iii. 108.

Clootz, Anacharsis, Baron de, account of, ii. 23; collects human species, 51; disparagement of, 53; in National Convention, iii. 49; universal republic of, 78; on nullity of religion, 225; purged from the Jacobins, 251; guillotined, 253.

Clovis, in the Champ-de-Mars, i. 10.

Club, Electoral, at Paris, i. 173, 197; becomes Provisional Municipality, 179; permanent, for arms, etc., 187.

Club: see Breton, Jacobin, Enraged, Cordeliers, Feuillans, Royalist.

Clubbism, nature of, ii. 110.

Clubs in Paris, 1788, i. 116, 153; in 1790, ii. 30.

Clugny, M., as Finance Minister, i. 46.

Coblentz, Royalist Emigrants at, ii. 219, 223, 230–234.

Cobourg and Dumouriez, iii. 144, 147.

Cockades, green, i. 175; tricolor, 180; black, 244, 248; national, trampled, 247, 249; white, 247.

Coffinhal, Judge, delivers Henriot, iii. 281.

Coigny, Duke de, a sinecurist, i. 64.

Collot, d'Herbois. See Herbois.

Commerce, new Noblesse of, i. 14.

Commissioners, Convention, like Kings, iii. 234, 238.

Committee of Defence, ii. 279 (iii. 142); Central, 279, 284, 290; of Watchfulness, of Public Salvation, iii. 6, 24, 142, 190, 231, 288; Circular of, 44; of the Constitution, 69; Revolutionary, 140; of Sections, 153; Revolutionary, busy, 213.

Committees, Forty-four Thousand, iii. 192.

Commune, Council General of the, ii. 306; Sovereign of France, iii. 4; enlisting, 5, 24.

Communes, of France, iii. 181.

Condé Prince de, attends Louis xv., i. 17; emigrates, 202.

Condé, Town, surrendered, iii. 180.

Condorcet, Marquis, edits Moniteur, i. 136; Girondist, ii. 206; prepares Address, 242; on Robespierre, iii. 130; vanishes, 194; death of, 263.

Conscience, leaders of, i. 11.

Constitution, French, completed, ii. 195–200; will not march, 211, 224, 227; burst in pieces, 302; new, of 1793, iii. 181, 186.

Constitutions, how built, i. 215.

Contrat Social: see Rousseau.

Convention, National, in what case to be summoned, ii. 198; demanded by some, 239; determined on, 305; coming, 307; Deputies elected, iii. 5, 11, 48; constituted, 58; motions in, 59; work to be done, 68; hated, politeness, effervescence of, 71; on September Massacres, 73; guard for, 73; try the King, 95; debate on trial, 96; invite to revolt, 97; condemn Louis, 100–104; armed Girondins in, 138; power of, 142; removes to Tuileries, 151; besieged, June 2d, 1793, extinction of Girondins, 159, 163; Jacobins and, 180; on forfeited property, 213; Carmagnole, Goddess of Reason, 227; awed to silence, 233; Representatives, 234; at Feast of Être Suprême, 267; to be butchered? 275; end of Robespierre, 276, 279, 284; retrospect of, 304–306; Féraud, Germinal, Prairial, 306–310; finishes, its successor, 316.

Corday, Charlotte, account of, iii. 166; in Paris, 167; stabs Marat, 169; examined, 170; executed, 171.

Cordeliers, Club, ii. 33; Hébert in, iii. 249.

Council of Ancients, of Five Hundred, iii. 316.

Court, Chevalier de, and his dagger, ii. 132.

Court, French Plenary, i. 97, 104, 105.

Couthon, of Mountain, in Legislative, ii. 207; in National Convention, iii. 58; at Lyons, 217; in Salut Committee, 231; his question in Jacobins, 252; decree on plots, 268; arrested, executed, 280, 284.

Covenant, Scotch, ii. 42, 48; French, 42, 48.

Crime, purpose and act of, iii. 25.

Crussol, Marquise de, guillotined, iii. 262.

Cuissa, massacred at La Force, iii. 33.

Curates abolished, iii. 225.

Cussy, Girondin, retreats to Bordeaux, iii. 177.

Custine, General, takes Ments, etc., iii. 65; retreats, 132; blamed, 166, 180; guillotined, 193; his son guillotined, 213.

Customs and morals, iii. 47.

Damas, Colonel Comte de, at Clermont, ii. 176; at Varennes, 182.

Dampierre, General, killed, iii. 166.

Dampmartin, Captain, at riot in Rue St. Antoine, i. 129; on state of the Army, ii. 76; on state of France, 109; at Avignon, 216; on Marseillese, 273.

Dandoins, Captain, Flight to Varennes, ii. 271–176.

Danton, notice of, i. 136; President of Cordeliers, 237; astir, 249; ii. 19; and Marat, 25; served with writs, 25; in Cordeliers Club, 33; elected Councillor, 136; Mirabeau of Sansculottes, 205; takes presents, 225; in Jacobins, 246; for Deposition, 270; of Committee, August Tenth, 279, 285; Minister of Justice, 306; iii. 8; 'faire peur,' 'de l'audace,' 23; after September Massacre, 46; after Jemappes, 84; and Robespierre, 86; in Netherlands, 91; at King's trial, 101; on war, 113; rebukes Marat, 127; peacemaker, 129; 'name be blighted,' 134; and Dumouriez, 139; in Salut Committee, 142; breaks with Girondins, 149; his law of Forty sous, 190; and Revolutionary Government, 231; and Paris Municipality, 232; suspect, 250; retires to Arcis, 251; and Robespierre, 354; arrested, 255; prison-thoughts, 256; trial of, 257–269; guillotined, 259; character, 260.

David, Painter, in National Convention, iii. 50; works by, 181, 243, 267; hemlock with Robespierre, 277.

Death, kingly idea of, i. 19.

Deficit, Mirabeau on, i. 241.

Democracy, on Bunker Hill, i. 7; spread of, in France, 45, 46, 118.

Departments, France divided into, ii. 9.

Desèze, Pleader, for Louis, iii. 95, 104.

Deshuttes, massacred, October Fifth, i. 280.

Desilles, Captain, in Nanci, ii. 95.

Deslons, Captain, at Varennes, ii. 183; would liberate the King, 184.

Desmoulins, Camille, notice of, i. 136; in arms at Café de Foy, 175; Editor, his title, 236; on Insurrection of Women, 252; in Cordeliers Club, ii. 33; and Brissot, 246; in National Convention, iii. 49; on Sansculottism, 143; on plots, 155; suspect, 250; for a committee of mercy, 252; ridicules law of the suspect, 252; his Journal, 253; his wife, 256; trial of, 257, 259; guillotined, 259; widow guillotined, 260.

Diderot, prisoner in Vincennes, ii. 128.

Dinners, defined, i. 246. See Guards.

Directorate, feats of, iii. 331.

Discipline, Army, nature of, ii. 72–74.

Dodd, Dr., at French races, i. 49.

Doppet, General, at Lyons, iii. 218.

Douai: see Parlement.

Drouet, Jean B., notice of, ii. 173; discovers Royalty in flight, 175; raises Varennes, 179; blocks the bridge, 180; defends his prize, 182; rewarded, 200; to be in Convention, iii. 20; captured by Austrians, 239.

Dubarry, Dame, and Louis xv., i. 2, 3; flight of, 22; imprisoned, iii. 207.

Dubois-Crance bombards Lyons, iii. 188; takes Lyons, 216.

Duchâtel, votes, wrapt in blankets, iii. 104; at Caen, 164.

Ducos, Girondin, ii. 206.

Dueling, in French Revolution, ii. 115.

Dugommier, General, at Toulon, iii. 219, 237.

Duhamel, killed by Marseillese, ii. 284.

Dumont, on Mirabeau, i. 241; ii. 139.

Dumouriez, notice by, i. 3; account of him, ii. 19; in Brittany, 155; in dressing-gown at Nantes, 167; in La Vendée, 220; sent for to Paris, 235; Foreign Minister, 247; dismissed, to Army, 256; disobeys Lückner, 271; Commander-in-Chief, 308; his army, iii. 18; Council of War, 21; seizes Argonne Forest, 21, 51; Grand-Pré, 53; and mutineers, 63; and Marat in Paris, 64; to Netherlands, 65; at Jemappes, 83; in Paris, 100; discontented, 112; retreats, 131; traitor? 132, 136; beaten, 139; will join the enemy, 144; arrests his arresters, 146; escapes to Austrians, 147.

Duperret, Girondin draws sword in Convention, iii. 150; papers sealed, Charlotte Corday, 179.

Dupont, Deputy, Atheist, iii. 97.

Duport, Adrien, in Paris Parlement, i. 81; in Constituent Assembly, one of a trio, 221; law-reformer, ii. 6.

Duportail, in office, ii. 125.

Durosoy, Royalist, guillotined, iii. 9.

Dusaulx, M., on taking of Bastille, i. 210; notice of, iii. 39; will demit, 160.

Dutertre, in office, ii. 125.

Edgeworth, Abbé, attends Louis, iii. 107; at execution of Louis, 110.

Editors, in 1789, i. 235.

