Translation:Þridde Ǣrendȝeƿrit Iohannes

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For other English-language translations of this work, see 3 John.
Þridde Ǣrendȝeƿrit Iohannes
by John the Apostle, translated from Ancient Greek by Wikisource
689422Þridde Ǣrendȝeƿrit IohannesJohn the Apostle
grc:Ιωάννου Γ

1. Fram þǣm ieldran tō Caius ‏þǣm lēofan, ‏þe ic sōþlīce lufie.

2. Lēof, ic bidde þæt ‏þū spēde on eallum þā þū dēst and sīe hāl, sƿā sƿā þīn sāƿol spēdeþ.

3.For þǣm ic ȝlædode sƿīðe þǣr ȝebrōðru cōmon and ȝecȳðdon ymb þīn sōþ, sƿā sƿā þū ȝǣst on þǣm sōðe.

4. Ic næbbe nāne māran ƿynne þonne þæt ic hīere mīn cildru on þǣm sōðe ȝān.

5. Lēof, þū dēst ȝelēafful ƿeorc on eallum þā þū dēst for þǣm þā þe sind oþþe ȝebrōðru oþþe elemenn.

6. Hīe habbaþ ȝecȳðed ymb þīne lufe fōre þǣm ȝemōte. Þū dō ƿel tō forþsendenne hīe on heora fare in ƿīsan ƿeorþ Ȝodes,

7. for þǣm þe for þǣm Naman forþfōron hīe, nimende nāƿiht fram þǣm Þēodum.

8. Þæs aȝan ƿē inlǣdan sƿelce, sƿā þæt ƿē bēon efenƿyrhtan for þǣm sōðe.

9. Ic aƿrāt þǣm ȝemōte, ac Diotrepes, þe lufaþ tō ƿesenne se forma heora, ne ȝelīefþ þæt ƿē secȝaþ.

10. Þæs, ȝif ic cume, þonne ic ēoƿie his dǣda þe hē dēð, unrihte besprecende ƿiþ ūsic þurh yfel ƿord. Nis hē ȝefyled fram þissum - hē self ne inlǣdeþ þā brōðru; and hē forbēad hīe þe ƿoldon sƿā dōn, and aƿeorpeþ hīe fram þǣm ȝemōte.

11. Lēof, ne æfterhȳra æfter þǣm þe yfel is, ac ǣr æfter þǣm þe ȝōd is. Hē þe dēþ ȝōd is Ȝodes. Hē þe yfel dēþ næfþ nā Ȝod ȝeseƿen.

12. Demetrius hafaþ þā ȝecȳþnesse eallra, and þā ȝecȳþnesse þæs selfan sōðes; ȝēa, ƿē ēac ȝecȳðaþ, and þū ƿāst þæt ūre ȝecȳþness is sōþ.

13. Ic hæfde fela tō ƿrītenne þē, ac ic nille ƿrītan þē þurh bōc and telȝ;

14. ac ic hopie tō sēonne þec hraðe, and ƿē sprecen þonne þurh mūþ. Friþ sīe þē. Þā frīend ȝrētaþ þec. Ȝrēt þū þā frīend namum.