The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Quartus/Fable 10

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Numbered 151 in the Perry Index. Translated from French by William Caxton and first published in 1484. Click here to create an annotated version of this text.

3810140The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Quartus — Fable 10: The Asse and the LyonWilliam Caxton

¶ The tenthe fable is of the asse and of the lyon

THe grete callers by theyr hyghe and lowd crye supposen to make folke aferd / As recyteth this fable / Of an asse whiche somtyme mette with a lyon / to the whiche the asse sayd / lette vs clymme vpon the montayne / and I shalle shewe to the / how the beestes ben aferd of me / and the lyon beganne to smyle / and he ansuerd to the asse / Goo we my broder / And whan they were on the top of the hylle / the asse byganne to crye / And the foxe and hares beganne to flee / And whanne thasse saw them flee sayd to the lyon / Seest thow not how these beestes dreden and doubten me / and the lyon sayde / I had ben also[errata 1] ferdfull of thy voys / yf I had not knowen veryly that thow arte but an asse /  ¶ And therfore men nede not doubte ne drede hym that auanceth hym self for to do that that he may not doo / For god kepe the [errata 2] fro the wulues / Ne also men nede not doubte a foole for his menaces / ne for his hyghe crye

  1. Original: aso was amended to also: detail
  2. Original: mone was amended to : detail