Églantine, Fabre d', in National Convention, iii. 49; assists in New Calendar, 184; imprisoned, 251.

Election for States-General, i. 121.

Élie, Capt., at siege of Bastille, i. 193, 195; after victory, 196.

Elizabeth, Princess, flight to Varennes, ii. 163; August 10th, 297; in Temple Prison, iii. 80; guillotined, 262.

Emigrants, law against, ii. 131; errors of, 232; regiment of, iii. 62; retreat with Prussians, 63.

Emigration, first French, i. 202, 231; second, 285; ii. 106, 190.

England declares war on France, iii. 113, 133; gains Toulon, 187.

Enraged Club, the, i. 116.

Equality, reign of, iii. 10.

Escuyer, Patriot l', at Avignon, ii. 315.

Espréménil, Duval d', notice of, i. 81; patriot, speaker in Paris Parlement, 83, 86; with crucifix, 95; discovers Brienne's plot, 98; arrest and speech of, 99–103; turncoat, 146; in Constituent Assembly, 221; beaten by populace, ii. 133; guillotined, iii. 261; widow guillotined, 269.

Estaing, Count d', notice of, i. 244; National Colonel, 261, 265; Royalist, 274; at Queen's Trial, iii. 195.

Estate, Third, in 1614, i. 116; what it is in 1788, and will do, 117, 119; deputies to, 1789, 14; a separate order? 152; inertia, 153; declares itself 'National Assembly,' 159.

Estate, Fourth, of Editors, etc. i. 235.

Étampes: see Simoneau.

Etiquette, acme of: see Brézé.

Étoile, beginning of Federation at, ii. 43.

Evil, nature of, i. 36.

Falsehood, doom of, i. 213.

Famine, in France, i. 34, 53; in 1788–1792, 107, 157, 169, 224, 232; Louis and Assembly try to relieve, 271; ii. 112, 244; in 1792, and remedy, iii. 78; remedy by maximum, etc., 142,

Fanaticism and Formula, i. 212.

Fauchet, Abbé, at siege of Bastille, i. 193; famous for Te-Deums, 233; his funeral harangue on Franklin, ii. 66; his Cercle Social, 111; in First Parliament, 205; motion by, 218; strips off his insignia, 240; King's death, lamentation, iii. 112; will demit, 160; trial of, 197.

Faussigny, sabre in hand, ii. 115.

Favras, Chevalier, executed, ii. 14.

Feast, of Reason, iii. 227–229; of Être Suprême, 267.

Federation, becoming general, ii. 45; of Champ-de-Mars, 48; deputies to, 50, 60; human species at, 51; ceremonies of, 61–67; a new, to be, 1792, 268; is held, 274.

Féraud, in National Convention, iii. 49; massacred there, 307.

Fersen, Count, ii. 158; gets Berline built, 159; acts coachman in King's flight, 160.

Feudalism, death of, in France, i. 133.

Feuillans, Club, ii. 33, 190; denounce Jacobins, 198; decline, 243; extinguished, 244; Battalion, 256; Justices and Patriotism, 267; Directory, 268.

Figaro, Mariage de, i. 59; iii. 16.

Finances, bad state of, i. 46, 64, 89, 108; how to be improved, 80, 89, 97; ii. 8.

Flanders, how Louis xv. conquers, i. 6.

Flandre, regiment de, at Versailles, i. 244, 246, 264.

Flesselles, Paris Provost, i. 173, 179; shot, 197.

Fleuriot, Mayor, guillotined, iii. 285.

Fleury, Joly de, Controller of Finance, i. 64.

Fontenai, Mme, iii. 215, 273. See Cabarus.

Formula, i. 212; and Fanaticism destroyed, 224; essential to man, iii. 68.

Forster, and French soldier, iii. 65; account of, 132.

Fouché, at Lyons, iii. 216.

Foulon, bad repute of, i. 66; nicknamed, 90; advises grass for the people, 112; funeral of, 203; alive, judged, massacred, 205–207.

Fournier, and Orléans Prisoners, iii. 44.

Foy, Café de, revolutionary, i. 172, 237, 242.

France, abject, under Louis xv., i. 5, 13–15; Kings of, 7; early history of, 7; decay of Kingship in, 11; on accession of Louis xvi., 29; and Philosophy, 30, 33; famine in, 1775, 34, 35, 53; state of, prior Revolution, 36; aids America, 44; in 1788, 106; inflammable, July 1789, 176; gibbets, general overturn, 243; how to be regenerated, ii. 15, 16; riotousness of, 120; Mirabeau and, 138; after King's flight, 166; petitions against Royalty, 166; warfare of towns in, 214; Europe leagues against, 230; terror of, in Spring 1792, 236; decree of war, 250; country in danger, 271, 276; general enlisting, 276; rage of, Autumn 1792, iii. 1, 3; Marat's Circular, September, 44; Sansculottic, 67; declaration of war, 113; Mountain and Girondins divide, 125; communes of, 181; coalition against, 187; levy in mass, 190; prisons in 1793, 213; one large 'Committee of Mercy,' in 1795, 291; state of, since the Revolution, 321, 322.

Franklin, Ambassador to France, i. 44; his death lamented, ii. 66; bust in Jacobins, 245.

Fraternity, doctrine of, iii. 205.

Freedom, meaning of, i. 183.

French Anglomania, i. 49; character of the, 57; literature, in 1784, 55, 59; Parlements, nature of, 61; Mirabeau, type of the, 137; mob, character of, 250; Julius Cæsar on the, ii. 109; Millennium, iii. 118.

Fréron, notice of, ii. 27; renegade, iii. 290; Gilt Youth of, 295.

Fréteau, at Royal Session, i. 91; arrested, 92; liberated, 95.

Freys, the Jew brokers, ii. 20; imprisoned, iii. 234.

Gallois, to La Vendée, ii. 220.

Gamain, Sieur, locksmith, informer, iii. 89.

Game, i. 231.

Garat, Minister of Justice, iii. 105.

Gazette, origin of the term, ii. 29.

Genlis, Mme, account of, ii. 24; and D'Orléans, iii. 128; to Switzerland, 145.

Gensonné Girondist, ii. 206; to La Vendée, 220; arrested, iii. 162; trial of, 197.

Georges-Cadoudal, in La Vendée, iii. 298.

Georget, at siege of Bastille, i. 192.

Gérard, Farmer, Rennes deputy, i. 143.

Gerle, Dom, at Théot's, iii. 268.

German, meaning of term, ii. 110.

Germinal Twelfth, First of April 1795, iii. 302.

Gibraltar besieged, i. 46,

Gifts, patriotic, iii. 11.

Girondins, origin of term, ii. 206; in National Convention, iii. 72; against Robespierre, 75; on King's trial, 84, 100–104; and Jacobins, 86–89; formula of, 102; favourers of, 122; schemes of, 124, 136; to be seized? 137; break with Danton, 148; armed against Mountain, 149; accuse Marat, 150; departments, 152; commission of twelve, 153; commission broken, 158; arrested, 162, 194; dispersed, 164; war by, 172; retreat of eleven, 176; trial of, 197; last supper of, 199; guillotined, 199.

Gobel, Archbishop to be, ii. 6, 143; renounces religion, iii. 224; arrested, 250; guillotined, 260.

Goethe, at Argonne, iii. 54; in Prussian retreat, 61–64; at Mentz, 179.

Goguelat, Engineer, assists Louis's flight, ii. 158, 169–171; intrigues, 224.

Gondran, captain of French Guard, i. 280.

Gorsas, Journalist, pleads for Swiss, ii. 301; in National Convention, iii. 49; his house broken into, 137; guillotined, first Deputy that suffers, 193.

Goujon, Member of Convention, in riot of Prairial, iii. 308; suicide, 310.

Goupil, on extreme left, ii. 190.

Gouvion, Major-General, at Paris, i. 253; flight to Varennes, ii. 158, 160, 165; death of, 254.

Government, Maurepas's, i. 40; bad state of French, 117; real, 216; French revolutionary, iii. 231, 248; Danton on, 256.

Grave, Chev. de, War-Minister, loses head, ii. 251.

Grégoire, Curé, notice of, i. 146; in National Convention, iii. 49; detained in Convention, 161; and destruction of religion, 225.

Grenoble, riot at, i. 104.

Grievances, writ of, i. 121.

Guadet, Girondin, ii. 206; cross-questions Ministers, 241; arrested, iii. 162; guillotined, 200.

Guards, Swiss, and France, at Réveillon riot, i. 129; French won't fire, 166, 171; come to Palais-Royal, 172; fire on Royal-Allemand, 177; to Bastille, 182, 193, 196; name changed, 198; National, origin of, 169; number of, 182; Body, at Versailles, October Fifth, 266; fight there, 277; fly in Château, 279; Body, and French, at Versailles, 278; National, at Nanci, ii. 89; French, last appearance of, 196; National, how commanded, 1791, 202; Constitutional, dismissed, 240; Filles-St.-Thomas, 256, 283; routed, 284; Swiss, at Tuileries, 289, 297; fire, 299; ordered to cease, destroyed, 300, 301; eulogy of, 302; Departmental, for National Convention, iii. 73.

