The Writings of Carl Schurz/From C. D. Drake, January 21st, 1869

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Washington, D. C., Jan. 21, 1869.

Notwithstanding our recent antagonism, I deem it only due to myself to say to you that no personal feeling abides with me in that connection.

Aside from the objections of a public character urged by me to your election to the Senate,—which you will remember were accompanied with a denial of personal unkindness,—I have not had, have not now, any reason for withholding from you an expression of congratulation upon your success.

Much less have I occasion for desiring any other relations between us as colleagues than those of respect, good-will and cordial coöperation. I hope to find those feelings reciprocated by you in our future intercourse.

When the news of your election was received here, I selected for you the best unappropriated seat in the Senate Chamber, and hope you will, on your arrival, be pleased with it.