Transactions of the Geological Society, 1st series, vol. 1/List of Donations

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From its Establishment in November, 1807,
to the Close of the Fourth Session in June, 1811,

together with the dates at which they were respectively made,
and the



I. Donations to the Library.
1808. donations. donors
Dec. 2. A Letter on the Alterations that have taken place in the structure of rocks on the surface of the Basaltic Country in the Counties of Derry and Antrim, from William Richardson, D.D. to Humphry Davy, Esq. Sec. R.S.–From the Philosophical Transactions for 1808. London, 4° Humphry Davy, Esq.
Mars. 3. Traité complet de la chaux Carbonatée et de l'Arragonite, auquel on a joint une introduction à la minéralogie en général, une théorie de la crystallisation, et son application, ainsi que celle du calcul, à la détermination des formes crystallines de ces deux substances. Par M. le comte de Bournon, Membre de la Société Royale de Londres, &c. En trois Volumes. Londres, 1808. 4° M. le Comte de Bournon, Foreign Sec. G. Soc.
1809. donations. donors
Mar. 8. A System of Mineralogy, by Robert Jameson, Regina Professor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh, &c. Vol. 1, 2, 3. Edinburgh, 1804, 1805, 1808. 8° Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
April 7. Outlines of an attempt to establish a knowledge of Extraneous Fossils on scientific principles; by Wm. Martin, F.L.S. Macclesfield, 1809. The late Mr. Wm. Martin, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Nov. 1. Descriptions and Figures of Petrifactions found in the quarries and gravel pits near Bath, collected and drawn by John Walcott, Esq. Bath. 8° Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
A Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy, with an account of the processes employed in many of the most important Chemical Manufactures, &c. illustrated with 15 Engravings; by A. and C. R. Aikin. London, 1807. 2 Vols. 4° Mr. William Phillips, Memb. G. Soc.
11. Traité des caractéres extérieurs des Fossiles, traduit de l'Allemand de M. A. G. Werner; par le Traducteur des Memoires de Chymie de Scheele. Dijon, 1790. 8° Robert Bingley, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Catalogue methodique et raisonné de la Collection des Fossiles de Mlle Eléonore de Raab; par M. de Born. Vienne, 1790. 2 Tomes. 8°
Essai sur l'Etude de la Minéralogie, avec application particulière au Sol Francais, &c.; par Rozin. Bruxelles. 12°
The Natural History of the Hartz Forest. Translated from the German of H. Behrens, M.D. London, 1730. 8°
A System of Mineralogy, formed chiefly on the plan of Cronstedt; by J. G. Schmeisser, F.R.S. 1794-5. 2 Vols. 8°
Dec. 18. Organic Remains of a Former World; by James Parkinson, of Hoxton. Vol. I. and II. London, 1804—1808. 4° James Parkinson, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Mar. 2. The Translation of a Memoir on the Mineralogical Geography of the Environs of Paris; by Messrs. Cuvier and Brongniart. From the Philosophical Magazine for Jan. 1810. 8• Mr. John Farey.
April 6. Traité des Pierres Précieuses, des Porphyres, &c.; par C. Prosper Brard. Paris, 1808. 2 Vols. 8° M. Lainé, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Introduction a l'Histoire Naturelle et à la Géographie Physique de l'Espagne. Traduite de l'original Espagnol de Guillaume Bowles; par le Vicomte de Flavigny. Paris, 1776. 8° Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
1810. donations. donors
May 4. An Account of some German Volcanos, and their productions, with a new hypothesis of the prismatical Basaltes; by R. E. Raspe. London, 1776. 8° Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
June 1. A Description of the Strata of the Grampians from the plains of Kincardineshire to the summit of Mount Battoc; by Lieut. Col. Imrie, F.R.S. Ed. From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. 4° Lieut. Col. Imrie, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Remarks on a Mineral from Greenland, supposed to be Crystallized Gadolinite; by Thomas Allan, Esq. F.R.S. Ed. From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Vol. 4° Thomas Allan, Esq. Hon, Mgmb, G. Soc,
Nov. 2. Voyage aux Iles de Lipari fait en 1781, ou Notices sur les Iles Eoliennes pour servir à l'Histoire des Volcans; par M. le Commandeur Déodat de Dolomieu. Paris, 1783. 8° G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
Mémoire sur les Iles Ponces, et Catalogue raisonné des produits de l'Etna, pour servir à l'Histoire des Volcans.; par M. le Comte Déodat de Dolomieu. Paris, 1788. 8°
Sur la Philosophie Minéralogique, et sur l'Espèce Minéralogique; par le Citoyen D. Dolomieu. Paris, 1801. 8°
The First Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the Nature and Extent of the several Bogs in Ireland, and the practicability of draining and cultivating them. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, June 1810. 8° E, I. Grimh, Esq. Memb, G, Soc.