Guillaume, Clerk, pursues King, ii. 175.

Guillotin, Doctor, summoned by Paris Parlement, i. 125; invents the guillotine, 143; deputed to King, 263, 271; at Louis's visit to the Assembly, ii. 35.

Guillotine invented, i. 143; described, iii. 9; in action, 193, 208, 214; to be improved, 269; number of sufferers by, 211.

Hassenfratz, in War-office, iii. 77, 82.

Hébert, Editor of Père Duchesne, ii. 107; signs petition, 192 (see Père Duchesne); arrested, iii. 156; at Queen's trial, 196; quickens Revolutionary Tribunal, 198; arrested, 249; guillotined, 253; widow, guillotined, 260.

Hénault, President, on Surnames, i. 1.

Henriot, General of National Guard, iii. 158, 160; and the Convention, 161; to deliver Robespierre, 280; seized, rescued, 281; end of, 284.

Herbois, Collot d', notice of, ii, 18; in National Convention, iii. 49; at Lyons massacre, 217; in Salut Committee, 231; attempt to assassinate, 264; bullied at Jacobins, 278; President, night of Thermidor, 281; accused, 301; banished, 302; at Surinam, 310.

Héritier, Jerôme, l', shot at Versailles, i. 277.

Heterodoxy and Orthodoxy, ii. 156.

Hoche, Sergeant Lazare, in Bastille time, i. 171; General against Prussia, iii. 240; pacifies La Vendée, 298.

Holland, invaded by Prussia, 1787, i. 89.

Hondschooten, Battle of, iii. 238.

Hope and Man, i. 39.

Hôtel des Invalides, plundered, i. 188.

Hôtel de Ville, after Bastille taken, i. 196; harangues at, 201; nearly fired by women, 252; Louis in, 288.

Houchard, General, unsuccessful, iii. 187, 213; guillotined, 213.

Howe, Lord, beats French navy, iii. 241.

Huguenin, Patriot, tocsin in heart, ii. 241; 20th June 1792, 261.

Hulin, half-pay, at siege of Bastille, i. 195.

Huns, Attilla's, long arms of, iii. 3.

Ideals, realised, i. 8.

Inisdal's, Count d', plot, ii. 121.

Insurrection, most sacred of duties, i. 250; of Women, 239–282; of August Tenth, ii. 286–294; difficult, 290; of Paris, against Girondins, 1793, iii. 157–163; sacred right of, 250, 252, 277, 281, 290, 295, 316, 319; last Sansculottic, 306–309; of Babœuf, 321.

Irish Sans-Potato, iii. 312.

Isnard, Max, notice of, ii. 44; in First Parliament, 205; on Ministers, 242; to demolish Paris, iii. 156; will demit, 160; recalled, 291.

Jacob, Jean Claude, eldest of men, ii. 54.

Jacobins, Society, germ of, i. 104; Hall, described, and members, ii. 31; Journal, etc., of, 32; daughters of, 32, 110; at Nanci, suppressed, 99; Club increases, 110; and Mirabeau, 113, 137; prospers, 242; 'Lords of the Articles,' 244; extinguishes Feuillans, 244; Hall enlarged, described, 245; and Marseillese, 282; and Lavergne, iii. 13; message to Dumouriez, 64; missionaries in Army, 84, 139; on King's trial, 85; on accusation of Robespierre, 87; against Girondins, 88, 152; National Convention and, 180, 233; Popular Tribunals of, 215; Couthon's Question in, 248; purges members, 250; to become dominant, 275; locked out by Legendre, 283; begs back its keys, 290; decline of, 301; mobbed, suspended, 301; hunted down, 305.

Jacobinism, spirit of, iii. 236.

Jalès, Camp of, ii. 11; Royalists at, 235; destroyed, 236.

Jaucourt, Chevalier, and Liberty, ii. 207.

Jay, Dame le, bookseller, ii. 27.

Jemappes, battle of, iii. 83.

Jesuitism and Dame Dubarry, i. 16.

Jokei, French, described, i. 48.

Jones, Paul, equipped for America, i. 44; at Paris, account of, ii. 21, 60; burial of, 275.

Jounneau, Deputy, in danger in September, iii. 39.

Jourdan, General, repels Austria, iii. 239.

Jourdan, Coupe-tête, at Versailles, i. 264, 280; leader of Avignon Brigands, ii. 212; costume of 213; supreme in Avignon, 216; massacre by, 216; flight of, 218; guillotined, iii. 215.

Jourgniac. See St. Méard.

Journals (see Paris); placard, ii. 28, 107.

Julien, Sieur Jean, guillotined, iii. 22.

June Twentieth, 1792, ii. 259.

Justice, bed of, i. 82.

Kaunitz, Prince, denounces Jacobins, ii. 244.

Kellermann, at Valmy, iii. 56.

Kings, primitive, i. 9; divine right of, 10.

Kingship, decline of, in France, i. 9.

Klopstock, naturalised, iii. 6.

Knox, John, and the Virgin, ii. 99.

Korff, Baroness de, in flight to Varennes, ii. 169; is Dame de Tourzel, 163.

Lacroix, of Mountain, ii. 207.

Lafarge, President of Jacobins, Madame Lavergne and, iii. 13.

Lafayette, bust of, erected, i. 46, 201; against Calonne, 72; demands by, in Notables, 78; Cromwell-Grandison, 145; Bastille time, Vice-President of National Assembly, 185, 200; General of National Guard, 201; resigns and reaccepts, 208; Scipio-Americanus, 233; thanked, rewarded, 242; French Guards and, 258; to Versailles, 259; at Versailles, Fifth October, 273; swears the Guards, 283; Feuillant, ii. 33; on abolition of Titles, 52; at Champ-de-Mars Federation, 63; at De Castries' riot, 118; character of, 120; in Day of Poniards, 130; difficult position of, 133; at King's going to St. Cloud, 152; resigns and reaccepts, 153; at flight from Tuileries, 160; after escape of King, 164; moves for amnesty, 197; resigns, 202; decline of, 243; doubtful against Jacobins, 254, 258, 270; fruitless journey to Paris, 265; to be accused? 275; flies to Holland, 307.

Laflotte, prison-plot, informer, iii. 269, 270.

Laïs, Sieur, Jacobin, with Louis Philippe, ii. 33.

Lally, death of, i. 85. See Tollendal.

Lamarche, guillotined, iii. 210.

Lamarck's, Mirabeau sick at, ii. 140.

Lamballe, Princess de, to England, ii. 169; intrigues for Royalists, 227, 249; at La Force, iii. 116; massacred, 29.

Lambesc, Prince, attacks Bust-procession, July 1789, i. 176.

Lameth, in Constituent Assembly, one of a trio, i. 221; brothers, notice of, ii. 6; Jacobins, 31; Charles, duel with Duke de Castries, 117; brothers become constitutional, 189; Theodore, in First Parliament, 207.

Lamoignon, Keeper of Seals, i. 74, 90, 97; dismissed, 111; effigy burned, and death of, 113.

Lamotte, Countess de, and Diamond Necklace, i. 57; in the Salpêtrière, 69, 94; Memoirs burned, ii. 329; in London, iii. 15; M. de, in prison, 15, 33.

Lamourette, Abbé, kiss of, ii. 210; guillotined, iii. 216.

Lanjuinais, Girondin, clothes torn, iii. 160; arrested, 162; recalled, 291.

Lanterne, death by the, i. 206.

Lapérouse, voyage of, i. 45.

Laporte, Intendant, guillotined, iii. 9,

Larivière, Justice, imprisoned, ii. 267.

Larochejaquelin, in La Vendée, iii. 12; death of, 298.

Lasource, accuses Danton, iii. 149; president, and Marat, 152; arrested, 162; condemned, his saying, 198.

Latour-Maubourg, notice of, ii. 186.

Launay, Marquis de, Governor of Bastille, i. 185; besieged, 189; unassisted, 190; to blow up Bastille, 195; massacred, 196.

Lavergne, surrenders Longwi, iii. 11–13.

Lavoisier, Chemist, guillotined, iii. 263.

Law, Martial, in Paris, ii. 17, 193; Book of the, 209.

Lawyers, their influence on the Revolution, i. 14; number of, in Tiers État, 144; in Parliament First, ii. 205.

Lazare, Maison de St., plundered, i. 180.

Lebas at Strasbourg, iii. 234; arrested, 280.

Lebon, Priest, in National Convention, iii. 49; at Arras, 222; guillotined, 305.

Lebrun, forger of Assignats, ii. 231.

Lechapelier, Deputy, and Insurrection of Women, i. 256.

Lecointre, National Major, i. 246, 265; will not duel, 248; active, 268; in First Parliament, ii. 207.

Lefèvre, Abbé, distributes powder, i. 197; in procession, 201; nearly hanged, 253.

Legendre, Butcher, in danger, ii. 255; at Tuileries riot, 261; in National Convention, iii. 49; against Girondins, 160; for Danton, 256; locks out Jacobins, 283; in First of Prairial, 309.

Lenfant, Abbé, on Protestant claims, i. 94; massacred, iii. 32.

