Thom's Irish Who's Who/Kennedy, Sir Robt. John

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Robert John Kennedy

3198717Thom's Irish Who's Who — Kennedy, Sir Robt. John

KENNEDY, Sir Robt. John, K.C.M.G. (1913), C.M.G. (1887), M.A. (Oxon.): Knight of Grace, Order of St. John; D.L., J.P., Co. Down (High Sheriff, 1915): a Governor of Royal Belfast Academical Institution and of Campbell College; was Attaché at Madrid, 1874-6: 2nd Sec. at St. Petersburg, 1879-81; Constantinople, 1881-8; Acting Diplomatic Agent in Bulgaria, 1882-4; Acting Chargé d'Affaires in Roumania. 1886-8; Sec. of Legation at Teheran, 1888-93; Chargé d'Affaires, Montenegro, 1893-7; Min. Resident, 1897-1906; Min. Resident and Con.-General Uruguay, 1906-10; Envoy Extra, and Min. Plen. to Uruguay, 1910-13; only surviving son of late R. S. Kennedy, of Cultra, Co. Down; b. 1851; m. 1883, Hon. Bertha Ward (Hon. Lady Kennedy), Lady of Grace, Order of St. John, dau. of 5th Viscount Bangor. Res.: Cultra Manor, Craigavad, Co. Down. Clubs: Ulster, and Royal North of Ireland Yacht.