The Writings of Carl Schurz/From P. B. Plumb, May 6th, 1884

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Senate Chamber, Washington, May 6, 1884.

Four years ago you named to me five persons either of whom you said could be elected if nominated by the Republicans. Three of them were Windom, Harrison, Sherman—the others I do not recall.

As I am a delegate to Chicago and consequently burdened with the responsibility of a choice, I am desirous of such exchange of opinion as will enable me to see clearly. Kansas is for Elaine very strongly—but willing to accept any one else whose election would be more certain. We want success.

Naturally we think of New York, and wish to be sure of carrying it. It is essential to Republican success and there is the usual contrariety of opinion as to who is strongest for that purpose. Can you enlighten me?

While I do not go to the extent you do in some directions, I am in accord with your general ideas of fitness, and desire to aid in making a nomination which you and those like you can cordially support.