Lepelletier, See St. Fargeau. Section for Convention, iii. 303, 309; revolt of, in Vendémiaire, 317–320.

Lettres-de-Cachet, and Parlement of Paris, i. 92.

Levasseur in National Convention, iii. 49; Convention Representative, in tidewater, 238.

Liancourt, Duke de, Liberal, 1. 145; not a revolt, but a revolution, 200; Royalist, in Normandy, ii. 268.

Liberty, on, ii. 26; tree of, 66, 259, 274; and Equality, 250; Statue of, iii. 182.

Lies, Philosophism on, i. 14; to be estinguished, how, 38; cant, a double power of, 55; their doom, 228.

Ligne, Prince de, death of, iii. 52.

Lille, Colonel Rouget de, Marseillese Hymn, ii. 273.

Lille city besieged, iii. 60.

Linguet, his Bastille Unnveiled, i. 56; returns, 135; irascible, ii. 240.

Literature, its influence on the Revolution, i. 14; in France in 1781–87, 55, 59,94.

Loan, Successive, scheme of, i. 89.

Loiserolles, General, guillotined for his son, iii. 282.

Longwi, surrendered, iii. 10–13; fugitives at Paris, 12.

Lords of the Articles, Jacobins as, iii. 233.

Lorraine Fédérés and the Queen, ii. 60; state of, in 1790, 83.

Louis xiv., l'état c'est moi, i. 9; booted in Parlement, 90; pursues Louvois with tongs, iii. 71.

Louis xv., origin of his surname, i. 1; last illness of, 1, 15, 16, 17, 23; dismisses Dame Dubarry, 3; Choiseul, 3; was wounded, has small-pox, 4, 14; his mode of conquest, 6; impoverishes France, 15; his daughters. 16; on death, 18; on ministerial capacity, 21; death of, 24; burial of, 25.

Louis xvi., at his accession, i. 25; good measures of, 29; temper and pursuits of, 31; difficulties of, 40, 95; commences governing, 63; and Notables, 77; holds Royal Session, 90–92; receives States-General Deputies, 131; in States-General procession, 134, 148; speech to States-General, 150; National Assembly, 164; unwise policy of, 166; dismisses Necker, 175; apprised of the Revolution, 200; conciliatory, visits Assembly, 200; Bastille, visits Paris, 203; deserted, will fly, 223, 244; languid, 245; at Dinner of Guards, 247; deposition of, proposed, 258; October Fifth, women deputies, 265; to fly or not? 268, 270; grants the acceptance, 271; Paris propositions to, 274; in the Château tumult (Oct. 6), 280; appears to mob, 283; will go to Paris, 284; his wisest course, 285; procession to Paris, 286–289; review of his position, ii. 1; lodged at Tuileries, 2; Restorer of French Liberty, 3; no hunting, locksmith, 4; schemes, 35; visits Assembly, 36; Federation, 58, 60, 63; Hereditary Representative, 120, 154; will fly, 120; and D'Inisdal's plot, 122; his Aunts fly, 126; Mirabeau, 136; useless, 137; indecision of, 149; ill of catarrh, 151; prepares for St. Cloud, 152; hindered by populace, 152; effect, should he escape, 152; prepares for flight, his circular, 157; flies, 160; letter to Assembly, 165; manner of flight, 168; loiters by the way, 169–172; detected by Drouet, 174; near Varennes, 178; captured at Varennes, 180; indecision there, 181–183; return to Paris, 186; reception there, 187; to be deposed? 188–190; reinstated, 195; reception of Legislative, 209; position of, 223; proposes war, with tears, 250; vetoes, dissolves Roland Ministry, 256; in riot of Twentieth June, 262; and Pétion, 267, 288; at Federation, with cuirass, 274; declared forfeited, 285, 305; last levee of, 285; Tenth August, 294, 296; quits Tuileries for Assembly, 297; in Assembly, 303; sent to Temple prison, 306; in Temple, iii. 80; to be tried, 84, 89; and the Locksmith Gamain, 89; at the bar, 92; his will, 94; condemned, 100–105; parting scene, 108; execution of, 109–111; his son, 262.

Louis-Philippe, King of the French, Jacobin door-keeper, ii. 33; at Valmy, iii. 58; bravery at Jemappes, 84; and sister, 145; with Dumouriez to Austrians, 147; to Switzerland, 148; teaches Mathematics, 209.

Loustalot, Editor, i. 235; ii. 27.

Louvet, his Chevalier de Faublas, i. 60; his Sentinelles, ii. 28; and Robespierre, 246; in National Convention, iii. 49; Girondin accuses Robespierre, 86, 130; arrested, 162; retreats (one of Eleven) to Bordeaux, 177, 189; escape of, 200; recalled, 291.

Lückner, Supreme General, ii. 71; and Dumouries, 270; guillotined, iii. 213.

Lunéville, Inspector Malseigne at, ii. 90.

Lux, Adam, on death of Charlotte Corday, iii. 171; guillotined, 207.

Luxembourg, forges at, iii. 190; Palace, a prison, 213.

Lyons, Federation at, ii. 45; disorders in, iii. 125; Chalier, Jacobin, executed at, 172; bombarded, powder-tower of, 187; captured, 216; massacres at, 217.

Magnetic vellum, the, ii. 40.

Mailhe, Deputy, on trial of Louis, iii. 85.

Maillard, Usher, at siege of Bastille, i. 193, 196; Insurrection of Women, drum, Champs Élysées, 254, 255; entering Versailles, 260; addresses National Assembly there, 262; signs Déchéance petition, ii. 192; in September Massacres, iii. 27.

Maillé, Camp-Marshal, at Tuileries, ii. 287, 289; massacred at La Force, iii. 36.

Mailly, Marshal, one of Four Generals, 1790, ii. 71.

Malesherbes, M. de, in King's Council, i. 87; remark by, 93; defends Louis, iii. 94, 104; Louis returns money to, 109; guillotined, 226.

Malseigne, Army Inspector, at Nanci, ii. 88–90; imprisoned, 91; liberated, 94.

Man, rights and mights of, i. 219, 227; ii. 5.

Mandat, Commander of Guards, August 1792, ii. 287; death of, 292.

Manége, Salle de, Constituent Assembly occupies, ii. 5.

Manuel, Jacobin, slow-sure, ii. 243; in August Tenth, 294; in Governing Committee, iii. 7; haranguing at La Force, 34; in National Convention, 49; dubs D'Orléans, 51; motions in National Convention, 58; vote at King's trial, 102; in prison, 194; guillotined, 213.

Marat, Jean Paul, horseleech to D'Artois, i. 49; notice of, 136; against violence, 174; at siege of Bastille, 194; summoned by Constituent, not to be gagged, 235; astir, 249; how to regenerate France, ii. 15, 107; police and, 25; on abolition of titles, 53; would gibbet Mirabeau, 108; bust in Jacobins, 245; concealed in cellars, 281; pulls tocsin rope, 290; in seat of honour, iii. 8, 24; signs circular, 44; elected to Convention, 49; and Dumouriez, 65; oaths by, in Convention, 71; first appearance in Convention, pistol, 74; against Roland, 99; on sufferings of People, 118; and Girondins, 126; arrested, 150; returns in triumph, 152; fall of Girondins, 162; sick, his residence, 168; and Charlotte Corday, 169; honours to, 170, 300.

Marat, Company of, iii. 214.

Maréchal, Atheist, Calendar by, iii. 183.

Maréchale, the Lady, on nobility, i. 12.

Marseilles, Brigands at, i. 169; on Déchéance, the bar of iron, ii. 190; for Girondism, iii. 152, 165, 173; guillotine at, 215.

Marseillese, March and Hymn of, ii. 271, 273 (iii. 9, 83); at Charenton, 282; at Paris, 282; Filles-St.-Thomas and, 283; barracks, 285; August Tenth, 292, 298–303.

Massacre, Avignon, ii. 215; September, iii. 26–42; number slain in, 41; corpse's hand, 42; compared to Bartholomew, 43; Convention on, 73.

Maton, Advocate, his Resurrection, iii. 32.

Mauconseil, section, on forfeiture of King, ii. 285;—on Girondins, iii. 135.

Maupeou, under Louis xv., i. 2, 3; and Dame Dubarry, 3.

Maurepas, Prime Minister, character of, i. 31; government of, 40; death of, 62.

Maury, Abbé, character of, i. 147; in Constituent Assembly, 220; seized emigrating, 286; dogmatic, ii 5, 14; efforts fruitless, 115; made Cardinal, 202; and D'Artois at Coblents, 230.

Méda, Robespierre's death and, iii. 284 n.

Memmay, M., of Quincey, explosion of rustics, i. 229.

Menads, the, i. 250–254, 287.

Menou, General, arrested, iii. 318.

Mentz, occupied by French, iii. 65; siege of, 166, 298; surrender of, Goethe describes, 179.

Menus, Hall of the, i. 132.

Mercier, on Paris revolting, i. 170; Editor, 236; the September Massacre, iii. 42; in National Convention, 49; King's trial, 103; dancing, in 1795, 293; workmen dining, 313.

