The Writings of Carl Schurz/From Allen G. Thurman, December 15th, 1890

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Columbus, O., Dec. 15, 1890.

My dear General: Your very kind letter of the 8th ult. was duly received and gave me the greatest pleasure. I should have thanked you for it before this, but for weeks I have been unable to write, owing to a severe attack of rheumatism; and even now, owing to a lame wrist, I can scarcely hold a pen. I am therefore obliged to avail myself of a typewriter.

You may rest assured that I shall never forget our pleasant intercourse in the Senate, and I shall always recollect it with the highest pleasure. The banquet was a wholly unexpected compliment, and of course I am sincerely grateful for such a mark of friendship and esteem. I am but a private man now and shall never be anything else. Indeed I never desire to be anything else. My family, friends and books give me all the pleasure that a man of my age can expect to enjoy; and I leave to the younger men the active management of public affairs.

I have not received your speech on the tariff, to which you refer. I fear that it has miscarried, but it may be that it will turn up. Whenever I get hold of it I shall certainly read it with great interest. I read your Life of Clay with great interest and think that as a literary production it is of a very high order. What are you writing about now, or do you confine yourself to business? You say nothing of your health, how is that? I hope you will find time occasionally to drop me a line, if it is only to let me know that you are well and happy.

I am, very sincerely, yours faithfully.