An Essay toward a Natural History of the Earth, and Terrestrial Bodies, specially Minerals, &c. ; by John Woodward, M.D. London, 1695. 8° G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
The Sacred Theory of the Earth; by Burnet. London, 1719. 2 Vols. 8°
The Figure of the Earth determined from observations made by order of the French King at the Polar Circle. Translated from the French of M. de Maupertius. London, 1738. 8°
Des Herrn Jac. Fried. von der Null Mineralien-Kabinet, nach einem, durchaus auf äussere Kennzeichen gegründeten Systcme geordnet, beschrieben, und als Handbuch der Oryctognosie brauchbar gemacht von F. Mobs. Wien. 1804. 2 Vols. 8• Robert Ferguson, Esq, Vice Pres G. soc.
Minéralogie, ou description générale des substances du règne Minéral; par M. J. G. Wallerius, ouvrage traduit de l'Allemand Paris, 1753. 2 Tomes. 8°
Lehrbuch der Mineralogie nach des Herrn O. B. R. Karsten Mmeralogischen Tabellen ausgeführt von F. A. Reuse. Leipsig, 1801. 8°
1810. donations. donors
Nov. 2. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie, von L.A. Emmerling. Geissen, 1799. 2 Vols. 8° Robert Ferguson, Esq. Vice Pres. G. S.
Lexicon Mineralogicum, auctore F. A. Reuss, Curiæ Regnitianæ, 1798 8°
Introduction aux Observations sur la Physique, sur l'Histoire Naturelle et sur les Arts; par M. l'Abbé Rozier. Paris, 1777. 2 Tomes. 4•
Observations sur la Physique, sur l'Histoire Naturelle, et sur les Arts; par M. l'Abbé Rozier, Paris, 1773-17 93. 43 Tomes. 4°
Journal de Physique, de Chimie et d'Histoire Naturelle ; par J. C. Lamétherie. Paris, 1793 to 1809. 25 Tomes. 4•
Transactions of the Dublin Society, Vol. II. Part II. 1801. Vol. III. 1802. Vol. IV. 1804. Vol. V. 1805. 8° Dublin Society.
Journal des Mines, Nos. 108 to 142. Paris. 8° M. le Comte de Bournon, For. Sec. G. Soc.
De la Tydologie, ou de la science des Marées; par le Chevalier de Sade. Premiére Partie. Londres, 1810. 8° Le Chevalier de Sade.
The Miner's Guide, or Complete Miner, containing the articles and customs of the High Peak and Wapentake of Wirksworth, Derbyshire, &c. Wirksvvorth, 1810. 8° G. B. Greenongh, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
16. Torberni Bergman Opuscula Physica et Chemica. Holmiæ, 1779. 5 Vols. 8° Francis Horner, Esq. Memb. G. Soc;
Mineralogical Observations made in the Environs of Boston in 1807 and 1808; by S. Godon, Esq. F.A.A. From the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. S. Godon, Esq.
Dec. 7. The Elements of Experimental Chemistry; by Wm. Henry, M.D. F.R.S. &c. 6th Edition. Hon. Memb. G. Soc. London, 1810. 2 Vols. 8° William Henry, M.D. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Feb. 1. Uber die Bildung des Erdballes und ins Besondere uber das Lehrgebäude des Herrn de Luc. Von J. A. H. Reimarus. Hamburg, 1802. 12° J. F. Berger, M.D.. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Geognostisch—Geologische Aufsätze. Von H. Steffens. Hamburg, 1810. 8°
15. Reise durch Norwegen und Lappland. Von Leopold von Buch. 2 Vols. Berlin, 1810. 12•
Mar. 1. Georgii Agricolæ de Re Metallica, Libri XII. pc. Basiliæ, 1657. folio Memb. G. Soc. Rev. J. Conybeare, Memb. G. Soc.