Merlin of Thionville in Mountain, ii. 107; irascible, 240; at Ments, iii. 180.

Merlin of Douai, Law of Suspect, iii. 191.

Mesmer, Dr., glance at, i. 52.

Métra the Newsman, ii. 29.

Metropolis, importance of a, iii. 174.

Metz, Bouillé at, ii. 70; troops mutinous at, 79.

Meudon tannery, iii. 246.

Millennium, French idea of, iii. 119.

Miomandre de Ste. Marie, Bodyguard, October Fifth, i. 278; left for dead, revives, 279; rewarded, ii. 122.

Mirabeau, Marquis, on the state of France in 1775, i. 35; and his son, 56; his death, 186.

Mirabeau, Count, his pamphlets, i. 69; the Notables, 71; Lettres-de-Cachet against, 71; expelled by the Provence Noblesse, 124; cloth-shop, 124; is Deputy for Aix, 125; king of Frenchmen, 37; family of, 138; wanderings of, 139; his future course, 140; groaned at, in Assembly, 153; his newspaper suppressed, 156; silences Usher de Brézé, 165; at Bastille ruins, 209; on Robespierre, 221; fame of, 221; on French deficit, 241; populace, on veto, 241; Mounier, October Fifth, 257; insight of, defends veto, ii. 6; courage, revenue of, 7; saleable? 8; and Danton, on Constitution, 19; his female bookseller, 27; at Jacobins, 31; his countship, 53; on state of Army, 78; Marat would gibbet, 108; his power in France, 113; on D'Orléans, 114; on duelling, 116; interview with Queen, 123; speech on emigrants, the 'trente voix,' 131; in Council, 136; his plans for France, 136; probable career of, 138; sickens, yet works, 140; last appearance in Assembly, 140; anxiety of populace for, 141; last sayings of, 141; death of, 142; public funeral of, 144; burial-place of, 145; character of, 145; last of Mirabeaus, 148; bust in Jacobins, 245; bust demolished, iii. 90; his remains turned out of the Pantheon, 300.

Mirabeau the younger, nicknamed Tonneau, i. 146; in Constituent Assembly, breaks his sword, 167, 220.

Miranda, General attempts Holland, iii. 131.

Miroménil, Keeper of Seals, i. 74.

Mobs, on, i. 250.

Moleville, Bertrand de, Historian, i. 104; ii. 222; minister, his plan, 224; frivolous policy of, 224; and D'Orléans, 225; Jesuitic, 242; in despair, 286; concealed, iii. 10.

Momoro, Bookseller, agrarian, iii. 7; arrested, 249; guillotined, 253; his Wife, Goddess of Reason, 229.

Monge, Mathematician, in office, ii. 306; assists in new Calendar, iii. 184.

Moniteur, Editors of the, i. 136, 236; ii. 27.

Monsabert, G. de. President of Paris Parlement, i. 98; arrested, 100–103.

Montélimart, covenant sworn at, ii. 43.

Montesquiou, General, takes Savoy, iii. 65.

Montgaillard, on Queen captive, ii. 305; on September Massacres, iii. 40; on Paris ladies, 294.

Montgolfier, invents balloons, i. 51.

Montmartre, trenches at, iii. 10.

Montmorin, War-Secretary, i. 300; his brother killed at La Force, iii. 29.

Moore, Doctor, at attack of Tuileries, ii. 360; at La Force, iii. 29.

Morande, De, newspaper by, i. 56; will return, 135; in prison, iii. 15.

Morellet, Philosophe, i. 225.

Moucherton, M. de, of King's Bodyguard, i. 267.

Moudon, Abbé, confessor to Louis xv., i. 16, 22.

Mounier, at Grenoble, i. 104; proposes Tennis-Court oath, 162; October Fifth, President of Constituent Assembly, 257; deputed to King, 261; dilemma of, on return, 272; emigrates, 285.

Mountain, members of the, ii. 207; reelected in National Convention, iii. 48; Gironde and, 121–125; favourers of the, 122; vulnerable points of, 126; prevails, 13o; Danton, Duperret, 150; after Gironde dispersed, 166; in labour, 174.

Müller, General, invades Spain, iii. 237.

Municipality of Paris, to be abolished, iii. 290.

Murat, in Vendémiaire revolt, iii. 318.

Mutiny, military, nature of, ii. 73.

Nanci, revolt at, ii. 12, 83–88; town described, 84; deputation imprisoned, 87; deputation of mutineers, 93; state of mutineers in, 93, 94; Bouillé's fight, 96; Paris thereupon, 98; military executions at, 99; Assembly Commissioners, 100.

Nantes, after King's flight, ii. 167; massacres at, iii. 214; noyades, 221; prisoners to Paris, 272, 290.

Napoleon Bonaparte studying mathematics, i. 107; pamphlet by, ii. 77; democratic, in Corsica, 121; August Tenth, 300; under General Cartaux, iii. 173; at Toulon, 187, 218–220; was pupil of Pichegru, 240; Josephine and, at La Cabarus's, 293; Vendémiaire, 318, 319.

Narbonne, Louis de, assists flight of King's Aunts, ii. 126; to be War-Minister, 226; demands by, 227; secreted, iii. 10; escapes, 14.

Nature, statue of, iii. 181.

Navy, Louis xv. on French, i. 45; French, rots, ii. 224.

Necker, and finance, account of, i. 46; dismissed, 47; refuses Brienne, 108; recalled. 111; difficulty as to States-General, 119; reconvokes Notables, 119; opinion of himself, 135; popular, 166; dismissed, 175; recalled, 202; returns in glory, 230; his plans, 240; getting unpopular, ii. 11; departs, with difficulty, 98.

Necklace, Diamond, i. 57, 69.

Nerwinden, battle of, iii. 139.

Netherlands, occupied by French, iii. 84.

Newspapers in 1789, i. 236; in 1790, ii. 25–29, 107, 124.

Nièvre-Chol, Mayor of Lyons, iii. 125.

Nobles, state of the, under Louis xv., i. 12; new, 14; join Third Estate, 167; Emigrant, errors of, ii. 232.

Notables, Calonne's convocation of, i. 69; assembled 22d Feb. 1787, 70; members of, 70; organed out, 78; effects of dismissal of, 78; reconvoked, 6th November 1788, 119; dismissed again, 128.

Noyades, Nantes, iii. 221.

Oath, of the Tennis-Court, i. 162; National, ii. 36.

October Fifth, 1789, i. 250–254.

Ogé, condemned, ii. 221.

Orléans, High Court at, ii. 238; prisoners, massacred at Versailles, iii. 44–47.

Orléans, a Duke d', in Louis xv.'s sickroom, i. 17; another, disbelieves in death, 19.

Orléans, Philippe (Égalité), Due d', Duke de Chartres (till 1785) i. 70; waits on Dauphin, Father, with Louis xv., 17; not Admiral, 45; wealth, debauchery, Palais-Royal buildings, 50; balloons, 51; in Notables (Duke d'Orléans now), 70; looks of, Bed-of-Justice, 1787, 91, 92; arrested, 92; liberated, 95; pseudo-author, 117; in States-General Procession, 145; joins Third Estate, 167; his party, in Constituent Assembly, 221; Fifth October and, 286; shunned in England, ii. 25; to be Regent? Mirabeau, 114; cash gone, how, 114; use of, in Revolution, 115; accused by Royalists, 134; at Court, insulted, 225; in National Convention (Égalité henceforth), iii. 50; decline of, in Convention, 84, 128; vote on King's trial, 103, 105; at King's execution, 110; arrested, imprisoned, 141; condemned, 207; politeness and execution, 209.

Ormesson, d', Controller of Finance, i. 64; his Uncle, on States-General, 82, 95.

Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy, ii. 156.

Pache, Swiss, account of, ii. 21; Minister of War, iii. 76; Mayor, 156; dismissed, reinstated, 157; imprisoned, 260.

Paine, Common Sense, ii. 21; that there be a Republic, 166; naturalised, iii. 6; in National Convention, 50; escapes guillotine, 282.

Palais-Royal, change in use of, i. 50; spouting at, 157, 169, 202, 242.

Pan, Mallet du, solicits for Louis, ii. 224.

Pandora's box, ii. 13.

Panis, Advocate, in Governing Committee, iii. 7; and Beaumarchais, 17; confidant of Danton, 25.

Pantheon, first occupant of, ii. 144.

Paoli, General, friend of Napoleon, ii. 121.

Paper, Age of, uses of, i. 29.

Parens, Curate, renounces religion, iii. 224.

