The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Other Aesop's/Fable 13

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Numbered 173 in the Perry Index. Click here to create an annotated version of this text.

¶ The xiij fable is of a carpenter

IN as moche as god is more propyce and benygne to the good and holy / moche more he punyssheth the wycked and euylle / As we may see by this fable / Of a carpenter whiche cutte wode vpon a Ryuer for to make a temple to the goddes / And as he cutte wode / his axe felle in the Ryuer / wherfore he beganne to wepe and to calle helpe of the goddes / And the god Mercurye for pyte appiered before hym And demaunded of hym wherfore he wepte / and shewed to hym an axe of gold / and demaunded of hym yf hit was the axe whiche he had lost / & he sayd nay / And after the god shewed to hym another axe of syluer / And semblably said nay And by cause that Mercurius sawe that he was good and trewe / he drewe his axe oute of the water / and took hit to hym with moche good that he gaf to hym / And the carpenter told thystory to his felawes / of the whiche one of them came in to the same place for to cutte woode as his felawe dyd before / & lete falle his axe within the water / and beganne / to wepe and to demaund the helpe and ayde of the goddes / And thenne Mercury appiered to tore hym / and shewed to hym an axe of gold / and demaunded of hym in suche manere / Is the same hit that thow hast lost / And he ansuerd to Mercury / ye fayre syre and myghty god the same is it / And Mercury seynge the malyce of the vylayne gaf to hym neyther the same ne none other / and lefte hym wepynge / For god whiche is good and Jurt rewarded the good and trewe in this world / or eche other after his deserte and punyssheth the eyylle and Iniuste