15. An Alphabetical List of the Altitudes of the Stations, and several other remarkable hills, computed from the observations made in the course of the Trigonometrical Survey. London, 1811. 4° Lieut. Col. Mudge, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
1811. donations. donors
April 5. Voyages dans les Alpes; par de Saussure. Neuchatel, 1770 et 1796. 4 Tomes. 4° Joseph Cary, Esq. as Executor of the late Pascal Garnier, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
A Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts; by William Nicholson. London, Vol. 1 to 25. Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
The Natural History of the Earth, illustrated, enlarged, and defended by John Woodward, M.D. ; translated by Benjamin Holloway, LL.B. London, 1726. 8• J. F. Berger, M. D. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
June 7. Observations on Mineralogical Systems; by Richard Chenevix, Esq. F.R.S. &c. ; translated from the French by a Member of the Geological Society; to which are now added, Remarks by Mr. Chenevix on the Reply of M. D'Aubuisson to the above Observations. London, 1811. 8° The Translator.
Traité de Minéralogie ; par Haüy, en cinq Volumes dont un contient 80 Planches. Paris, 1801. 8° James Laird, M. D. Sec. G. Soc.
A Comparative View of the Huttonian and Neptunian Systems of Geology. Edinburgh, 1802.
Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts; by William Nicholson. Vols. 26, 27,28; and Nos. 131 and 132 of Vol. 29. London. 8• Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
21. Recherches sur les Volcans Eteints du Vivarais et du Velay, avec un discours sur les Volcans brulans, des Mémoires analytiques sur les Schorls, &c.; par M. Faujas de Saint Fond. Grenoble 1778. folio William Babington, M. D. Vice Pres. G. Soc.


II. Donations to the Collection of Maps, Sections, &c.

1808. donations. donors
Feb. 5. A Section of the Strata at St. Anthon's Colliery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. &c.
A Plan of the Workmgs in the Low Main Coal, St. Anthon's Colliery.
A Section of the Strata at the Lead Mines at Alston Moor and Dufton Fells.
May 6. A Section of the Strata at the Tunnel under the Thames at Rotherhithe. Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
June 3. A Section of a Coal-pit near Newcastle-under-Line, Staffordshire. Alexander Jaffray, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
A Map of the Hartz District. G. B. Greenough, Esq.Pres. G. Soc.
Nov. 4. A Map of Scotland, coloured, according to the Wernerian Rock Formations. M. L. A. Necker, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
1809. donations. donors
Jan. 6. A Plan of the Whin-dyke at Walker Colliery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Hon. Memb. G. Soc. Mr. John Hill, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
An engraved Plan of the Rivers Tyne and Wear, with the Collieries thereon, &c. The Rev. W. Tamer, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
An engraved Section of the Strata at St. Anthon's Colliery, Newcastle-upon. Tyne.
March 3. A Section of the Fuller's Earth Pits, near Reigate. The Rev. E. I. Burrow, Memb. G. Soc.
Drawings illustrative of Dr. R.Richardson's Paper on the Basaltic Country of Derry and Antrim. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres, G. Soc.; and Wm. Babington, M. D. Vice Pres. G. Soc.
A Section of the Strata in the Limestone. Pits at Turnditeh in the Parish of Duflield, County of Derby; and of the Strata at the Lime-Works at Mercaston in the Parish of Mugginton in the same County. The Rev. John Wood.
A Drawing of the Grauwaeke Rocks at Fass Castle, Berwickshire. E. I. Gritlith, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
A Section of a Salt Mine at Northwich in Cheshire. Henry Holland, Esq. Memb G. Soc.
A Model Illustrative of Stratification. Wm. Atkinson, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
June 2. An engraved Plan of the Tunnel under the Thames. G. B. Greenongh, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
Geological Maps of the Counties of Devon and Cornwall. M. L. A. Necker, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Sections of the Island of Heligoland. J. Mac Culloch, M. D. Memb. G. Soc.
Nov. 1. Sections of Pentewau, Carron, and Tregony Stream-Works. Wm. Rashleigh, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
A Section of a Clay-pit near Swanage, Dorsetshire. Wm. Babington, M. D. Vice Pres. G. Soc.
A Model of a portion of the Lowran Mountain near Loch Ken in the County of Kirkcudbright, illustrative of the formation of Mineral Veins, &c. Sir James Hall, Bart.
A Section of Mill. Fiold Collieries, near Bilston, Staffordshire. Mr. Sowerby, Memb. G. S.
Rocque's Map of England and Wales. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
Cary's County Maps of England. Wilson Lowry, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Ainslie's large Map of Scotland, with the Coal District laid down, as ascertained by the several workings mentioned in the Statistical Reports. Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
Taylor's Map of Ireland. Wm. Babington, M. D. Vice Pres. G. Soc.