Paris, origin of city, i. 8; police in 1750, 13; ship Ville-de-Paris, 45; riot at Palais-de-Justice, 86; beautified, in 1788, 98; election, 1789, 122; troops called to, 155; military preparations in, 168; July Fourteenth, cry for arms, 177, 187; search for arms, 180; Bailly, mayor of, 201; trade-strikes in, 237; Lafayette patrols, 242; October Fifth, propositions to Louis, 274; Louis in, 288; foreigners flock to, ii. 20; Journals, 27–29, 107, 108, 124; bill-stickers, 28, 107; undermined, 55, 129; after Champ-de-Mars Federation, 67; on Nanci affair, 98; on death of Mirabeau, 142; on Flight to Varennes, 164–167; on King's return, 186; Directory suspends Pétion, 266; enlisting, 1792, 276 (iii. 23); on forfeiture of King, 284; Sections, rising of, 287; August Tenth, prepares for insurrection, 286–291; Municipality supplanted, 290; statues torn down, King and Queen to prison, 306; September 1792, iii. 40; names printed on house-door, 140; in insurrection, Girondins, May 1793, 157, 159; Municipality in red nightcaps, 232; brotherly supper, 264; like a Mahlstrom, Thermidor, 283; Sections to be abolished, 290; brightened up, 1795, 291–296; Gilt Youth, 295.

Pâris, Guardsman, assassinates Lepelletier, iii. 106.

Pâris, friend of Danton, iii. 255.

Parlement, Douai, alone registers Edicts, i. 104.

Parlement of Paris, reëstablished, i. 29; patriotic, 62, 83; on registering Edicts, 83; against Taxation, 81, 82; remonstrates, at Versailles, 82; arrested, 85; origin of, 85; nature of, corrupt, 85; at Troyes, yields, 88; Royal Session in, 90–92; how to be tamed, 97; oath and declaration of, 99; firmness of, 100–104; scene in, and dismissal of, 101; reinstated, 111; unpopular, 116; summons Dr. Guillotin, 125; abolished, ii. 9.

Parlements, Provincial, adhere to Paris, i. 84, 93; rebellious, 96, 100; exiled, 104; grand deputations of, 104; reinstated, 111; abolished, ii. 9.

Past, the, and Fear, iii. 81.

Paul and Virginia, by St. Pierre, i. 60.

Peltier, Royalist Pamphleteer, iii. 14.

Père Duchesne, Editor of, ii. 107; iii. 124.

Pereyra, Walloon, account of, ii. 21; imprisoned, iii. 251.

Perruques blondes, iii. 246.

Pétion, account of, i. 142; Dutch-built, ii. 6; and D'Espréménil, 133; to be mayor, 136; Varennes, meets King, 186; and Royalty, 188, 288; at close of Assembly, 200; in London, 202; Mayor of Paris, 242; In Twentieth June, 262; suspended, 266; reinstated, 274; welcomes Marseillese, 282; August Tenth, in Tuileries, 288; rebukes Septemberers, iii. 43; in National Convention, 49; declines mayorship, 78; and his violin, 186; against Mountain, 150; retreat of, to Bordeaux, 176–180; end of, 201.

Pétion, National-Pique, christening of, ii. 253.

Petition, of famishing French, i. 34; at Fatherland's altar, ii. 192; of the Eight Thousand, 255; of washerwomen. iii. 116.

Petitions, on capture of King, ii. 191; for deposition, etc., 284.

Phélippeaux, purged out of the Jacobins, iii. 351.

Philosopher in office, i. 30.

Philosophes, French, i. 29, 30; ii. 23.

Philosophism, influence of, on Revolution, i. 14; what it has done with Church, 37; with Religion, 58; disappointment on succeeding, ii. 24.

Pichegru, General, notice of, iii. 240; in Germinal, 303.

Pikes, fabricated,—see Arms; Feast of, ii. 67; in 1793, iii. 181–183.

Pilnitz, Convention at, ii. 229.

Pin, Latour du, War-Minister, ii. 87, 98; dismissed, 125.

Pitt, against France, ii. 230; and Girondins, iii. 118; inflexible, 298.

Placard Journals, ii. 28.

Plots, of King's flight, i. 244 (ii. 122, 124, 125, 159–163); various, of Aristocrats, October Fifth, 250–259; Royalist, of Favras and others, ii. 13; cartels. Twelve bullies from Switzerland, 116–119; D'Inisdal, will-o'-wisp, 122; Mirabeau and Queen, 123; poniards, 130–133; Mallet du Pan, 224; Narbonne's 226; traces of, in Armoire de Fer, iii. 90; against Girondins, 136; Desmoulins on, 155; by Pitt? 250, 265; prison, 261, 268–271.

Polignac, Duke de, a sinecurist, i. 63; dismissed, 202; at Bâle, 223; younger, in Ham, 224.

Pompignan, President of National Assembly, i. 185.

Poniards, Royalist, ii. 123; Day of, 134.

Pope Pius vi. excommunicates Talleyrand, ii. 155; effigy of, burned, 155.

Prairial First to Third, May 20–22, 1795, iii. 306–310.

Précy, at siege of Lyons, iii. 188, 216.

Present, the, and Fear, iii. 81.

Priesthood, costumes thrown off, ii. 240; costumes in Carmagnole, iii. 225.

Priestley, Dr., riot against, ii. 229; naturalised, iii. 5; elected to National Convention, 50.

Priests, dissident, fustigated, ii. 150; marry in France, 238; Anti-national, hanged, 268; thirty killed near the Abbaye, iii. 26; number slain in September Massacre, 41; to rescue Louis, 105; drowned at Nantes, 221; four hundred at anchor, 272.

Prisons, Paris, in Bastille time, i. 180; full, August 1792, iii. 16; number of, in Paris and in France, 213; state of in Terror, 270–273; thinned after Terror, 289.

Prison, Abbaye, refractory Members sent to, ii. 239; Temple, Louis sent to, 306; Abbaye, Priests killed near, iii. 26; La Force, Châtelet, and Conciergerie, massacres at, 27–38.

Procession, of States-General Deputies, i. 134; of Necker and D'Orléans busts, 176; of Louis to Paris, 286–289; again, after Varennes, ii. 186; of Black Breeches, 260–263; of Louis to trial, iii. 92; at Constitution of 1793, 182.

Proly, Jacobin missionary, iii. 84, 139.

Prophecy and Prodigies, ii. 38.

Protestants emancipated, i. 89, 95.

Provence Noblesse, expel Mirabeau, i. 124.

Prudhomme, Editor, ii. 27; on assassins, 119; turncoat, iii. 223; on Cavaignac, 238 n.

Prussia, Fritz of, i. 285; against France, ii. 229; army of, ravages France, iii. 10; King of, and French Princes, 57.

Puisaye, Girondin General, iii. 165, 175; at Quiberon, 299.

Quack, unforgivable, ii. 146.

Quéret-Démery, prisoner in Bastille, i. 199.

Quiberon, debarkation at, iii. 299.

Rabaut, St. Étienne, French Reformer, i. 142; in National Convention, iii. 49; in Commission of Twelve, 153; arrested, 162; hides between two walls, 178; guillotined, 213.

Raynal, Abbé, Philosophe, i. 56, 59; his letter to Constituent Assembly, 235.

Reason, Goddess of, iii. 227–229.

Rebecqui, of Marseilles, ii. 218; in National Convention, iii. 49; against Robespierre ('Moi'), 75; retires, 125; drowns himself, 173.

Reding, Swiss, massacred, iii. 31.

Religion, Christian, and French Revolution, iii. 203; abolished, 223–229; Clootz on, 225; a new, 227–205.

Remy, Cornet, at Clermont, ii. 177.

Rénault, Cécile, to assassinate Robespierre, iii. 265; guillotined, 265.

Réné, King, bequeathed Avignon to Pope, ii. 212.

Rennes, riot in, i. 104.

Renwick, last of Cameroniana, iii. 119.

Repaire, Tardivet du, Bodyguard, Fifth October, i. 279; rewarded, ii. 122.

Representation, double, of Tiers Etat, i. 119.

Representative, Hereditary, ii. 120.

Representatives, Paris, Town, i. 234.

Republic, French, first mention of, ii. 168; first year of, iii. 48, 183; established, 59, 66; universal, Clootz's, 78; Girondin, 138; one and indivisible, 147; its triumphs, 296–299.

Resson, Sieur, reports Lafayette to Jacobins, ii. 265.

Réveillon, first balloon at house of, i. 51; house beset, destroyed, 129.

Revolt, Paris in, i. 180; of Gardes Françaises, 182; becomes Revolution, 199; military, what, ii. 73; of Lepelletier section, iii. 317–320.

Revolution, French, causes of the, i. 13, 36, 57, 96; Lord Chesterfield on the, 15; not a Revolt, 200; meaning of the term, 211; whence it grew, 212; general commencement of, 226; editors, 235; prosperous characters in, ii. 18; Philosophes and, 24; state of army in, 73; progress of, 104, 112; duelling in, 115; Republic decided on, 166; European powers and, 227–230; Royalist opinion of, 233; cardinal movements in, iii. 8; Danton and the, 46; changes produced by the, 66; and Atheism, 97; effect of King's death on, 114–116; Girondin idea of, 124, 137; suspicion in, 155; like Saturn, 201; Terror and, 202; and Christian religion, 203; Revolutionary Committees, 140, 191, 213; Government doings in, 243; Robespierre essential to, 287; end of the Revolution, 320.

Rheims, in September Massacre, iii. 44.

Richelieu, at death of Louis xv., i. 17, 24; death of, 114.

Riquettis, the, i. 137.

