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Thom's Irish Who's Who/Craig, Lieut.-Col. The Right Hon. Sir James

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Thom's Irish Who's Who
Craig, Lieut.-Col. The Right Hon. Sir James
2940222Thom's Irish Who's Who — Craig, Lieut.-Col. The Right Hon. Sir James

CRAIG, Lieut.-Col. The Right Hon. Sir James, Baronet (Unit. Kgd.. 1918). P.C. (1921) (M.P. for Co. Down, Northern Parliament of Ireland, from 1921); First Prime Minister of Northern Ireland from 7th July, 1921; is a J.P. for City of Belfast; D.L. for Co. Down; served in S. Africa, 1900-02, with Ulster Yeo. and Irish Horse; A.A. and Q.M.G., 36th (Ulster) Div., 1914-15. Is an Associate of the Institute of Naval Architects; Treas. of the Household. Dec, 1916 to 1918; Parly. Sec. to Min. of Pensions, 1919-20; Parly. and Financial Sec. to Admiralty, 1920-21; M.P. for E. Down. 1908-18, and for Mid. Down, 1918-21: sixth son of late James Craig, Esq., J.P., of Craigavon: b. 1871; m. 1905, Cecil, dau. of Sir Daniel Tupper, M.V.O., has issue two sons and 1 dau. Res.: Prime Minister's Residence, Belfast, Ulster. Clubs: Carlton; Constitutional London; Friendly Brothers' House, Dublin; Ulster, Belfast.