Thom's Irish Who's Who/Dixon, Henry Horatio

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2946454Thom's Irish Who's Who — Dixon, Henry Horatio

DIXON, Henry Horatio, D.Sc, F.R.S., 1908: Professor of Botany in the University of Dublin, 1904; Director of Trinity College Botanic Gardens, 1906: Keeper of the Herbarium, Trinity College, Dublin, 1910. Educ: Rathmines School; Trinity College, Dublin; University of Bonn. Assistant to the Professor of Botany, Dublin University, 1892-1904; Member of the Council of the Royal Dublin Society, 1908; Member of the Board of Visitors of the Science and Art Museum, and the Royal Botanic Gardens, 1911; Member of the Council of Trustees of the National Library of Ireland, 1914; Member of the Committee of the Imperial Bureau of Mycology, 1918; awarded the Boyle medal of the Royal Dublin Society, 1917. Pubns; Transpiration and the ascent of sap in Plants, 1914: papers contributed to the Royal Society, Royal Dublin Society, and the Royal Irish Academy, chifly on Vegetable Physiology and Histology. Recns.: yachting and cycling; son of George Dixon and Rebecca, dau. of George Yeates; b. Dublin; m. 1907, Dorothea Mary, dau. of late Sir John H. Franks, C.B.; issue, two sons. Res.: School of Botany, Trinity College, and Clevedon, Temple Road, Dublin.