Riot, Paris, in May 1750, i. 13; Corn-law (in 1775), 34; at Palais de Justice (1787), 86; triumphs, 112; of Rue St. Antoine, 128; of July Fourteenth (1789), and Bastille, 176–200; at Strasburg, 230; Paris, on the veto, 241; Versailles Château, October Fifth (1789), 251–282; uses of, to National Assembly, ii. 18; Paris, on Nanci affair, 98; at De Castries' Hotel, no theft, 118; on flight of King's Aunts, 127; at Vincennes, 129; on King's proposed journey to St. Cloud, 152; in Champ-de-Mars, with sharp shot, 193; Paris, Twentieth June, 1792, 260; August Tenth, 1792, 288–307; Grain, iii. 78; Paris, at Théâtre de la Nation, 74; selling sugar, 117; of Thermidor, 1794, 278–286; of Germinal, 1795, 302; of Prairial, 306; final, of Vendémiaire, 317–323.

Riouffe, Girondin, iii. 176; to Bordeaux, 177; in prison, 189; on death of Girondins, 199; on Mme. Roland, 209.

Rivarol, staff of genius, ii. 225.

Robespierre, Maximilien, account of, i. 141; derided in Constituent Assembly, 221; Jacobin, ii. 31, 114; incorruptible, on tip of left, 114; elected public accuser, 136; after King's flight, 167; at close of Assembly, 199; at Arras, position of, 202; plans in 1792, 235; chief priest of Jacobins, 246; invisible on August Tenth, 290; reappears, iii. 7; on September Massacre, 41; in National Convention, 48; accused by Girondins, 75; accused by Louvet, 85; acquitted, 87; on Mirabeau's bust, 90; King's trial, 91, 103; Condorcet on, 130; at Queen's trial, 195; in Salut Committee, 231; and Paris Municipality, 232; embraces Danton, 251; Desmoulins and, 252; and Danton, 255; Danton on, at trial, 258; his three scoundrels, 258; supreme, 260; to be assassinated, 265; at Feast of Être Suprême, 266–268; apocalyptic, Théot, 268, 273; on Couthon's plot-decree, 268; reserved, 274; his schemes, 275; fails in Convention, 276; applauded at Jacobins, 277; accused, 279; rescued, 281; at Townhall, declared out of law, 282; half-killed, 284; guillotined, 285; essential to Revolution, 287.

Robespierre, Augustin, decreed accused, iii. 280; fall of, guillotined, 285.

Rochambeau, one of Four Generals, ii. 71; retires, 254.

Roche-Aymon, Grand Almoner of Louis xv., i. 16, 23.

Rochefoucault, Duke de la, Liberal, i. 145; President of Directory, ii. 268; killed, iii. 44.

Rœderer, Syndic, Feuillant, ii. 259; Chronicle of Fifty Days, 261; on Fédérés Ammunition, 287; dilemma at Tuileries, August Tenth, 289, 296.

Rohan, Cardinal, Diamond Necklace and, i. 57.

Roland, Madame, notice of, at Lyons, ii. 45; narrative by, 47; in Paris, after King's flight, 167; and Barbaroux, 219; public dinners and business, 248; character of, 248; misgivings of, iii. 78; accused, 99; Girondin declining, 130; arrested, 163; in prison, condemned, 209; guillotined, 210.

Roland, M., notice of, ii. 46; in Paris, 219; Minister (no buckles), 247; letter, and dismissal of, 256; recalled, 306; decline of, iii. 5; on September Massacres, 39; and Pache, 77; doings of, 77; resigns, 111; fled, 163; suicide of, 212.

Romme, in National Convention, iii. 49; in Caen prison, 166; his new Calendar, 183–186; in riot of Prairial, 1795, 308; suicide, 310.

Romœuf, pursues the King, ii. 168; at Varennes, 184.

Ronsin, General of Revolutionary Army, iii. 214, 229; arrested, 249; guillotined, 253.

Rosière, Thuriot de la, summons Bastille, i. 189; in First Parliament, ii. 207; in National Convention, iii. 96; President at Robespierre's fall, 279.

Rossignol, in September Massacre, iii. 16; in La Vendée, 214.

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, Contrat Social of, i. 54; Gospel according to, ii. 38, 200 (iii. 204); burial-place of, 145; statue decreed to, 199.

Roux, M., Histoire Parlementaire, iii. 203.

Royalists, Club of, extinguished, ii. 33; named 'Blacks,' '116; duelling, 116–119; poniards, 123, 132; staff of genius of, 225, 234; preparations made at Coblentz, 230.

Royalty, signs of, demolished, ii. 165, 305; abolished in France, iii. 59.

Royou, editor of Ami du Roi, ii. 233.

Ruamps, Deputy, against Couthon, iii. 269.

Ruhl, notice of, ii. 208; in riot of Prairial, iii. 308; suicide, 310.

Sabatier de Cabre, at Royal Session, i. 91; arrested, 92; liberated, 95.

Sahara, desert, iii. 3.

St. Antoine to Versailles, i. 268; Warhorse supper, 269; closes shops, Nanci affair, ii. 91; at Vincennes, 128; at Jacobins, 253; and Marseillese, 282; August Tenth, 295.

St. Cloud, Louis prohibited from, ii. 152.

St. Denis, Mayor of, hanged, i. 234.

St. Domingo, Insurrection in, ii. 11.

St. Fargeau, Lepelletier, in National Convention, iii. 50; at King's trial, 102; assassinated, 106; burial of, 112.

St. Huruge, Marquis, cracked, i. 204; bull-voice, 237; imprisoned, 242; at Versailles, 265; and Pope's effigy, ii. 155; at Jacobins, 253; on King's trial, iii. 98.

St. Just in National Convention, iii. 49; on King's trial, 91; in Salut Committee, 231; at Strasburg, 234; repels Prussians, 240; on Revolution, 248; in Committee-room, Thermidor, 278; his report, 278; arrested, 280.

St. Louis Church, States-General procession from, i. 134.

St. Méard, Jourgniac de, in prison, iii. 16; his 'Agony' at La Force, 31–38.

Ste. Menehould, alarms at, ii. 170, 173, 177; Prussians at, iii. 55.

St. Méry, Moreau de, 3000 orders, i. 199; prostrated, ii. 284.

St. Pierre's Paul and Virginia, i. 60.

Salles, Deputy, guillotined, iii. 200.

Salm, regiment, at Nanci, ii. 80.

Saltpetre, digging for, iii. 236.

Salut Publique: see Committee.

Sansculottism, apparition of, i. 212; effects of, 231; growth of, ii. 2, 17; at work, 12; origin of term, 123; and Royalty, 263; above theft, iii. 40; a fact, 48; French Nation and, 67; Revolutionary Tribunal and, 141; how it lives, 143; consummated, 202, 206, 222, 236; fall of, 287; last rising of, 306–310; death of, 310.

Santerre, Brewer, notice of, i. 136; at siege of Bastille, 193; at Tuileries, ii. 122: June Twentieth, 261; meets Marseillese, 282; Commander of Guards, 294; how to relieve famine, iii. 78; at King's trial, 92; at King's execution, 109; fails in La Vendée, 186; St. Antoine disarmed, 310.

Sausse, M., Procureur of Varennes, ii. 180; scene at his house, 183; flies from Prussians, iii. 20.

Savonnières, M. de, Bodyguard, October Fifth, temper gives way, i. 266.

Savoy, occupied by French, iii. 65.

Séchelles, Hérault de, in National Convention, iii. 69; hat on, leads Convention out, 161; and new Feast of Pikes, 181; arrested, 255; guillotined, 259.

Sections, of Paris, iii. 135; denounce Girondins, 175; Committee of, 153, 156, 190.

Sedan Municipals, and Lafayette, ii. 307.

Seigneurs, French, obliged to fly, i. 228; ii. 106.

Senses, the outward and inward, i. 6, 14.

September: see Massacre. Septemberers, the, iii. 41,

Sergent, Agate, Engraver, in Committee, iii. 7; nicknamed 'Agate,' 40; signs circular, 44.

Servan, War-Minister, ii. 247, 351; plans of, 254.

Sèvres, Potteries, Lamotte's Mémoires burnt at, ii. 239.

Sicard, Abbé, in prison, iii. 16; in danger near the Abbaye, 26; account of massacre there, 34.

Side, Right and Left, of Constituent Assembly, i. 220; ii. 12; tip of Left, Jacobins, 114; Right and Left in conflict, 115; tip of Left, popular, 136; Right after King's flight, 165; Right quits Assembly, 196; Right and Left in first Parliament, 207; Delilah kiss, 210.

Sieyes, Abbé, account of, i. 144; Constitution-builder, 144, 215; ii. 6; in Champ-de-Mars, 58; in National Convention, iii. 49; of Constitution Committee, 1790, 69; vote at King's trial, 103; making new Constitution, 316,

Sillery, Marquis, notice of, ii. 25.

Simon, Cordwainer, Dauphin committed to, iii. 262; guillotined, 285.

Simoneau, Mayor of Étampes, killed, ii. 221; festival for, 253.

Society Fraternelle, iii. 154.

Soissons, camp to be formed at, ii. 268; bread poisoned at, 281.

Solecisms, topheavy, i. 207.

