The Writings of Carl Schurz/From James Freeman Clarke, July 1st, 1878

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Jamaica Plain, Mass., July 1, 1878.

I have not seen Miss Dodge's[1] attack on me in the Tribune, for I thought I could do better with my time than reading the effusions of this distinguished scold. Indeed, I was rather gratified in hearing that she had attacked me, as this confirmed my hope that I was instrumental in defeating her kinsman, Mr. Blaine, as candidate for the Presidential nomination. Most persons now see that this would have been a great disgrace as well as disaster to the Republican party. I am pleased, therefore, to learn that Miss Dodge associates me with yourself and the other gentlemen against whom she bears a grudge on this account. It is unpleasant, however, to see the Tribune made the organ of this abuse. That paper, which in the hands of Horace Greeley, was a bugle to awaken a sleeping land, ought not to degenerate into a mop, to be used by this termagant, to twirl dirty water against those who have tried to introduce the reforms which the present time requires.

The mountain stream which ends in mud,
Must needs be melancholy—

says Lowell.

Mr. Blaine, in one respect at least, resembles Achilles. Instead of attending to the duty he was sent to perform, he sulks in his tent. I am not aware, however, that the Greek hero kept a little female dog to snarl and show her teeth when Agamemnon and Ulysses (Mr. Hayes and yourself) went by.

  1. Gail Hamilton.