The Writings of Carl Schurz/To George F. Edmunds, February 27th, 1886

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New York, Feb. 27, 1886.

Accept my thanks for the copy of your report which you had the kindness to send me. I suppose the resolutions recently passed by the National Civil Service Reform League have been forwarded to you. The first three of them recommending publicity in all things connected with appointments and removals seem to me entitled to especial consideration. In my whole legislative and executive experience I have never known a case of removal in which it would not have been perfectly feasible and proper to put the reasons for such removal (provided they were proper ones) upon record, nor a nomination which might not have been discussed and voted upon in open, just as well as in secret session of the Senate. And what I know of the public service convinces me very strongly that the treatment of all recommendations and other papers concerning appointments or removals as public documents, part of the public records, would be a great reform in itself.

I am also convinced that the moral authority of the Senate with regard to the appointment and removal question is very seriously impaired by the secrecy of its proceedings and that the influence for good of the best elements in it would be greatly strengthened by opening its doors. Would not the present occasion be a most proper and auspicious one for so important a step in the right direction?