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The humourous adventures of Jump Jim Crow/Jim Crow's personal history

From Wikisource


I come from ole Kentucky, a long time ago,
When I first larnt to wheel about, and jump Jim Crow,
I us'd to take him fiddle, eb'ry morn and arternoon,
And charm de ole buzzard, and dance to de racoon

Veel about and turn about,
And do jis so;
Eb'ry time I veel abont,
I jump Jim Crow.

At hoeing of de sugar, or picking cotton, all de same
I us'd to beat de oder niggers, and give dem twenty in de game;
At last I went to seek my fortune, got up by break day
Left my old shoes behind me, and off I ran away.
Veel about, &c.

I came to a riber, which I couldn't get across,
So gib a couple of shillings for an old blind horse
When I got up de oder side, I drove him up a hill,
Oh, but de oder side look'd rather daffakil.
Den 1 jump aboard on big ship, and cum across o (illegible text) sea,
And landed on ole England, where de nigger a (illegible text) free.
Veel about, &c.