Jun. 4. A Plan illustrative of the Situation of a Goldmine in a Calcareous Rock in the neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro. Mr. John Mawe.
1810. donations. donors
Jan 5. A Section of a Coal-pit at Ashby Wolds, Leicestershire Mr. Farey
Views of Scure-Eigg in the Island of Eigg, of the Island of Stalls, and of the Parallel Roads of Glenroy. James Skene, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Feb. 2. An engraved Section of the Bath Easton Colliery. Thomas Mead, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
A Drawing of a Fossil Madrepore found in Milford Lane near Bath.
May 4. A Section of the Sandstone Strata in the new cut for the river Avon at Bristol. G. Cumberland, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
A Section of the Strata of the Main-Coal-Field in the County of Clackmanan. Robert Bald, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
A Profile of the County of Clackmanan from the summit of the Wood-hill of Alva, Ochil Hills, southward to the Forth. Also a Section of the Strata and great Slips.
June 1. A Section of the Grampian Hills accompanying Lieut. Col. Imrie's Paper, from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, with additions. Lieut. Col. Imrie, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
A Section of the Strata met with in digging a well at Twyford near Acton, Middlesex. W. Atkinson, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Two Drawings executed at Naples, representing the Eruption of Vesuvius in 1794. W. Babington, M. D. Vice Pres. G. Soc.
Nov. 2. A Drawing of the Limestone Cliffs at Lydstop, near Fenby. J. Mac Culloth, M. D. Memb. G. Soc.
A Copy of a Section of the Strata between London and Brighton, by Mr. Farey. G. B. Greeuough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
A Copy of a Section, by Mr. Farey, of the principal Strata in England, between the Coast of Lincolnshire, and Ashover in Derbyshire.
A Copy of a Section, by Mr. Farcy, of the Strata between Wigley in Derbyshire, and the borders of Nottinghamshnre.
A Copy of a Section of the Country between Hamburgh and Switzerland.
A Perspective Plan, and Section of a Coal-work near Weduesbury, Staffordshire.
A Section of Bradley Mine near Bilston, Statford shire.
A coloured Print of the Gold Mines, County of Wicklow. W. H. Pepys, Esq. Treas. G. Soc.
A Copy of the Charts and Plans referred to in Mr. Telford's Report and Survey on the Communication between England and Ireland by Scotland. Laid before the Committee of the House of Commons. Sir Abr. Hume, Bart. Vice Pres. G. Soc.
A Chart of the English Channel. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
Jan. 18. Models of the two remarkable Topazes found in Aberdeenshire, and of some other Crystals. Wm. Fitton, M. D.
1811. donations. donors
Feb. 15. A Manuscript Map of the Mine District in Flintshire. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
Mar. 15. Dobree's Maps of the Channel Islands, in three sheets. A. Jaffray, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
April 5. Part the First of the General Survey of England and Wales, containing the whole of Essex, &c. Done by the Surveyors of Has Majesty's Ordnance under the direction of Lieut. Col. Mudge, of the Royal Artillery, F.R.S. Lieut. Col. Mudge, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Part the Second of the General Survey of England and Wales, containing the whole of Devon, &c. &c.
June 7. Three Maps of the Neapolitan Territory, of the Town of Naples, and of the Neapolitan Coast. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
A Map of Kent, by F aden, on a reduced scale, from the Ordnance Survey of that County.

III Donations to the Cabinet of Minerals


1808. donations. donors
Feb. 5. Specimens of the Strata referred to in the Section of St. Anthon's Colliery, Newcastle upon Bart Tyne. Rt. Hon. Sir. J. Banks, K. B. &c.
May 6. A collection of rock specimens formed at Freyberg, and illustrative of the Wernerian System of arrangement. J. H. Vivian, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from the Coal-mine at Coley-hill near Newcastle upon Tyne. N. Winch, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
A specimen of Native Concrete Boracic Acid, from the Lipari Islands. The late W. Meuish, M.P. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Rock specimens from Scotland. G. B. Greenough, Esq.Pres. G. Soc.
Specimens from the Tunnel at Rotherhithe, and from the neighbourhood of Greenwich. Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec G. Soc.
Specimens from the sinking of a well at Lord Spencer's, Wimbledon. Rt. Hon. Sir J. Banks, Bart. K B. &c.
June 2. A Collection of specimens of the Hartz Rocks, by Lasius. Wm. Babington, M.D. Vice-Pres. G. Soc.
Geological Specimens from Otahcite, &c.
