The Writings of Carl Schurz/From Horace White, June 9th, 1872

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Brevoort House, New York, June 9, 1872.

My dear Schurz: I went up to Waldo Hutchins's house last night and spent the evening with him and Greeley. Of course I cannot go into particulars now. Greeley made the impression on me of a sincere, confiding man. He argued like a baby with me about his right to write that letter[2] to you in answer to the one you wrote to him, since as he said he didn't nominate himself at Cincinnati—had no communication with Gratz Brown or any of his friends thereon, etc., etc. He ended by acknowledging that he had done wrong and authorizing me to go down to the Tribune office to-day and insert an article saying that his correspondence had become so voluminous that he could not undertake to answer any more letters. His Astor House headquarters are to be broken up immediately.

Hutchins said he would guarantee that nobody should go into the Cabinet, either the first time or any other time, whom Trumbull and myself should say was an unfit or improper person.

Greeley said that if Congress, at its next session, would pass a civil service law bringing the service under the English or Prussian system as to permanence he would hold up both hands for it.

The answer I have received from Chicago shuts the door to my signing the call for the 20th of June meeting, although I shall attend it. I will explain how the door is shut at some future time, but there is now no alternative.

  1. Then editor of the Chicago Tribune.
  2. Letter of May 8, 1872. See 3 Reminiscences, 350-51.