Things Mother Used to Make/Eggs

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Things Mother Used to Make (1922)
by Lydia Maria Gurney
2615138Things Mother Used to Make — Eggs1922Lydia Maria Gurney


To Boil Eggs

Put your eggs into a bowl which can be sent to the table. Pour boiling water over them and let stand eight or ten minutes. It is essential that the water be boiling. This way of boiling eggs, though so simple, is going out of fashion, unfortunately, as it makes a wonderful difference in the appearance of the egg when broken open, and above all, in its digestibility. Eggs should never be boiled in any other way for invalids.

Eggs on Toast

Toast as many slices of bread as desired. Butter well and pour over these just enough salted water to soften. Have ready a dish of boiling water. Stir it round and round with a spoon or fork, break the egg and drop into this swirling water. Remove from the water in from four to six minutes, as preferred, and place one on each slice of bread. Serve hot, with a dash of pepper, if liked.

Plain Omelette

2 Eggs Pinch of Salt
2 Teaspoonfuls of Water

Beat whites and yolks separately. Put together, salt, and add water. Pour onto a hot buttered frying pan and fry one side until it is puffed up, then turn half over and serve at once.

Ham Omelette

Make a plain omelette and add two-thirds of a cupful of chopped boiled ham. Pour into the hot frying pan and cook both sides.

New England Poached Eggs

4 Eggs Butter the size of a
8 Tablespooufuls of Milk Walnut
½ Teaspoonful of Salt

Break the eggs into a sauce pan with milk, salt and butter. Cook until they thicken, stirring constantly. Remove from fire before it wheys. Serve hot with a dash of pepper.