The women come and the women go ...

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The women come and the women go ... (1928)
by Robert E. Howard

From a letter to Tevis Clyde Smith, ca. December 1928; sometimes titled "The Slayer"

1894279The women come and the women go ...1928Robert E. Howard

The women come and the women go

As sea winds shift the sand,

But God, to feel the red blood flow

And burn my groping hand.

Oh, God, to tear the hot souls free

As fly the keeling gulls,

To watch, as blossoms from a tree,

Brains fall from cloven skulls,

And blood—to fly in crimson spray

And fall like scarlet sleet.

Oh God, to feel the skulls give way

And break beneath my feet.

Oh, God, the fire inside my brain,

The ice within the fire,

The gods that built the loins of Cain

From brass and golden mire.

Oh Thor of Nadir and the night

The iron oxen low

The hand you laid upon the height

Has seen the ages go.

But I will work a fiery spell

Till suns of Tigris burst,

Blow hard, long iron trumps of Hell,

I sing of stars accurst.