Sombreuil, Governor of Hôtel des Invalides, i. 185; examined, ii. 239; seized, iii. 15; saved by his daughter, 30; guillotined, 269; son of, shot, 299.

Sorbonne, the, decay of, i. 11.

Spain, against France, ii. 230; iii. 113; invaded by France, 237.

Spurs, night of, ii. 176.

Staal, Dame de, on liberty, ii. 26.

Staël, Mme. de, at States-General procession, i. 135; intrigues for Narbonne, ii. 226, 249; secretes Narbonne, iii. 10, 14.

Stanhope and Price, their club and Paris, ii. 21.

States-General, first mooted, i. 79, 82, 89; meeting announced, 107; how constituted, 115 (see Estate, Third); one or three orders in? 119; Representatives to, 170; Parlements against, 125; Deputies to, in Paris, 127; number of Deputies, 131; place of assembling, 133; procession of, 134–146; installed, 149; hats on, hats off, 150; union of orders? 152–159.

Stofflet, of La Vendée, iii. 298.

Strasburg, riot at, in 1789, i. 230; St. Just, shoes and beds, iii. 234.

Suffren, Admiral, notice of, i. 45.

Sugar, why scarce, ii. 222; the remedy, 222.

Sulleau, Royalist, editor, ii. 233; massacred, 293.

Supper, Fraternal, iii. 264.

Surnames, Hénault on, i. 1.

Suspect, Law of the, iii. 191; Chaumette jeered on, 250.

Suspicion, in France, 1788, i. 126; in Revolution, iii. 155.

Sweden, King of, to assist Marie-Antoinette, ii. 158; shot by Ankarström, 230.

Swiss Guards at Brest, liberated, feasted, ii. 252, 253; prisoners at La Force, iii. 28.

Talleyrand-Perigord, Bishop, notice of, i. 147; at fatherland's altar, his blessing, ii. 64; excommunicated, 155; in London, 202; to America, iii. 113.

Tallien, notice of, ii. 18; editor of Ami des Citoyens, 233; in Committee of Townhall, August 1792, iii. 7; in National Convention, 49; at Bordeaux, 200; and Madame Cabarus, 214; recalled, suspect, 274; accuses Robespierre, 279; Thermidorian, 291.

Talma, actor, his soirée, iii. 65.

Tannery of human skins, iii. 246; improvements in, 243.

Tardivet: see Repaire.

Target, Advocate, declines King's defence, iii. 94.

Tassin, M., and black cockade, i. 249.

Tax, Ascending, iii. 143.

Telegraph invented, iii. 243.

Tennis-Court, National Assembly in, i. 162; Club of, and procession to, ii. 51; master of, rewarded, 200.

Terray, Abbé, dissolute financier, i. 3, 30.

Terror, consummation of, iii, 202; reign of, designated, 203; number guillotined in, 211.

Théatins Church, granted to Dissidents, ii. 151.

Théot, Prophetess, on Robespierre, iii. 268, 273.

Thermidor, Ninth and Tenth, July 27 and 28, 1794, iii. 278–286.

Théroigne, Mdlle., notice of, i. 135; in Insurrection of Women, 254; at Versailles (October Fifth), 264; in Austrian prison, ii. 186; in Jacobin tribune, 245; accoutred for Insurrection (August Tenth), 288, 293; keeps her carriage, iii. 132; fustigated, insane, 154.

Thionville besieged, iii. 12; siege raised, 57.

Thouret, Law-reformer, ii. 6; dissolves Assembly, 200; guillotined, iii. 262.

Thouvenot and Dumouriez, iii. 21.

Tinville, Fouquier, revolutionist, ii. 19; Jacobin, 31; Attorney-General in Tribunal Révolutionnaire, iii. 141; at trial of Queen, 195; at trial of Girondins, 197; brutal, at trial of Mme. Roland, 210; at trial of Danton, 257, 258; and Salut Public, 258; his prison-plots, 259, 261; his batches, 261; the prisons under, mock doom of, 270–273; at trial of Robespierre, 285; accused, guillotined, 304.

Tithes, titles, etc. abolished, i. 219; ii. 52.

Tollendal, Lally, pleads for father, i. 86; in States-General, 145; popular, crowned, 201.

Torné, Bishop, and Costumes, ii. 240.

Toulon, Girondin, iii. 174; occupied by English, 187; besieged, 218; surrenders, 220.

Toulongeon, Marquis, notice of, ii. 6; on Barnave triumvirate, 189; describes Jacobins Hall, 245.

Tournay, Louis, at siege of Bastille, i. 191.

Tourzelle, Dame de, escapes, iii. 16.

Trenck, Baron, in Paris, ii. 21.

Tribunal Extraordinaire, iii. 141; Révolutionnaire, doings of, 192; extended, 268.

Tricolor cockade, i. 180.

Tronchet, Advocate, defends King, iii. 94, 104.

Truth and Falsehood, i. 213.

Tuileries, Louis xvi. lodged at, ii. 2; a tile-field, 5; Twentieth June at, 259; tickets of entry, 'Coblentz,' 280; Marseillese chase Filles-Saint-Thomas to, 283; August Tenth, 287, 296; King quits for ever, 297; attacked, 298; captured, 301; occupied by National Convention, iii. 151.

Turgot, Controller of France, i. 30; on Corn-law, 34; dismissed, 41; death of, 87.

Tyrants, French People risen against, iii. 190, 236.

United States, assert Liberty, i. 7; embassy to Louis xvi., 44; aided by France, 45; of Congress in, 222.

Ushant, sea-fight, i. 45.

Valadi, Marquis, notice of, i. 135; Gardes Françaises and, 172; guillotined, iii. 200.

Valazé, Girondin, ii. 206; on trial of Louis, iii. 84; plots at his house, 157; trial of, 198; stabs himself, 198.

Valenciennes, besieged, iii. 166; surrendered, 180.

Valmy, action at, iii. 56.

Varenne, Maton de la. Advocate, his experiences in September, iii. 16.

Varennes, described, ii. 179–182; Prussians occupy, iii. 19.

Varigny, Bodyguard, massacred, October Fifth, i. 278.

Varlet, 'Apostle of Liberty,' iii. 98, 118, 135; arrested, 156.

Vendée, La, Commissioners to, ii. 220; state of, in 1792, 235; insurrection in, iii. 11; war, after King's death, 134, 186; on fire, 214; pacificated, 298.

Vendémiaire, Thirteenth, Oct. 4, 1795, iii. 317–320.

Vengeur, sinking of the, iii. 241.

Verbs, Irregular, National Assembly at, i. 215.

Verdun, to be besieged, iii. 12, 18; surrendered, 19.

Vergennes, M. de. Prime Minister, i. 62; death of, 73.

Vergniaud, notice of, ii. 205; too languid, 242; during August Tenth, 303; orations of, iii. 4; President at King's condemnation, 104; in fall of Girondins, 158; trial of, 198; at last supper of Girondins, 199.

Vermond, Abbé de. Queen's reader, i. 74.

Versailles, death of Louis xv. at, i. 2, 24; Tennis-Court, 163; in Bastille time, National Assembly at, 184, 200; troops to, 244; march of women on, 254; of French Guards on, 258; halt of women near, 260; insurrection scene at, 262; the Château forced, 277; Orléans prisoners massacred at, iii. 46.

Veto, question of the, i. 241; ii. 238, 258, 262; eluded, 268.

Viard, Spy, Mme. Roland and, iii. 99.

Vilate, Juryman, guillotined, iii. 304; book by, 305.

Villaret-Joyeuse, Admiral, beaten by Howe, iii. 241.

Villaumes, milliners, their patriotic gift, iii. 11.

Villequier, Duke de, emigrates, ii. 133.

Vincennes, Castle, to be repaired, ii. 128; riot at, 129; saved by Lafayette, 131.

Vincent, of War-Office, iii. 229; arrested, 249; guillotined, 253.

Voltaire, at Paris, described, i. 42; burial-place of, ii. 144.

War, civil, manual and lingual, ii. 15; French, becomes general, 96.

Washington, key of Bastille sent to, i. 209; formula for Lafayette, 145; ii. 308.

Watigny, Battle of, iii. 239.

Weber, Queen's foster-brother, in Insurrection of Women, i. 275, 288; in National Guard, ii. 256; Queen leaving Vienna, iii. 196.

Weissembourg, lines of, iii. 240.

Westermann, in August Tenth, ii. 296; purged out of the Jacobins, iii. 251; tried, guillotined, 257.

Wimpfen, Girondin General, iii. 165, 175.

Women, patriotic gifts by, i, 240; revolutionary speeches by, 249; Insurrection of, 250; at Hôtel-de-Ville, 252; march to Versailles, 254; deputation of, to Assembly, 262; to King, 263; corrupt the Guards, 265; would hang their deputy, 266; in fight, at Versailles, 278; selling sugar, cry of soap, iii. 116; 'Megæras,' 154; Hérault and Heroines, 182.

York, Duke of, besieges Valenciennes, iii. 166; Dunkirk, 238.

Young, Arthur, at French Revolution, i. 225–231.

Youth, Gilt, iii. 295, 309.