Specimens of the Strata found in sinking a Coal-mine in the neighbourhood of Newcastle under line Alex. Jalfray, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Kimerldge Coal, &c Mr. Sowerhy, Memb. G. Soc.
Nov. 4. Specimens of Swedish rocks from the neighbourhood of Gottenbnrg, &c. James Franck, M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Wiltshire, Somersetshire, &c. Thos. Meade, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Cornwall, Sussex, &c. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
1809. donations. donors
Nov. 4. Specimens from Kent and Surry. Leonard Horner, Esq. Sec. G. Soc.
Specimens from Sussex. Mr. Herbert, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Ireland, Scotland and Wales. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
Wm. Babington, M.D. Vice. Pres. G. Soc.
Specimens from the neighbourhood of Dudley. Mr. Ryan.
Dec. 2. A Specimen of Fossil Wood from Bedfordshire. Rt. Hon. Sir Jos. Banks, Bart. K.B. &c.
A Collection of Specimens from Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Scotland. J. F. Berger, M D. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Ireland. H. Edgeworth, M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Ireland. Mr. Ryan.
Jan. 6. Specimens of the Whin-dyke and contiguous Strata at Walker Colliery, Newcastle upon Tyne The Rev. Wm. Turner, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
March 8. A Fossil Elephant's Tusk, Tooth and Bone, found in a gravel pit near Bath. Jos Wilkinson, Esq. Hon. Mcmb. G. Soc.
April 7. A Collection of Fossil Shells from the coast of Sussex. Rt. Hon. Sir Jos. Banks, Bart. K.B. &c.
A Specimen of Native Sulphur from Sicily. Wm. Babington, M.D. Vice-Pres. G. Soc.
May 5. Specimens of the Strata from a Rockpsalt Mine at Northwich, Cheshire. Henry Holland, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of the Rock-salt from Northwich, in illustration of Mr. Holland's account of that district. James Laird, M D. Sec. G. Soc.
Specimens of the rocks at Malta. Capt. Beaufort, R. N. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
June 2. Specimens of the Strata in the Island of Heligoland. John Mac Culloch, M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
Nov. 3 A collection of Specimens from the counties of Devon and Cornwall. M. L. A. Necker, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from the Stream. Works of Pentewan, duc Cornwall. Wm. Rashleigh, Esq.Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from a Clay-pit near Savanage, Dorsetshire. Wm. Babington, M.D. Vice-Pres. G. Soc.
Specimens of Wood, and other remains from the new cut for the river Avon at Bristol. Rob. Lovell, M.D. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Granite and of other rocks from the coast of New-York. Wm. Babington, M.D. Vice-Pres. G. Soc.
Specimens of Copper ore and of Lead ore from Boss Island in the Lake of Killarney.
Specimens from Scotland, and from the counties of Cornwall and Kent. Mr. Rich. Phillips, Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Staffs, &c. Wm. Macmichael, M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
1809. donations. donors
Nov. 3. Specimens from the Malvern Hills. Alex. Jaffray, Esq, Memb. G. Soc.
A large mass of Marble from Tiree, one of the Hebrides. Mr. Sowerby, Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Limestone from the quarries of Crich, Derbyshire. The Rev. John Wood.
Specimens of various Fossil Remains from Wiltshire and Somersetshire. Thos. Meade, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Dec. 1. A Specimen of the Fossil Alcyonium found at Farringdon, Berkshire. Mr. Sowerby, Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Northamptonshire, &c. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
Jan. 5. Specimens from the vicinity of Bristol, &c. Mr. Herbert, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Jan. 5. A Specimen of Worm-Eaten Wood petrified, found in the Sand under the Fuller's Earth, near Woburn, Bedfordshire. Mr. Farey
Specimens of Granite, Gossan, &c. from Cornwall, in illustration of Mr. Phillips's Account of the Arseniated Iron, and Red Oxyd of Copper. Mr. William Phillips, Mem. G. Soc.
A Collection of Rock Specimens from the vicinity of Rio de Janeiro. Mr. John Mawe.
A Collection of Volcanic Products from the Lipari Islands, containing Specimens of crystallized William Saunders, M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
Sulphur and of Native Boracic Acid.
Feb. 2. Specimens from the Isle of Shepey, &c. Mr. Herbert, Hon. Memb G. Soc.
