The Writings of Carl Schurz/To Moorfield Storey, November 1st, 1891

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New York, Nov. 1, 1891.

I have read your speech with great attention and interest. It is admirable. I agree with you in the opinion that if the Independents can, by united action, do anything to secure Cleveland's nomination for the Presidency by the Democrats next year, it should by all means be done. The question is—what?

As you will remember, we had such a manifestation of independent sentiment in 1876—the “Fifth Avenue Hotel Conference.” That conference may have contributed a little towards Blaine's defeat in the Republican National Convention of that year, but it certainly did not effect the nomination of the candidate we had in view, Mr. Bristow. We had a similar manifestation at a Washington Birthday dinner in Brooklyn in 1884, which was directed against both Blaine and Arthur. It had no effect at all.

I do not mean to say that a similar demonstration in favor of Cleveland some time before the National Conventions are held would be likewise without the desired effect. But it is carefully to be considered what shape that demonstration is to take. It seems to me that we should have a meeting of a few men say four or five weeks hence to discuss that question confidentially among themselves, and I shall be glad to be one of the number. Will you not visit New York one of these days? It would give me very great pleasure to talk the matter over with you.