The Writings of Carl Schurz/To J. F. Potter, March 17th, 1860

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Columbus, O., March 17, 1860.

My dear Friend: I have just taken a survey of the State of Indiana; a hard State, but I think we can carry it if proper exertions are used. There is a strong Fillmore element there, which is now just what it was in 1856, and I am assured by reliable men that it will be exceedingly difficult to unite that element with the Republican party. The Bates movement is dead in that State: it has worked only mischief and nothing else. All true Republicans seem to have turned their backs from [on] it. From what I have seen there I am led to believe that we can turn about ten thousand German votes that were formerly Democratic,—perhaps a great many more. That, it seems to me, is the only way to carry the State. There is a very strong demand there for the German translation of my Springfield speech; the Indiana members ought to send a good supply to the southern districts of their State. I have tried to establish a system of correspondence all over the State, and I think that after the National Convention we shall get the machine in good working order. Please let me know what the feeling in regard to the Presidential candidates is in Congressional circles. Seward seems to be gaining everywhere. It will require much hard work to carry Indiana and Illinois for him, but still I think it can be done.