The Writings of Carl Schurz/From Ex-President Hayes, June 1st, 1881

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Fremont, O., June 1, 1881.

Is it true you are editing the Evening Post?[1] I must see what you write. If true, Mrs. Hayes will not forgive me if she loses anything you write. Please tell your business manager to put my name on his list for the tri-weekly, or semi-weekly, or whatever edition will contain your editorials, and send me the bill.

We are busy and happy—time passes swiftly and agreeably—getting ready to live in our country home.

All sorts of non-paying public trusts of local significance, merely, are piling up on my hands. I look out of the loopholes, and see what I do see! and am content.

  1. Schurz was editor-in-chief of the New York Evening Post, 1881-83.