The Writings of Carl Schurz/To O. C. Bryson, December 22d, 1873

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Washington, Dec. 22, 1873.

I have received your letter of the 17th inst. asking me to use my influence with the Administration to obtain for you the appointment as postmaster at Louisiana [Missouri].

There are several reasons why I cannot comply with your request. In the first place, I have no influence with the Administration. In the second place, my opinions on the civil service are such as to render it impossible for me to advocate the removal of an incumbent merely for the purpose of putting in another man on political grounds. In the third place, I think a newspaper editor should take care to preserve his independence and therefore not accept an official position in which an expression of his true convictions might seriously embarrass him. As an organ of public opinion a newspaper ought to be as independent as possible. As you state in your letter, you are a young man, and I have no doubt that in the course of your life you will find this good advice.