The Writings of Carl Schurz/From Rutherford B. Hayes, September 15th, 1876

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Columbus, O., Sept. 15, 1876.

I was pained to hear of your accident. I trust it will not prove a serious injury, and that you will soon be well.

Touching the assessments, I am clear it is not for me to call attention to the acts of the officials except as they are induced by the committee appointed by the National Convention. I wrote a private note to my only correspondent on the committee, and talked to Governor Noyes. I send you Governor McCormick's reply, which please return. I send also a copy of my note,[1] for private use only as matters now stand, and until I give consent to its publication.

Your speech on “hard times” was exceedingly happy. It is the best handling of that dangerous topic I have yet seen, by great odds. The canvass daily brings to the front, more and more, as the two leading topics, the danger of a “United South” victory, and Tilden's record as a Reformer.

You can denounce all charges of hostility to foreigners as voters and officeholders as utterly unfounded. They are the merest roorbacks. I have always voted for naturalized citizens, have often appointed them to office and shall always hold to the same opinions on that subject which I presume you do. I of course don't like Catholic interference or any sectarian interference with politics or the schools. All of this paragraph is public and always openly avowed by me. I was not a Know-Nothing when my political associates generally ran off after that ephemeral party.

P.S. I need hardly assure you that if I ever have charge of an Administration this whole assessment business will go up, “hook, line and sinker.”

  1. Columbus, O., Sept. 8, 1876. 

    My dear Sir: I send you a slip cut from an Eastern newspaper on the subject of assessments upon official salaries for political purposes. It is charged that this is done by authority of the National Committee.

    My views as to what ought to be required of officeholders are set forth in my letter of acceptance and are no doubt sufficiently well known. But I think it is proper to say to the Committee that if assessments are made as charged it is a plain departure from correct principles, and ought not to be allowed. I trust the Committee will have nothing to do with it.


    R. B. Hayes.

    Hon. R. C. McCormick.