The Writings of Carl Schurz/From Rutherford B. Hayes, August 9th, 1876

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Columbus, O., Aug. 9, 1876.

My dear General: I am in receipt of your esteemed favor as to the prospects of the campaign and making important suggestions. I also received and replied to your former letter. Let me assure you that nothing of the sort contained in your letter will shake, or tend to shake, my faith in your hearty zeal in the cause. To be frank is the best proof of it. I do not usually give much thought to the prospects of a canvass. So far as they indicate something to be done I try to consider them. But having fired my shot, and supposing I would remain passive hereafter, I have preferred not to know much that would either depress or elate. I will, however, think seriously of your suggestions. It is to be hoped that as my past and my letters and speeches, a few of which are published in Howard's Life, are examined, the people will find that I am likely to be one of the last men in the world to back out of a good work, deliberately entered upon. I send you a speech by Judge Johnston, a shrewd observer. I wonder if you see what I am discovering beyond all question in Ohio. A vast majority of the “plain people” think of this as the main interest in the canvass. A Democratic victory will bring the Rebellion into power. They point to a host of facts and are greatly moved by them.

But in any event we are to fight it out. If the prospect is good it will be a pleasanter task. But if it is against odds the work will be nobler.

I do not hear where you go earliest. You can do great good, I learn, in Wisconsin after you are through with New York, or rather the opening in New York.

You do not send the whole of Mr. W's letter, but from what you send it looks as if Mr. W. supposed that North Carolina had a State election this year in August. This is an error. No election there until November.

With very hearty confidence in our cause, believe me,

R. B. Hayes.

P. S. Aug. 10th. The foregoing was written at my office in the midst of interruptions. I wish to add my thanks for your letter and to congratulate you on its success. It is doing good. We had the best convention, and it gave us the best ticket Cincinnati has had for years. The good elements of the party were uppermost at all points. We have a fair fighting chance to win, and this with the goodness of our cause ought to keep us in good heart.