Ashes collected on the deck of a Ship 70 miles from Etna during the eruption of that mountain in March, 1809. William Williams, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
April 6. A Series of Specimens from the Counties of Cornwall and Devon. J. F. Berger, M.D. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
A Specimen of Natrolite in its Matrix from Hoen-Twiel, near the Lake of Constance. M. Lainé, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
May 4. A Series of Specimens from Clackmananshire, illustrative of the Stratification of the Coal district of that County. Mr. Rob. Bald, Hon. Mem. G. Soc.
Specimens of the Sandstone Strata in the New Cut for the River Avon at Bristol. G. Cumberland, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
June 1. Specimens of Fossil Shells from the Coast of Sussex. Mr. W. Holloway, Jun.
Specimens of the Rocks of the Island of Guernsey. J. F. Berger, M.D. Hon. Memb. G. Sor.
A Series of Specimens illustrative of Lieut. Col Imrie's Section of the Grampian Hills. Lieut. Col. Imrie, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
A large slab of Marble from Devonshire. W. H. Pepys, Esq. Treas. G. Soc.
A Series of Specimens obtained in sinking a well at Twyford, near Acton, Middlesex. W. Atkinson, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from tho Island of Shepey. M. Lainé, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
1810. donations. donors
Nov. 2. Specimens from the neighbourhood of Oxford, &c. G. B. Greenough, Esq. Pres. G. Soc.
16. Specimens from the Isle of Portland. Wilson Lowry, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Wiltshire and other parts of England. Thos. Meade, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Rio de Janeiro.
Specimens from the district of Minas Geraes, Brazil, &c. Mr. John Mawe.
A Mass of Puddingstone from Hertfordshire. Sir Abr. Hume, Bart. Vice-Pres. G. Soc.
Dec. 7. A Series of Specimens from Somersetshire, Wiltshire, &c. Thos. Meade, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
21. Specimens of Alum Slate in different stages of decomposition from the CampsleHills in Stirlingshire. Francis Horner, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Fossil Bones found at Walton, Essex. Mr. Herbert, Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Jan. 18. A Series of Geological Specimens from the shores of the Baltic. J. F. Berger, M.D. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from a Shaft sunk in Tividale Colliery near Dudley. James Keir, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Feb. 1. Specimens of the Allauite and of the Sodalite from Greenland. Thos. Allan, Esq. Hon. Memb. G. Soc,
A Collection of Specimens from Somersetshire. Thos Meade, Esq. Hon. Memb. Soc.
Specimens of Amygdaloid containing Agates, from the coast of Ayrshire. Robt. Ferguson, Esq. Vice-Pres. G. Soc.
15. Specimens from the neighbourhood of Liverpool. Rich. Bright, Jun. Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
March 1. A Series of specimens from Shropshire, in illustration of Mr. Aikin's account of the great Coal-field of that County. Arthur Aikin, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
15. A Series of Specimens illustrative of the Mineralogy of the Malvern Hills. Leonard Horner, Esq.Sec. G. Soc.
Specimens of Fossil Teredines from the Isle of Shepey. H. Warburton, Esq. Memb. G. Sec.
A Specimen of Fossil Teredo found in the Archway at Highgate. David Ricardo, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
April 5. Specimens of Actinolite and some other Minerals from Scotland. Robt. Ferguson, Esq.Vice. Pres. G. Soc.
A Series of Specimens from the Isle of Wight. J. F. Berger, M.D. Hon. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from various parts of England and G. B. Greenough, Esq. Wales. Pres. G. Soc.
19. A Series of Specimens from the Isle of Purbeck and the Isle of Portland. J. F. Berger, M.D. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from Mowcop, Staffordshire, &c. Alex. Jaffray, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from the Soufriére in the Island of Nevis Arthur Aikin, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
1809. donations. donors
May 3. A Series of Specimens from Iceland, collected in a Tour through that Country. Richd. Bright, Jun. Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens from High-Cliff in Hampshire. William Young, Esq. Memb. G. Soc.
Specimens of Coal-Blende and of Black Chalk from the County of Tipperary. Alex. Jaffray, Memb. G Soc.
June 7. Specimens from the neighbourhood of Harrogate. Thos. Allan, Esq. Hon. Memb. G Soc.
21. Specimens of different Strahnin Madeira, illustrative of the Sketch of the Geology of that island. The Hon. H. G. Bennett
Specimens of Rocks in North America, collected by Mr. William Maclure, illustrative of his Map and Observations on the Geology of the United States. William Babington, M.D. Vice-Pres. G. Soc.
21. Specimens of the varieties of Sulphate of Strontian found in the neighbourhood of Bristol, and of Limsetone from St. Vincent's Cliffs, &c. James Laird, M.D. Sec. G. Soc.