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The Writings of Carl Schurz/From F. T. Reid and Others, September 21st, 1871

From Wikisource


Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 21, 1871.

Dear Sir: We, formerly Confederate soldiers, wish to express to you our high regard for yourself, and our profound and warm admiration of the unselfish, unpartisan, cultured and patriotic address delivered by you in this city yesterday. We admire the manly, independent spirit which refuses obedience to party when in conflict with one's convictions of duty and right. We pledge you that we have a faith, which no words can express, in the sublime significance, mission and destiny of the American Republic; that we honor and revere the National flag as the assured herald of that day when all the races of men, of all ranks and conditions, will be redeemed and delivered from all species of political and mental thraldom.

We wish to turn our backs on all sectional parties, and on all parties groping in the moonlight of the past, and to ally ourselves with any party that will be animated with the spirit of civil and religious toleration, broad and elevated patriotism, not bounded by State lines, and inspired with pride and an abiding faith in the genius of free institutions.

We are, we assure you, with the highest respect and regard,

Your obedient Servants,

Frank T. Reid,
George E. Purvis,
Neill S. Brown, Jr.,
T. M. Steger,
N. Baxter, Jr.,

and about two hundred others.